一年级英语教案 1a unit3 at school(北师大版)


名称 一年级英语教案 1a unit3 at school(北师大版)
格式 rar
文件大小 14.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 北师大版
科目 英语
更新时间 2009-09-27 20:04:00



Unit3 At school

this, isn’t, desk, book, pen, pencil, eraser, ruler, not, a, box, pencil sharpener, eggs, elephant, fire, flowers, girl, goat, hat, hand, insect, ink


This is (Danny Deer).

This isn’t (Lulu Leopard).

This is not (Lulu Leopard).

This is a (pen).

This is an (eraser).

Show me a pencil.

Stand up. Sit down.

Open your books.

Period 1

1 Sing a song.

2 Greetings.


Chant it together.

三、Presentation and practice

Step 1 Introduce new characters.
1.Hold up the mask for Lulu.Say, “This is Lulu.”

Have the children say Lulu. Repeat this for Danny.

2.Repeat several times, and have the Ss say the names.

Step 2 Model the dialog.

Hold up my mask for Mocky and say, “This is Mocky.” Have the Ss repeat the sentences me.

Then, repeat the procedure for all the other masks.

2.Hold up each of the mask in turn , and say, “This is (Lulu)”.Hold up the Mocky mask. Say, “This isn’t Ken. This is Mocky.” Say the sentences again, and have the Ss repeat them.

3.Repeat the same procedure, using the other mask.

Then hold up a mask hut say nothing. Have the Ss make a sentence of their own.

Step 3 Introduce commands.

1.T: Stand up.(Do the action.)

Have the Ss stand up.(Repeat it for sit down.)

2.Repeat it for Open your book ,and Show me your book.

3.Play a game.

Simo say.....

Step 4 Talk about the story.

T: Open your books.

Show them what to do.

Repeat the command and have the Ss open their books at page 14 and 15.Ask this questions about the pictures :

Picture 1: Who can you see in the picture
Picture 3: What are Ann, Ken, and Mocky doing

Picture 4/5: Who do they meet

Picture 6/7: Do they like him

Picture 8: What does Mocky see

Picture 9 : How does Mocky feel

Picture 10: Has Mocky made a mistake

Picture 11: What is happening to Mocky

Step 5 Story

1.Now play the tape, explain that we say Oh,poor Mocky, because he fell down.

2.Give the word in Chinese for Ouch.

3.Ask the Ss to repeat the phrases with plenty of expression, “Oh, poor Mocky.”

1. Play the tape twice more, encourage the Ss to say, “Oh, poor Mocky.”

Step 6 Homework

Tell their families about the lesson.

教学后记:在学习人物的过程中,学生对Tommy与Ken有些混淆了,需多注意人物学习时的示范。 运用多媒体的教学,学生喜欢图文结合,增添了学习的色彩感,效果好。

Period 2

1 Sing a song.

2 Greetings.


Tell the story.

三、Presentation and practice

Step 1 Learn to say

1.Give the command, “Open your book.” Draw the Ss’ attention to the picture .

2.Have the Ss look at the national flag on the wall, ask them if they can tell where they are from.

3.Explain to the Ss that I want them to touch the character whose name they hear when I play the tape.

4.Play the tape, pausing after each character’s name. Check the Ss are touching the pictures before moving on.

5.Continue with others names.

Step 2 Listen to this

1. Have the Ss open the book.

2. Display my book, point to Tommy in the first picture. Ask: who’ this

3. Repeat this for the rest pictures.

4. Explain to the class that I will play the tape and I want them to write the number of the sentences pairs in the box.

5. Play the tape.

6. Check the answer.

Step 3 Let’s sing.

1. Have the Ss open their books.

2. Read the words to the Ss.

3. Play the tape, just listen.
4. Sing the song together.

Step 4 Homework

Sing the song .


Period 3

1 Sing a song.

2 Greetings.


Read the letters.

三、Presentation and practice
Step 1 Talk together

1. Have the Ss open the book.

2. Display my book, and read the words.

3. Read the words again, and have the Ss repeat.

4. Organize a speech chain, where Ss substitute their English names.

Step 2 Listen and number

1. Have the Ss open the book.

2.Explain to the Ss that I will play the tape , the Ss should number the pictures.
3.Play the tape.

4. The whole class check the answers.

Step 3 Introduce the letter Jj

1. Ask the Ss to recall the letters they have learnt.

2. Say, “ Look at Uncle Booky’s ABC and find the letters you know. Now look at the next letter. This is Jj.”

3. Write the letter Jj on the Bb, repeat.

4. Say: Listen : jeep, you say it. Have the Ss repeat the word.

Step 4 Words that begin with the letter Jj

1. Draw the Ss’ attention to the row of pictures beginning with Jj.

2. Play the tape, pointing to the matching picture of each word.

3. Replay the tape, and have the Ss point to the matching pictures in their books.

4. Play the tape and have the Ss say the words aloud.

Step 5 Introduce the letters Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn

Repeat the procedure that was used to introduce the letter Jj and the word jeep.

Step 5 Let’s chant

1. Use picture or real objects to review the words.

2. Read the rhyme to the Ss, have the Ss listen and point to the words and the pictures

3. Play the tape and have the Ss join in.

4. Chant together.

Step 6 Homework
Color the letters, and read the words. Read the chant to the family.

Period 4

1 Sing a song.

2 Greetings.


Read the letters.

三、Presentation and practice

Step 1 Write the letters

Follow the same procedure for Aa.

Step 2 Listen for J, K, L,N M

1. Draw the Ss’ attention to the pictures.

2. Play the tape , as the Ss listen to the word they should point to it.

3. Have the Ss trace the letters.

Step 3 Uncle Booky’s Bb

1. Hold up the : Who is this Read it to the Ss, point to the words, as I read it.

2. Repeat the procedure with the :Who is that

3. In the same way, review that’s and that is.

4. Model the structures on Uncle Booky’s Bb by reading them to the Ss.

5. Have the Ss repeat the question and answer after I in class drill.

Step 4 Touch and say

1. Display the book.
2. Tell the Ss that I will name each character in picture and that I want them to tell me if you make.

3. Give the wrong name, and try to elicit, this isn’t…that is…

4. Pair work

Step 5 Homework

Write the letters, and read them.

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