Unit 5 He’s my father (I)
2 学生能初步区分使用my, his, her来表述物品的主人。
难点:1 、his, her的用法区分,
2、That’s her car. That’s his boat.等句型的朗读。
教具:课件,信封,课文图片, Ken的面具,录音机,磁带、人物、物品卡片。
一、 组织教学、问好 Today, we’ll learn Unit 5 He’s my father.(指板书)
二、 导入: (5’)
1.演示课件,T介绍:This is a house .Who’s he 生:Ken. T: This is Ken’s house. Say hello to Ken.课件:e in. 同时点击课件。师:What can you see 生:a mouse… a bird ….师顺着学生的思路说: A little little bird…边说边点击歌谣。学生自觉起立
2. 师带领学生表演唱歌谣,歌谣结束学生坐下。
3. 师:指小房子,I love his little house. What’s in his little house A hamburger 点击课件说:Oh , I can see a hamburger. What can you see
生:(I can see) a ball. (I can see) an apple… . T: (做寻找状)Oh, I can see it. I like…. 生:(I can see) a bear… 师:Oh, what a lovely bear. (指名某个学生询问) Do you have a teddy bear What do you have in your house (你家里有什么?)...生:,,,,chair, car
1、演示课件:师:His little house is in Ken’s yard.点小房子, Now listen:〔听到门铃声〕Who’s coming 〔谁来了?〕Maybe, Lulu is coming
2、点击出现Mocky来了。师:Oh, Mocky is coming. 点击文字,同时让肯说:Hi, Mocky, come in.并带领学生和肯一起邀请Mocky:let’s say--hi! Mocky, come in. 点击课件出现句子,T:Mocky can’t hear you. Let’s say it again. 带领学生大声再说一遍。
3、 点击出现课文video,生观看第一遍课文。
〔看后,先提第一个问题〕: Who are in Ken’s family (若生答不出提示) Father
生:father, mother……Ann. 师每当学生说到一个家庭成员,教师给学生展示对应的课文图片。并介绍说:He’s father. She’s mother. She’s Ann. She’s sister.
生观看第二遍video。师同时提出第二个问题: What can you see in his yard let’s watch again.看后再次提问:What can you see in his yard (若生答不出提示) Can you see a car /boat/bike 每当学生说到一个物品,教师给学生展示对应的课文图片。并说:yes, a car …a bike….a boat.
.师:Now Let’s go into his yard.OK 演示课件出现院子图,师指着院子里的物品自言自语: car boat, bike. 并启发学生一起跟着说出名称。
4、演示课件:带读两遍car ,并问:Whose car is it Mocky’s 出现爸爸妈妈图片,师: Who is he 带读He’s father. Who’s she She’s mother.带读。指人物询问: His car or her car 放录音:That’s her car. 生:Her car.点击汽车出现声音:That’s her car. T: Yes, That’s her car. 师演示课件: that’s her car.跟读这句话。跟读her car.
5、出示课文原图,文字。分句跟读3遍,提示学生作出相应的动作。练习:read the two sentences in pairs. T: Let’s be Ken. 师戴面具和生一起指图说句子。
6、演示课件,Mocky不见了,问:Where’s Mocky
演示课件Mocky在船里,教师自答:Mocky is here. What’s this It’s a boat.
师:Whose boat is it his boat or her boat 生:His boat. 点击boat,出现原音:That’s his boat. T: Super. You are right. His boat.
演示课件 师:Oh, that’s his boat .跟读这句话,his boat.
7、出示原图,分句根据原音读3遍。练习:read in pairs. T:拿面具Who wants to be Ken 指定几名学生:Now you are Ken. 学生戴着面具读句子,教师给帖画奖励。若学生说的不是很好,教师要给予肯定:Yes, That’s his boat. 让该生跟着再重复一遍。若还有其他学生想读,则:Let’s be Ken together. 集体再读一遍句子。
8、〔听到自行车的铃声〕让学生猜:What’s that 生:A bike.(自行车)。。。
9、演示课件,出现图9,先点自行车,问whose bike 听原音this is her bike.
指KATE询问: Who’s she 生:sister. 师:What’s her name 出现原音, Kate’s my sister. T:Her name is Kate. 若生回答: Kate.也播放原音,给予肯定。T: Her name is Kate.让学生分句跟读课文原句, 练习:read in pairs. And be Ken together.
(二) 重点学习图6、7
1、演示课件,师:now,let’s go into the house. 同时点击课件,师:There are two rooms. [教授单词:room并带读,强调oo的发音。] 让学生动作读词,也可以比画自己的room.
2、演示课件,T:Whose room is it 播放Ken的原音:This is my room. 师:Oh, this is Ken’s room, This is his room.
3、指向另一个房间问: Is this his room 生:Y/N。 T: look !Ann is coming.把ANN改成从房间里走出来) 点击课件,ANN与MOCKY打招呼, 播放ken原音:That’s her room.师:oh, that’s Ann’s room. Oh, that’s her room.( Ann’s 变成her)
播放原音:That’s her room. 生跟读、指读。
3.练习句型: That’s his/her….
师: Let’s go into Ann’s room. Oh,what a lovely room(教师示范) .边说边点击出现字幕“That’s her…”That’s her Micky mouse. That’s her computer.(指着物品说) and That’s….. (指向其他的物品,)say them in pairs. 生分小组讨论一下。T: 指字幕That’s her..问:Who can say it 生发言。T: let’s say That’s her…together. 你们可以说自己喜欢的一个物品。Ok
T: let’s go into Ken’s room. Oh, That’s his…边说边出现字幕“That’s his…”.(指物品) say it in pairs. T: Who can say it 指字幕That’s his…加以提示。 生发言。并在最后每个人都说出自己的favorite-- That’s his….
T: This is Ken’s house.I like Ken’s house. Do you like it 生:Y .T: Now let’s go with Mocky and follow it.
1、演示课件,逐句朗读故事 read the story one sentence by one sentence. 2、打开书跟录音指读。(课件展示整个故事图片)Open your books page 50.(手势),listen ,read and point.
3、自己或小组读 read the story in pairs.
4、自由跟读 watch the story again and follow it.
5.听故事给图片排顺序。T:Do you like the story. 演示课件,简单复述一下故事:Mocky comes into the house. . He’s father. That’s his boat. She’s mother, that’s her car. This is Ann. This is her room. She’s Kate. This is her car. This is the story. I have a new story. I want to tell you. (可否先与学生示范如何完成这个故事,把整个故事都完成。)再问学生:Do you want to make a new story
师在黑板上摆出要用到的六幅图,边摆边说:Here are some pictures. Now listen: 放录音播放故事的第一句话:Hi, Mocky, come in.边说边找,找到图片,把它放到彩纸上。再播放第二句,带领学生一起说,一起找,并放在彩纸的相应位置上。
T:Now, let’s make the story together.你们愿意和老师一起完成这个故事吗? Take out your pictures. Put the pictures on your desk. (like me)指黑板暗示学生图片一字排开) (请图片在老师手里的那组同学到实投上摆放) ,切换实投到电脑, T:Now Work in pairs, listen and put the pictures. 师从头逐句播放,生两人合作,摆放图片。
五、小结:This is our story ,Today we learn this story. 边说教师边在黑板上贴出故事中主要角色和主要物品的图片,小结故事的主要内容。引导学生跟着说。She’s mother .This is her car. He’s father. This is his boat. That’s Ann. That’s her room.She’s Kate. This is her bike.
Today’s homework:
choose 2 or 3pictures you like. Read them .
Read the story to your mother and father.
Make a new story ,and read next class.