Lesson 3 Making Breakfast
教学内容:Lesson 3. Making Breakfast
德育目标:He stays with Jenny’s family and experiences Canadian schooling , food and culture .He also teaches Jenny’s family about Chinese culture .
素质发展目标:Key Concepts: refrigerator, stove, sink, cook, make ,refrigerator
教具准备:课件、 张贴画 、录音机、挂图等。
Class Opening and Review
Review: Play “What time is it ”
Use a drill to review the words.
Play “Draw and guess” to review foods.
Chicken, dumplings, fish, fruit, meat, noodles, rice, soup, vegetables, apple, French fries
Key concepts
1. Introduce:
Demonstrate “refrigerator, stove, sink” with the large vocabulary cards
Match the words with other words that the students know.
What is hot
Is a refrigerator hot
Is this hot
Yes, a stove is hot.
What has water Does stove has water
Yes, a sink has water.
2. Use the student book and audiotape
Review the story so far. Li Ming has come to Canada to stay with Jenny’s family.
Note “mine and yours” in this lesson.
3. Practice:
Divide the class into small groups. Make up a dialogue about making a meal, encourage the students have fun.
Use as much vocabulary as possible from this unit.
4. Use the activity book:
Number 1.
Number 2.
5. Check for understanding
Class closing
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