六年级英语上册 Making Supper
姓名 班级
1. 卷心菜 A: cabbage B: vegetable
2. 胡萝卜 A: juice B: carrot
3. 洋葱 A: onions B: toast
4. 豌豆 A: peas B: juice
5. 擦干 A: clean B: dry
1. are, clean, dishes, the, dry, and
2. can, dry, the, you, dishes.
3. am, playing, I, football
1. What are they doing
2. What is she doing
3. What is he doing
4. What is he doing
It’s a sunny day, the birds are singing in the garden. My grandmother is sleeping in her arm-chair(扶手椅子). A book is in her hand. And she is wearing glasses. Her cat is sleeping beside her feet. The butterflies(蝴蝶) are flying around it, beautiful pictures!
1. What are the birds doing
2. Where is my grandmother
3. What is she doing
一、1. A 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. B
二、1. The dishes are clean and dry.
2. You can dry the dishes.
3. I am playing football.
三、1. They are playing ping-pong.
2. My grandmother is sleeping in bed.
3. He is playing basketball.
4. He is taking a bath.
四、1. The birds are singing.
2. She is in her armchair.
3. My grandmother is sleeping.
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