二年级英语上册教案 unit1 lesson3-4(北师大版)


名称 二年级英语上册教案 unit1 lesson3-4(北师大版)
格式 rar
文件大小 13.9KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 北师大版
科目 英语
更新时间 2010-08-17 13:26:00



Unit 1 Hello!
The 3rd period
Teaching Aims:
1.Use the dialogues explain the mind and use it in live.
2.The students like to learn English.
3.The students can be ask and answer in live.
Teaching Emphasis:
1.How can use “What’s your name ” in live. And answer it.
2.Emphasis sentence: what’s your name
My name’s=my name is
Teaching Difficulty:
How can use “What’s your name ” in live. And answer it.
Teaching Medium
T: Have the children open their books at page 6. Draw their attention to the bottom half of the page. Explain that you want them to listen to the tape and touch the correct characters when they hear them say, “Hello!”
S: Play the tape and have the children touch the correct pictures.
T: Display your copy of the page. Point to the fourth picture and say, “Hello. My name’s Lulu”
S: Have the children touch the picture in their books and repeat the words.
T: Repeat the procedure for the other pictures.
T: Ask the children to find a picture of Ann in their books.
Write Ann on the board and say,”this is Ann’s name. Look at the first letter. This letter is called letter A.”
S: Draw the children’s attention to the picture of the thing beginning with Aa (apple).
T: Introduce the letter Bb, Cc, Dd.
Have the children find a picture of Uncle Booky in their books.
Point to the first letter, and say,” look at this letter. This is the letter Bb.”
Repeat the procedure for letters Cc and Dd.
S: Make it.
Step 4:
S: Student book page 79
T: Have children point to the letters Aa, Bb, Cc and Dd.
Teach the students call them “capital” and “small” letters.
Tell them that capital letters are used at the beginning of names.
S: Have the children turn to the black and white copy of Uncle Booky’s ABC. They can trace over the letters Aa, Bb, Cc and Dd and color the picture.
Step 5:
Black board writes:
Aa Bb Cc Dd
Ann apple boy baby cat carrots
deer dog
Color the picture and letters for Aa, Bb, Cc and Dd.
Color the pictures of Ann, Ken, Mocky and Uncle Booky.
The 4th period
Teaching Aims:
1.Use the dialogues explain the mind in live very expertly..
2.Keep the students like to learn English.
3.The students can be ask and answer very expertly in live.
Teaching Emphasis:
1.How can use “What’s your name ” very expertly in live. And answer it.
2. Emphasis letter Aa, Bb, Cc and Dd.
Teaching Difficulty:
1.How can use “What’s your name ” very expertly in live. And answer it.
2.Differentiate the capital and small letter.
3.Teaching Medium:
T: Say, “watch me write the letter A.”
Write a letter A in the air.
S: The students write the letter in the air with teacher.
Repeat for the small letter a.
Follow the same procedure for Bb, Cc and Dd.
Step 2:
S: Draw the children’s attention to the pictures at the bottom half of the page.
T: Play the tape. As the children repeat each word they should point to its beginning letter.
Without the tape, have the children point to each picture in turn and say the beginning sound.
S: Make it.
Step 3:
T: Point to the ‘s of What’s and explain that the apostrophe mark shows that a letter has been left out.
In the same way, review My name’s and introduce My name is.
S: Make it.
T: Have the children open their books at the top of page 9.
Model the structures by reading, for example: Hello! What’s your name My name’s Ken.
Divide the class into two groups. Have one group repeat the questions, and the other group repeats the answers. Use all possible combinations.
Have the groups change places.
Step 4:
Review the sentences from the previous activity.
Draw the children’s attention to the bottom part of the page. Display your copy of the page, and explain that when you point to a character you will ask a child to tell the class what that character would say.
If time allows, children could repeat the activity in pairs or small groups.
Step 5:
Black board writing:
What’s your name = What is your name
my name’s = my name is
Step 6:
Student book page 8
Have the children trace the letters beside the pictures. They can finish the exercise for homework.
Remind the class to finish tracing and writing Aa, Bb, Cc and Dd.
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