五年级英语上册教案 Unit 4(新世纪版)


名称 五年级英语上册教案 Unit 4(新世纪版)
格式 rar
文件大小 11.8KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 新世纪版
科目 英语
更新时间 2014-02-21 21:33:35



Unit 4 Sports and Health
2.听、说和阅读理解Grand Theatre中的语言材料,并能根据主话题写6-8句话。
Lesson Plan Grand Theatre
Pre-task preparation:
1. Questions and answers
2. Ask the students to talk about their families.
3. Ask students to ask their classmates some questions about their families
While task procedure:
1. To teach “jog hike”
Ask: Do you like sports What is your favourite sport
(Encourage students to talk about any sport they like Such as: basketball, football, swimming…
Write “jogging hiking outdoor sports”on the board.(jog:run slowly
Hike:Long walk)
2. To teach “health stealthy”
Ask a strong and healthy boy: Hello, You are a strong and healthy boy. (Write the word “healthy” on the board.) I’d like to know why you are so strong and healthy. Please answer my questions.
Do you like sports What’s your favorite sport Do you play football every day
Do you do morning exercises every day Do you run every day Oh. I see. You like sports very much... You do sports every day. So you are strong and healthy.
Now students, as we all know, Sports are good for our health. Let us do sports every day and become healthy.
3. Ask the students to listen to Grand Theatre “Sports and Health”
Write some questions on the board.
1) What’s the girl’s name
2) What’s her father like
3) Does her father like sports
4) When does her father go to the gym
5) Does her mother like sports
6) What sports does her mother like to do
7) What’s her mother like
8) Does her uncle like sports
9) What’s her uncle like
10) Why is her uncle so heavy
4. Encourage the students to answer the questions.
5. Play the cassette: Sports and Health. Students listen and follow in their books.
6. Play the cassette again. Students listen and repeat.
7. Ask and answer in pairs.
8. Encourage the students to remember “Sports and Health”.
9. Ask individuals to recite “Sports and Health”.
Post-task activities:
1. Do Questions and Answers on page 24 individually. Ask the students to write down the answer. Ask and answer in pairs then check the answers.
2. Ask and answer the questions of “On your own”
3. Students talk about their parents in groups according to the text.
4. Invite Individuals to talk about their parents.
5. Reading and writing. I like basketball
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