(北师大版)二年级英语教案 2a unit5 he’s my father


名称 (北师大版)二年级英语教案 2a unit5 he’s my father
格式 rar
文件大小 15.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 北师大版
科目 英语
更新时间 2009-10-20 14:34:00



Unit5 He’s my father.


Mom, dad, her, room, bike, his, boat, car, friend, bag, computer, come in, sun, salad, umbrella, taxi, violin, turtle, video, tea, snake.


Who’s he Who’s she

He’s my father. That’s his boat.

She’s my mother. That’s her car.

That’s her room.

Kate’s my sister.

Is he your daddy No, he’s not.

Period 1


1 Sing a song.

2 Greetings.



三、Presentation and practice

Step1, Ask one of the girls, “ What’s your name ” Elicit, “My name’s __.” Say to the rest of the class, “She’s ___.” Have Ss repeat the sentence after you.

Repeat the procedure with one of the boys, substituting he’s for she’s.

Explain that we use he for males and she for females.

Have Ss practise asking and answering the question in pairs.
Step2, Ask a girl give you her pen. Hold up the pen. Say “This is her pen.” Repeat the procedure for pencil, but this time ask a boy. Substitute his for he.

Repeat the procedure for the other words we have learnt.

Step3, Say to Ss, “Open your books.” Have them find pages50 and 51. Ask these questions about the pictures:

Picture 1: Who is Ken greeting

Picture 2/3: Who does Mocky meet

Picture4/5: Who else does Mocky meet

Picture6/7: Who do you think owns the rooms

Picture9: Who is Kate

Step4, T: Now we are going to hear what the character said.

Have the class look at the pictures in their books as you play the tape.

Play the tape again, and encourage Ss to say the words.

Choose Ss to play the roles of the characters in the story. As you play the tape again, have Ss roleplay the dialog.

Step5, Homework

Tell Ss that you want them to use the structure “This is my __.”with their families.

教学后记:学生能区分什么时候用不同的人称,用男的还是女的。但this is 与that is同时出现的话,学生就混淆了读法,还须多加巩固。而且对于room的发音不到位。学生对这篇故事也较有兴趣。

Period 2


1 Sing a song.

2 Greetings.


三、Presentation and practice

Step1, Write the names Ken, Tommy and Uncle Booky in a list on the left side of the board. Write the names Ann, Cathy and Kate in a list on the right side of the board.

Hold up your drawing of your family. Point to your mother in the picture. Say, “She’s my mother.” Repeat the procedure for the picture of your sister.

Then have Ss say the words with you as you point to each figure.

Repeat the procedure for your father and your brother.

Step2, Have Ss hold up their family pictures, standing opposite each other in pairs.

Have one student indicate a family member in the other student’s picture and say “Who’s that ”

Have the other student answer: “She’s/ He’s my ___.” Check that the answers are appropriate.

Now have Ss reverse the roles.

Step3, Have Ss look at the picture at the top of page 52.

As you play the tape, have Ss touch the matching pictures.

Replay the tape while displaying your copy of the page.

Without the tape, read the words together. Have Ss touch each word as they say it.

Play the tape again without stopping. Have Ss say the words along with the tape.
Step4, have Ss look at the two rows of pictures at the bottom of page52.

Play the first pair of sentence on the tape, then stop the tape.

Explain that you want Ss to touch the correct picture.

Repeat for the other four pairs of sentences. Make sure Ss are all touching the correct pictures.

Play the tape again, stopping after each statement. Have Ss draw a line from the character to his or her object.

Step5, Have Ss turn to page 53 in their books. Say, “We are going to learn a song about your family.”

Read the words to Ss, pointing to each word.

Play the first two lines of the song several times, and encourage Ss to join in by singing, humming, or clapping.

Play the rest of the song two lines at a time. Encourage Ss to touch the pictures in their books as they sing along.

Play the song from the beginning. Encourage Ss touch the words in their books as they sing along.

Step6, Divide the class into two groups. Each group in turn sings two lines, and the whole class joins in for the last line.

Step7, Homework

Sing the song for their family.

教学后记:学生的听力得到训练,对listen 后match学生都能掌握的较好,但对于句型还须多加训练,歌曲的效果也较好。

Period 3

1 Sing a song.

2 Greetings.

三、Presentation and practice

Step1, Ask Ss to open their books at page 54. Display your copy of the page. Say, “Now we can read what we have learnt.”

Read the words for each picture aloud, pointing to each word on your page as you read.

Read the words again more slowly. Encourage Ss to touch each word as you say it.
Step2, Listen and match.

Have Ss open their books at page 54 and look at the pictures.

Call out a word and have them touch the corresponding picture.

Display your page to Ss. Point at the first picture and say “This is her computer. Yes or No ” Elicit Ss to say “No.”

Repeat this for the rest picture.

Explain that you will play a tape, and they will hear four sentences. Stop after each sentence. Have Ss write the number in the small box beside each picture.

Play the tape again. This time have Ss check the numbers they have written.

Step3, Introduce the letter Ss, Tt, Uu and Vv.

Review the letters we have learnt.

Write the letter Ss on the board. Then say again, “Can you find the word that begins with S in Uncle Booky’s ABC ” Check that Ss have found it.

Have Ss return to page 55 in their books. Draw their attention to the pictures beginning with Ss.

Step4, Play the tape, pointing to the matching picture of each word.

Replay the tape, and have Ss touch the matching pictures in their books. Then let them say the words aloud.

Step5, Repeat the procedure used to model the sound of the letter Jj and the others.

Step6, Homework.

Color each Ss on the page the same color, and the other letters are different colors.


Period 4

1 Sing a song.

2 Greetings.


三、Presentation and practice

Step1, Write the letters Ss, Tt, Uu and Vv on the board.

Draw Ss’ attention to the pictures on page 56.

Display your copy of the page. Point to each picture in turn and say the matching word and its beginning sound. (for example, jeep, juh, jeep.)

Now play the tape. As Ss listen to each word they should point to its beginning letter.

Step2, Without the tape, have Ss listen to each picture in turn and say the beginning sound.

Have Ss trace the letters beside the pictures.

Step3, Display your copy of page 57 and draw Ss’ attention to the “Touch and say.” section.

Point to each character and say the appropriate sentences, for example, She’s my mother. That’s her car.

Have Ss say the sentences with you as they touch the correct pictures. Make sure they first touch the person and then the object.

Step4, Use pictures or real objects and review the following words: tea, taxi, Uncle Booky, salad, violin. Make sure Ss can say these things when given a picture or a real object.

Use flashcards and have Ss practise reading these words.

Read the rhyme to Ss, pointing to each word.

Play the tape for the whole rhyme and have Ss listen and point the words sand the matching pictures on the page.

Play the tape again and have Ss join in, encouraging them to hum or clap with the rhythm.

Have Ss point to the pictures in their books as they listen to the tape again. They can also add some actions and act the rhyme out.

Step5, Homework

Ask Ss to say the rhyme to their families.

Have Ss color the pictures on page 58.


Period 5


1 Sing a song.

2 Greetings.


Chant together.

三、Presentation and practice

Step1, Uncle Booky’s storytime.

T: we are going to listen to a story.

Play the tape, ask Ss to listen to the story with their books closed.

Have Ss to look for familiar words in the story.

Have Ss read the story silently, encourage them to try to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words.

Give them more time to listen and say.

Step2, Blackboard game:
Divide the class into two teams and have them stand in two rows, facing the blackboard. Explain that you will call out a word. The first student in each team must then rush to the blackboard and draw a matching picture on the board. For example, if you say pen, the student should draw a picture of a pen. Emphasize that the student who finishes drawing first wins a point for his or her team. At the end of the game, point to each drawing in turn and elicit its English name.

Step3, Bingo.

Use this game to review the character names, vocabulary, and letters introduced in Unit 5.

Step4, Have Ss do Self-assessment part in pairs or in groups by themselves. They should be encouraged to compare their results with and learn from each word.

Step5, Homework

Tell the story for the family.

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