MODULE 4 Unit 10 My New Neighbours
Language Focus
Vocabulary: neighbour , move , moving in, has(have) got , because , why , apartment , after , after school , See you..
Structure : …has/have got…
Why don’t you…
Teaching Aims
By the end of this lesson, hopefully children will be able to :
to understand the dialogue well .
to read and act out the dialogue
to help the children learn the spelling for the new words
to help the children remember expressions for inviting sb.
to have fun and encourage children to think
Materials Needed
Word cards/ pictures /textbook / photos /tape recorder/pp
Teaching procedures:
Procedure Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Purpose
Leading-in 1. Greeting2. Chant“Family Fingers”(actions) GreetingChant and do the actions together. Warm up to create a happy atmosphere of learning English.(形式活跃,调动气氛)
Revision Revision of some words of jobs Game(bomb)Revision of the sentences.Game(which group is the fastest one ) Revision of some words of jobs(read and spelling)Play a game(bomb)Revision of the sentence pattern “What does he/she do ”“What’s his/her job “He/She is a/an….4.Game(which group is the fastest one )(同桌做两个句型替换练习,看哪组最快) To reinforce the memory of jobs(复习相关的职业单词,是为了更好地掌握本节课的新知识。)To familiar with asking and answering the questions about jobs “What does…do /What’s ….job ”(复习上单元的主要询问职业的句型,既帮助口头巩固,也巧妙地做了承前启后的安排,保证学生可以更顺利地 掌握本节课的知识。)
Presentation Let the ps understand the meaning of neighbour.(PP+实物).Play the computer software,let the students listen to the dialogue twice and ask some questions(screen)(A,Who are talking in the story B,What does Bill’s dad do C,What about Jiamin’s father )3.Play the tape ask the ps to catch the words and sentences4.Let the ps understand the meaning of the new words.(PP+实物)5.Teach the new words(pronounciation, spelling) To understand the meaning of neighbour2.Listen to the dialogue and answer T’s questions(screen)3.listen carefully and try to catch the words and sentences4.To under the meaning of the new words(moving in, because, has got, Why don’t you, apartment, after school)5.Learn the new words6.Play a game(Simon says)7.Look at the screen and answer more difficult questions(抢答) 创设简单的情景帮助学生理解新单词neighbour。 The ps will understand the story well after many times of listening (通过三次不同任务要求的听, 学生对课文有了一定语言感知,并有意识地从听对话中寻找问题的答案。)To make the ps can read out the story from easy to difficultTo learn English in an easy way。(要求学生听出一些新单词,任务更具体,学生的挑战更进一层。给学生安排的任务由浅到难,也较好地遵循了语言学习规律。)(当学生对课文理解过关后,利用课文的情景帮助学生具体学习每一个新单词。)(始终能把语意的重要性与音、形的重要性结合起来,对学生记忆单词,获得良好语感有很大的帮助。)(采用游戏的形式既巩固了词汇操练,也注意激发了学生的学习兴趣。)(再次回答对课文更深一层理解要求的问题,加深对课文的理解与记忆。)
Practice and consolidation 6.Play a game(Simon says)7.Look at the screen and ask more difficult questions(A,Who’s Jiamin’s new neighbour B,Bill is moving in,why C,What does Jiamin say at last )8.Ask the ps to look at their books and listen9.Read after the tape10.Read by yourselves and underline the difficult sentences11.Teach the difficult sentences12.Read together13.Read in role14.Act out 8.Look at books and listen9.Read after the tape10.Read and underline the difficult sentences11.Learn the difficult sentences 12.Read together13.Read in role14.Act out (要求学生看书中的文字来听录音,目的是加深对音、形的记忆。)(进入常规的课文朗读学习,学生可以很顺利地上口朗读,困难不大。)(让学生自己边朗读课文边寻找自己的难点,指导学法,培养有效的学习策略。)(多形式的朗读练习活动,并让学生尝试出来表演课文对话,给学生学习创设更具挑战性的任务,满足学生学习需要不断进步的心理要求,同时也有效地落实了本节课的教学目标。)
Conclusion Sing a song“I want to be”Sum up the new knowledge Sing a song(do the actions) 3.Sum up the new knowledge To relax and conclude the knowledge(结合教学主题,安排歌曲,让学生放松,也让学生保持对英语学习的兴趣。)
Homework Listen to the tape and read the dialogueCopy the new words.调查家庭成员具体是做什么工作的? (知识扎实掌握的学习任务与尝试语言交际运用的任务并重。)
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