Unit 3 Tom’s Diary
1. 引导学生养成以英语日记的形式简单记下生活中、学习中所发生的,经历的事情。
1. 会与同学朋友用英语进行谈话、聊天。。
1. Words and expressions
touch feel smell taste sweet sour hot
2. Sentence patterns
How does it smell/taste/feel
Language Lab
根据课文内容回答Questions and answers中的问题,根据自己的实际情况回答On your own中的问题。
Music Box
能用正确的语音、语调朗读Rhyme: The Star 节奏基本正确。
Difficult Points
2、 fun 是抽象名词,做感叹句时不能加a或复数形式。
Developing Aims
1. 能用正确的格式写日记。
1. 课时安排:课时安排:建议本单元安排5教时。
1. 教材处理:
Wonderland中是单词教学,教师应侧重对动词过去式形式的教学,要讲解清楚,帮助学生进行归纳整理Grand Theatre的教学应坚持学以致用的原则,鼓励学生在课后尝试开始写英语日记。Language Lab是Grand Theatre的配套练习,所以应该结合在一起进行教学。Disneyland中的内容是一首小诗,所以可以放在每一节课之前进行诵读,让学生自然习得,教师也可以找一些课外的儿歌补充教学内容。
教师可以围绕Our National Day这个主题来展开本单元Wonderland的词汇教学。教师可以提问引出话题, When is our National Day Every country has its own national flag. Is there a national flag on the wall in our classroom Have the students say something about our national flag.教师继续说: And most countries have their national flowers and national parks
On National Day Tom and his sister Carol went to a funfair with their parents.
The weather was quiet great. It was warm enough. They felt comfortable.
At the funfair they met with Sandy and Norman. Tom’s parents took them to watch a model spaceship. The children were very happy. They wish it could carry them to the moon.
Where did the go on National Day
go to a funfair(went to a funfair)
Whom did Tom go with
parent (father or mother)parents (father and mother)
What was the weather
great (very nice)
Whom did they meet with at the funfair
meet sb (met sb) meet with sb (met with sb.)强调“偶遇”
What did Tom’s parents take them to do
take sb to... (took sb to…)
学习词汇后,教师提问:What did you do on National Day?
There was a naughty cat in my house before. Last Monday he broke my mother’s beautiful vase. (Last Monday, what did he do )
last Tuesday/ate many fish
last Wednesday/jump into the tub with water
What did he last Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday (分小组讨论)
教师要引导学生做有益的活动,教师告诉大家:Tom, Norman and Sandy are good students. Last week they cleaned their classroom after school. Guess what did Tom do last Monday and Wednesday What did Sandy do last Tuesday and Friday What did Norman do last Monday and Thursday
话语范围:(cleaned the blackboard/cleaned the desks and chairs/cleaned the windows/mopped the floor/swept the floor)
And last Sunday they went to the park bicycle. What did they do in the park Please look at the picture and tell the class.
话语范围:(play with yo-yo, play badminton, play football, fly kites )
最后教师问学生昨天帮妈妈赶了哪些家务活.。 What did you help your mother do yesterday 让学生填表后再说。小学高年级的学生可以加强写的训练,写可以帮助他们讲规范的英语。(在做过的栏内打√,并写出时间)
make the bed mop the floor sweep the floor clean the table wash up 添加
本单元的Grand Theatre栏目内容是Tom写的日记,教学的目标很请楚,教会学生用英语写日记。又要让学生懂得日记是个人的隐私,不能擅自看别人的日记,要尊重别人的隐私权。教师在教学前要有作解说。教师可以这样说:In this class we are going to read Tom’s diary. But in fact we can’t read others diary without permission. Are you clear (学生不能完全听懂,教师用母语解说。)
日期 天气 日记内容
教师提问:1. What’s the weather like on National Day
2. What did Tom do on National Day
3. Who took Tom to the funfair
4. Whom did they meet at the funfair
5. Did they really take Shengzhou Spaceship to the moon
Nine planets in the solar system:
Mercury水星 Venus金星 Earth地球 Mars火星 Neptune海王星
Pluto冥王星 Jupiter木星 Saturn土星 Neptune 天王星
太阳系是由受太阳引力约束的天体组成的系统,它的最大范围约可延伸到1光年以外。太阳系的主要成员有:太阳(恒星)、九大行星(包括地球)、无数小行星、众 多卫星(包括月亮),还有彗星、流星体以及大量尘埃物质和稀薄的气态物质。在太阳系中,太阳的质量占太阳系总质量的99.8%,其他天体的质量总和不到太 阳系的0.2%。太阳是中心天体,它的引力控制着整个太阳系,使其他天体绕太阳公转,太阳系中的九大行星(水星、金星、地球、火星、木星、土星、天王星、 海王星、冥王星)都在接近同一平面的近圆轨道上,朝同一方向绕太阳公转。
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