Unit3 Who’s that
Lesson 1
①知识目标:Who’s that That’s … . He’s from … .
②能力目标:Listen, look and say.
⑵教学重难点:Know the meaning of the contextual.
1. Warm-up
Practice greetings.
Review the structures This is … and This isn’t … . Use the masks.
2. Model the dialog
Put the character masks along the blackboard ledge. Stand at the side of the room. Choose one child to be your helper. The helper points to each mask in turn. For each mask you ask, “Who’s that ” Model the answer. That’s ….
Repeat for other five masks.
3. Introduce new characters
Display the Cathy and Tommy masks on the other side of the room. Encourage the children to ask, “Who’s that ” and reply, “That’s … .” repeat for the other mask.
Have the children ask and answer the question in pairs.
4. Talk about the story
Have the children look at the pictures carefully and answer these questions:
Who’s that
What are they doing
Who are the new friends
What happened to Mocky
5. Story
Now play the tape. At the end, explain that we say Oh! Poor Mocky! Because he fell down. Poor here means “unlucky” or “unfortunate”.
Give the word in Chinese for Ouch!
Ask the children to repeat the phrases with plenty of expression, “Oh! Poor Mocky!” “Join us.” and “Ouch!”.
Play the tape twice more. At the end, encourage the children to say, “Oh! Poor Mocky!” “Join us.” And “Ouch!” each time.
6. Homework
Try to act out the conversation with your partners.
7. 教学反思
Lesson 2
①知识目标:Who’s that That’s …. He’s from ….
America, China, Canada, Britain, Japan
②能力目标:Listen, read and sing.
⑵教学重难点:Recognize the national flags
1. Warm-up.
Review the difference between this and that.
Use the masks and some objects (pencil, ruler, eraser, etc.)
2. Learn to say
Have the children look at the national flags on the characters’ T-shirts. Ask them if they can tell where they are from.
Explain to the children that you want them to touch the character whose name they hear when you play the tape.
Play the tape, pausing after each character’s name. Check the children are touching the correct pictures before moving on.
Choose four helpers to stand in front of the class. Add the Wang Ling’s mask to the collection and give each helper a mask. Ask the class to name each character.
Replay the tape and have children repeat after you.
3. Listen to this
Have the children say out each character’s name.
Play the tape and number each picture.
Play the tape again and check their answers.
4. Let’s sing
Read the words to the children, pointing to each word.
Play the tape and encourage the children to join in by singing, humming or clapping.
Play the tape again and again, have the children sing along with it.
5. 教学反思
Lesson 3
①知识目标:This is … . That is … . Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn
②能力目标:Listen, read and talk.
⑵教学重难点:the sound of J,K,L,M,N
1. Warm-up
Have the children put on their English name cards. Ask the children to say their English names in turn.
2. Talk together
Display your copy of the page and read the words in the speech bubbles aloud, pointing to each word as you say it.
Read the words again, and have the children repeat them after you. Encourage the children to touch the words as they say them.
Organize a speech chain, where children substitute their English names and the name Tommy and Cathy for those that are underlined.
4. Listen and number
Ask, “Who’s that ” Have the children touch the matching picture. Then ask, “Where is he/she from ”
Play the tape, have the children write the number beside each picture as they listen to the tape.
The whole class listen again and check the answers.
5. Sound and letters.
Write the letter Jj on the board. Then repeat, “This is the letter E. Can you find the word that begins with J in Uncle Booky’s ABC ” Check that the children have found it.
Say, “jeep.” Have the children repeat the word. Point to the written word. Encourage all the children to say the word aloud as they touch it in their books.
Repeat the procedure that was used to introduce the letter Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn.
6. Homework
Trace over the letters Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn of Uncle Booky’s ABC and color the pictures.
7. 教学反思
Lesson 4
① 知识目标:Who’s that That’s … . That isn’t … .
②能力目标:Listen, read and write.
⑵教学重难点:The correct writing of Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn
1. Write the letters
Say, “Watch me write the letter Jj.” Stand with you back to the class. Write J in the air, using large arm movements. Have the children do the same. Repeat for the small letter j.
2. Have the children turn to “Trace and copy”. Have the children trace over half of the capital Js. On the next line, they should write capital Js by themselves. Repeat for the small letter j.
3. Follow the same procedure for Kk, Ll, Mm and Nn.
Tell the children that they will finish tracing over the letters for homework.
4. Listen for the letters.
Draw the children’s attention to the pictures at the bottom of the page. Display your page. Point to each picture in turn and say the matching word, for example, kangaroo.
Now play the tape. As the children listen to each word they should point to its beginning letter.
Without the tape, have the children point to each picture in turn and say the beginning sound.
Have the children trace the letters beside pictures.
5. Uncle Booky’s Blackboard
Hold up the Who’s this Drill card and read it to the children, pointing to the words as you read them.
Repeat the procedure with the Who is that Drill card.
Point to the ’s in Who’s and remind the children that the apostrophe mark shows that a letter has been left out.
Select two children to hold up the drill cards, facing the class.
In the same way, review That’s and That is, selecting another two children to hold up the cards.
Practice the structures with the masks.
6. Touch and say
Tell the children that you will name each character in the picture and that you want them to tell you if you make a mistake. Give the wrong name, and try to elicit, “That’s isn’t (Ken). That’s (Ken).” You can also ask, “Who’s that ” If time allows, children could repeat the activity in pairs or small groups.
7. 教学反思
Lesson 5
①知识目标:Who’s that That’s … . That isn’t … .
②能力目标:Listen, read and chant.
⑵教学重难点:Chant fluently.
1. Read, check and color.
Point to the three sentences beside the first picture. Explain to the class that two sentences are correct, and one is not.
Point to the first picture and read the first sentence, “This is Ann.” Ask if this is correct. Repeat for the other two sentences.
Repeat for the other three pictures.
Have the children open their books at page 34. Read the sentences again, and have the children check the correct sentences.
2. Let’s chant
Use pictures or real objects to review the following words: girl, kite, hand, jacket, lemon. Make sure the children can say these things when given a picture or a real object.
Read the rhyme to the children, pointing to each word.
Play the tape for the whole rhyme. Have children listen and point to the words and the matching pictures on the page.
Play the tape again and have children join in, encouraging them to hum or clap with the rhyme.
Have children point to the pictures in their book as they listen to the tape again. They can also add some actions and act the rhyme out.
3. Structures
Introduce the That isn’t and That is not drill cards.
Hold up the That isn’t drill card and read it to the children, pointing to the words as you read them. Repeat the procedure with the That is not drill card.
Explain that both structures mean the same.
Have the children do a class drill, using all possible combinations.
4. Homework
Have the children color the pictures.
5. 教学反思
Lesson 6
①知识目标:Who’s that That’s … . That isn’t … .
②能力目标:Listen, read and do.
⑵教学重难点:Read the story
1. Warm-up
Chant along with the tape.
2. Uncle Booky’s Story time
Have the children look at the picture carefully first.
Play the tape, have the children try to guess the meaning of the new words.
Read the story after the tape.
3. Extension
Discuss “How to be a good student” in your group.
4. Self-assessment
Have the children do this part in pairs by themselves. They should assess themselves according to their own situation. Children should be encouraged to compare their results with and learn from each other.
For the first activity, in pairs, one child points to a picture, the other says the name and then checks the box that below. Then they switch their roles.
For the second activity, children work in pairs and circle all the letters they have learned from Unit 1 to Unit 3. Have them compare with each other and check the answer.
5. Game “Simon says”
Use this game to review the classroom commands (Stand up. Sit down. Open your books.)and the vocabulary in Unit 2 (desk, book, pen, pencil, eraser, ruler).
6. 教学反思
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