Unit 5 Fruit
1. 通过第一、二教时的学习,学生已经学会说八种水果的名称,并能表达自己喜欢吃什么水果,在开展教学活动中,学生参与活动的积极性明显提高。
2. 本课是继续学习有关水果的单词,如banana, pineapple;学生也可以用一些简单句式,如Smell the ……Fell the ……或Taste the ……来表述自己的意愿。或用Is this a/an… 句式进行提问。
a)会听说单词banana, pineapple.
b)能听懂指令: Smell the melon. Feel the apple. Taste the peach. 并能做出反应。
c)能用Is this a/an…… Yes, it is. No, it is not.进行问答。
a)能用所学水果单词结合句式Smell the……, Feel the……, Taste the……给出指令。
c)能用Is this a/an… 句式对身边的物品进行提问。
Procedures Contents Methods Purpose
1.Pre-task preparation Warmer1.Sing a song 1.Sing the song by actions.“An apple” 大多数学生已经会唱歌曲,这时可以配上动作让学生更能体会歌曲的含义。
2. Greetings 2.Greetings. Teacher and students greet each other.
3. Review 3. Review.1)Students review the words by reading the cards.2)Game: What’s the missing? 通过玩“记忆游戏”来复习所学单词,激发学生的学习兴趣。
2.While-task procedure 1. Commands teaching: Smell the melon.Fell the apple.Taste the peach. 1. Show some fruit to students.2. Say “ Smell the melon.”“Fell the apple.” “Taste the peach.” and pretend to smell the real melon, fell the apple and taste the peach.3. Teacher repeat several times.4. Have students listen and act according to your commands. “Smell the melon.”“ Fell the apple.”“ Taste the peach.”5. Listen to the tape several times and repeat several times.6. Divide the class into groups of three to practice acting the commands. In each group, one student gives commands and the others do the actions. Then let them change roles.Select groups to act the commands to the class.Play a game: Who is the quickest student to respond? (Ask every student to act according to your commands.) 玩偶教师通过边说口令,边做动作,让学生理解smell, fell, taste 的含义。学生通过听口令,做动作来熟悉这三种口令。通过小组活动,听口令,做动作,进一步熟悉口令,并能发口令。通过游戏活动“谁的反应快?”进一步巩固口令,使学生在游戏活动中巩固所学知识。
2.Words teaching: banana, pineapple 1. Hold up a toy monkey and ask What fruit do monkeys like?2. To elicit the new word “banana”. Ask do you like bananas?3. Follow and repeat.Read the word card.5. Show an apple and ask “Is this an apple?” Yes, it is. Repeat the question and the answer in English.6. Show a lemon/pear and ask “Is this a lemon/pear?”P: Yes , it is.Hold up the pineapple and ask “Is this an orange?” “No, it is not. ”8. To elicit the new word “pineapple”.9. Students follow and repeat.10. Read the word card. 借助玩具猴,通过提问引出新单词。学生通过机械模仿熟悉新单词。在跟读之后,出示单词,进行认读。借助实物引出问句和答句,让学生通过听问句回答来熟悉句型。借助实物继续提问,让学生进一步熟悉问句,操练答句。借助实物,引出新单词。
3.Teaching:Is this a/an… Yes, it is.No, it is not. 1. Hold up a pineapple and ask “ Is this a banana?” “No, It is not.” Repeat several times in English. Students follow and repeat.2.Listen to the tape. Students listen carefully and follow the story. 用实物引出否定回答,让学生模仿跟读。 通过听录音,模仿录音中的语音语调,跟读故事。
3.Post-task activity 1.Pair work 3. Let students act out the story in pairs.(Provide them with some pictures of fruit) 通过对子活动表演故事,提高语言表达能力。
2. Group work 4. Use stationery to let students practice the language. ( Four students make a group) 通过小组活动,用学习用品操练句型,进一步提高学生的语言运用能力。
3. Game Play a game.Use plastic or real fruit to let students practice the language. Get one student come up to the front and ask “Is this a …?” and the whole class is to say “Yes, it is” or “No, it is not”. 通过游戏活动,进一步巩固操练句型,使群体与个体有机结合,使每个学生都参与活动,让学生始终在轻松、愉快的氛围中学习语言。
4. Song Enjoy the song “I have an apple” 让学生在歌声中体验学习英语的快乐。
Assignment 1. Listen to the tape on page22-262.Read page 22-26 after the tape.3.Tell the story to their family.
单词卡片,图片,录音机,学习用品, 水果等
1)关注smell, feel, taste 的正确发音。
2)关注Feel the apple. 或Feel the orange. 中的‘the’ 的正确发音。
3)关注故事的语音语调,特别是Is this a/an … 的升调的正确处理。让学生学会有声有色地朗读故事。
有一首英语歌曲”I have an apple”,可以让学生欣赏,有条件的可以学唱。不一定让学生唱歌曲的全部,只要了解歌词的大意,会跟着音乐唱即可。
1) 采用游戏和各种活动形式,如对子活动,小组活动等,操练难点,解决难点。让学生始终在轻松、愉快的氛围中学语言。
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