Lesson 9 Let’s Go Shopping教学设计
课题: Lesson 9 Let’s Go Shopping 授课年级: Grade 4
教学重点: silk shop, clothes shop, bicycles shop, tire shop, tea shop Let’s go shopping. I want to buy______.
教学难点: to enable Ss to study in co-operate skillfully.
教学目标: 1.Knowledge aims: a. to enable the Ss to understand and speak“silk shop, clothes shop, bicycle shop, tire shop, tea shop b. to help Ss to learn new phrases: Let’s go shopping.I want to buy______.2.Ability aims: a. to develop Ss’abilities of listening and speaking.b. to foster Ss’abilities of communication , their innovationc. to train Ss’abilities of working in groups and to study in co-operate skillfully.3.Moral aims:to foster Ss’consciousnessofgood co-operation annd proper competition.
教学方法: a. Communicative Approach in Presentation b. Task-based Learning Approach in Consolidation.
教具、学具准备: 录音机、单词卡片、并将本课的silk shop, clothes shop等单词贴到教室的墙上,多媒体软件、本课所需实物如丝绸、衣服、自行车、轮胎、和一个茶叶盒等,并放到与之对应的词卡下面
师 生 活 动 设 计 意 图
一、开始上课和复习1.问候:也可在课前与学生自由对话 在问候时使用学生学过的句型:如How are you today What day is it 等。2.歌曲“THE WHEELS ON THE BUS” 听录音,边唱边做动作。3.操练让学生闭上眼睛,起立,教师发指令,学生做动作,彼此不要发生碰撞。Turn right. Turn left. Go straight. Go up the stairs. 当学生做完后,编一个小故事发出指令,也可以由部分同学来完成,并闭上眼睛,例如:You are walking down the street. Turn right. You find a traffic light. It is red. Stop. Turn left. You find a shop. What shop js it Let’s look at together.二、教学”silk shop, clothes shop, bicycle shop, tire shop, tea shop. 1继续复习中的指令,让学生睁开眼睛,问:“What shop is it ”(silk shop) 学生对单词“silk shop”比较生疏,教师可手拿词卡下面的丝绸,问“What’s this ”并教学”silk”,问题“What shop is it ”学生也就能很容易地完成了。2.同样,用做游戏的方法教学“clothes shop, bicycle shop, tire shop, tea shop”,其中,clothes,bicycle,tire,tea”已都接触过,简单讲授即可。3.多媒体教片:Number 1. What is it 教师出示图画和单词,学生跟读,并让学生说出图片上其他东西的名字。4.操练让学生操练有关商店的名称,当教师发出指令时,学生们要指着教室里相应的图画,发出如下指令:Point to a _______. Show me a _______. Let’s go to the ______. 三、教学“Let’s go shopping. I want to buy ______.” 1.角色扮演要求一些自告奋勇的学生站在教室中每个商店图画的下面,给他们每人一个或一些在该商店里所卖的相应的东西,他们假装是每家商店的店员,让另外一个自告奋勇的学生假装和教师一起去购物,教师可使用一些手势使自己的意思表达得清楚、明白。教师:(对全班)I want a new___ .Le t’s go shopping. Let’s go 通过歌曲活跃课堂气氛,调动学生学习的积极性。学生操练方向,为新授内容做铺垫。在新授知识时,我以实物和创设情境的方法引导学生自主学习,收到良好的效果。创设情境,练习对话,让学生置身于其中,提高学习效率。设 计 意 图
shopping. Say it, please, class. 全班:Let’s go shopping. 教师:(对自告奋勇的学生)Let’s go shopping. Where’s the _____shop 学生:(用手指或语言告诉你方向)教师:(走进“商店”对这“店员”说)I want to buy _____. (拿出一些钱)Iwant to buy_____. Say it ,please,class. 全班:Iwant to buy_____. 店员:(递给你某物)Here it is. 教师:(挑了一件物品)I want to buy this_____,please. How much for the_____ How many yuan 店员:_____ yuan. 教师:(给“店员”钱)Thanks. 2.出示多媒体教片,(课本的第二部分),学生跟读,并回答如下问题: What does Jenny want to do What does she want to buy What shop does she want to go to What does Danny want to buy 3.教师将学生分成小组进行角色扮演,告诉他们编一个有关购物的对话,教师巡视,几分钟后检查理解情况。四、结束课堂教学 表演要求自告奋勇的学生在全班面前表演对话。 通过对话及在新的情境中创造性的运用语言交流信息,从此来培养学生运用语言的英语交际的能力。通过有目的的提问,学生能带着问题去学习单词和句子,学生的学习兴趣大幅度的提高了。学生在一堂课中做到动脑,动口,动手在听、说、读、写四个方面都得以训练。
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