教学内容 Lesson3: Making Breakfast
教学目标 知识与技能:1.Student can understand read say and practice the dialogue of part 1. 2.Student can understand read and say the things in the house: refrigerator, dishes, stove and sink. 3.Students can understand read say and practice the dill:
What would you like for breakfast I would like_____. 过程与方法: Intrdouce, demonstrate, practice.情感、态度与价值观:培养热爱家庭的感情、爱做家务的习惯。
教学重点 Practice the dill What would you like for breakfast I would like_____.
教学难点 Practice the dialogue of this lesson.
课前准备 some picturessome vocabulary cards 3. audiotape and the tape recorder
课时安排 1课时
教 学 过 程 教案再生成
Step 1.Organizing the teaching1.Greetings2.Sing an English song “It’s Time for Lunch”Step 2. RevisionLead a question-and-answer dill to practice the structure “What time is it It’s ____ o’clock.”Play the game “Spell It” to review the following words “bathroom” “kitchen” “living room” and “bedroom”.Play “Draw and guess” to review the words of food.Step 3.Key concepts: 1.Introduce:a. Demonstrate “refrigerator” “stove” and “sink” with large vocabulary cards.b. Match the words with other words the students know. For example:T: What is hot Is the refrigerator hotS: No.T: Right Is a stove hot S: Yes. A stove is hot.c. Translate “make” and “cook”. Note that “cook” always implies heating food.2.Student book :a.Review the story so far. LiMing has come to Canada to stay with Jenny’s family. He is at Jenny’s house. Look at the pictures in the student book. What are they doing now b.Note “mine ”and “yours” in the lesson.c.Play the audiotape as the student follow in their books. 3.Practice:Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make up a dialogue about making a meal in a kitchen.
作业布置 Activity bookLesson 3
板书设计 Lesson 3 Making Breakfastrefrigerator stove sink cook make
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