Unit 4 Sports and Health
1. 能简单了解运动与健康有关。
2. 教育学生体育锻炼有助于身体健康。
1. Words and expressions
touch feel smell taste sweet sour hot
2. Sentence patterns
How does it smell/taste/feel
Language Lab
根据课文内容回答Questions and answers中的问题,根据自己的实际情况回答On your own中的问题。
Music Box
能掌握音标/k/,/g/,/ b:/, / Q /并能看音标读单词。
能用正确的语音、语调朗读Rhyme: My Best Friend, 节奏基本正确。
Difficult Points
2. 西方文化中的love还有喜欢的含义。
Developing Aims
1. 能正确运用三单一的各种形式。
2. 用英语描述其他人的习惯,爱好等。
1. 课时安排:课时安排:建议本单元安排5教时。
2. 教材处理:
Wonderland中是单词教学,可以与音标结合在一起进行教学。Farmland 中的动词三单一形式应扩充练习。Language Lab是Grand Theatre的配套练习,所以应该结合在一起进行教学。Disneyland中的内容是一首小诗,与歌曲"You Are My Sunshine" 意境相近,可引入该歌曲的教学。Project中的小制作应当让学生有实际操作的体验,还可以让学生尝试用祈使句写出其他小制作的指导步骤。
本单元Wonderland栏目中的有许多是关于运动的词汇,教师不妨以Sports这个话题为主线引出词汇学习。教师自我介绍说:I like sports. I'm Wang zhiqing's fans. My favourite sport is table tennis. I play table tennis twice a week... What about you, boys and girls 教师给学生一个话语模式:
I like ___________.
My favorite spot is ___________
I ___________________________ .
谈论自己喜欢的运动后,教师可以通过介绍人们对运动的喜好,用一般现在时的时间状语,如always总是, usually通常,often经常,sometimes 有时, hardly几乎不,never从不。every day/week/month/spring/year/Monday 每天,每星期,每个
教师出示Norman的照说: Look at this boy. How strong he is!让学生看一些运动员的照片,根据问题用英语介绍运动员。
Liuxiang () Yaoming (basketball)
Wang Liqing (table tennis) Beckham (football)
1. Who’s he 2. What's his favourite sport 3. Does he do exercise every day
4. Does he often go to the gym 教师总结说:They are famous players. They are strong and healthy.这样既能学习本单元的词汇,又培养了学生的说话能力。
My uncle is a heavy man. He likes eating very much. He doesn't like any sport.
描述Julia的叔叔不爱运动,吃得很多,是个超重的胖子。教师可以用英语说: But somebody doesn't like any sport. They like eating very much. They are so heavy. Look at the people in the picture. Are they too heavy 让学生在学习过程中领悟运动的重要性,也为下节课学习句型作铺垫。
a) I read English every morning.
My desk mate Li Ming reads English every morning, too.(改变主语)
b) Julia's mother goes to the gym every week.
But mother doesn't go to the gym every week.(改变句式)
c) Do you do morning exercises every morning Yes, we do.
Does your father do morning exercises every morning No, he doesn't.(改变主语)
About Julia (重点练习一般现在时的"三单一"句型)
Activities always often sometimes hardly never
clean the classroom √
do … homework √
go to the library √
watch TV √
go to the cinema √
Grand Theatre中的对话主要是围绕运动和健康展开的,所以在引入对话前,可给学生一个学生自由讨论,如:What sports do you like Who is your favorite sports star How to be healthy
学生说出自己的看法后教师让他们听课文录音,回答一个问题Why is Julia's mother healthy 学生会回答: She likes outdoor sports.教师补充说:She loves jogging and hiking. 这样可以自然引出课文中的单词:jog 和hike及它们的动名词形式jogging和hiking。教师还可以用下图说明outdoor sports与indoor sports
indoor sports both indoor & outdoor sports outdoor sports
教师让学生阅读课文后, 完成P.24Questions and answers 和On your own两个练习。
the Olympic Games奥运会
the Asian Games亚运会
National Games全运会
1. Football 足球
the World Cup Soccer Championship世界杯足球锦标赛,soccer fans 足球迷,soccer hooligans 足球流氓,referee 主裁判,assistant referee(linesman)边裁(巡边员),goalkeeper守门员,halfback中卫,fullback后卫,wing边锋,forward 前锋,midfielder 中场球员,thump 劲射,penetration 突破,header 头球,pass-back 回传,dummy 假动作,tripping 绊人犯规,intentional kicking 故意踢人,handball 手球,free kick 任意球,corner kick 角球,ejection 被罚出场,
penalty kick 罚点球,offside 越位, yellow card warning 黄牌警告,red card penalty 红牌判罚出场。
2. Basketball 篮球
referee 主裁判,umpire 裁判,basket and support 球篮和篮架,rim(hoop basket)篮圈, lay-up 上篮,shoot a basket 投篮,rebound 篮板球,control the rebound 控制篮板球,dribble 运球,scramble for the basketball 抢球,pass the ball 传球,bounce pass 反弹传球,behind the back pass 背后传球,snap pass 快速传球,drive to the basket 持续突破。
3.Table Tennis 乒乓球
singles 单打,men\'s singles男子单打, women\'s singles女子单打,doubles双打, mixed doubles 男女混合双打,serve the ball 发球,backhand drive 反手抽球,drive 抽球, forehand 正手击球,top-spin 上旋球,under-spin 下旋球,side-spin 侧旋球,loop 弧圈球, combine long drives with drop shots 长抽短吊,defensive player 防守型选手,attacking player 进攻型选手。
4.Gymnastics 体操
gymnastics exhibition 体操表演,floor exercise 自由体操,horizontal bar 单杠,parallel bars 双杠,pommels horse 鞍马,balance beam 平衡木,rings 吊环,uneven bars 高低杠。
5.Field Events 田赛
the long(broad)jump 跳远,the jumping pit 跳远的沙坑,the high jump 跳高,the triple jump 三级跳远,shot put 掷铅球,discus throw 掷铁饼。
6.Track Events 径赛项目
100-meter dash 100米赛,400-meter race 400米赛,long distance races 长跑,relay race接力赛,baton 接力棒,4×100-meter relay race 4×100接力赛,sprint 短跑,sprinter 短跑运动员,distance runners 长跑运动员,hurdlers 跨栏运动员。
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