Unit4 Ann’s family
Lesson 1
①知识目标:This’s my …. Who’s that
②能力目标:Listen, say and talk.
⑵教学重难点: Introduce your family.
1. Greeting
2. Class Organization: devide the class into six groups.
3. Warm-up: review the structure “Who’s that That’s ….” (sing a song)
4. Presentation
Ready Smile! (Situational Teaching)
5. Present the conversation with students.
6. Activity 1
Every group got a picture. They should match names and the people.
Use the sentence “Who’s that ”
One of the students in the group should be Ann.
The group which says “Bingo” first will get a prize.
7. Activity 2
Each group prepares one set of word cards. Explain that each group is going to pretend to be a family. Have children decide who will be the father, mother, and so on. “Me” introduces his/her family members.
Firstly, teacher asks the roles in each group to stand up and show the cards.(The student who stand up quickly will get a prize.)
8. Show your family picture to your classmates.
9. Present the poster of the conversation.
Listen to the tape and read after the tape.
10. Sing a song “My Family”.
Lesson 2
①知识目标:Who’s that That’s my ….
②能力目标:Listen, say and talk.
⑵教学重难点:Know the relationship in your family
1. Warm-up
Have one child come to stand near you at the front of the class. Introduce the child to the class. Say, “This is ….”
Ask the child to tell you about a friend in the class. You ask the child, “Who’s that ” Elicit, “That’s ….”
Have the child take your place and invite another child to join in the first child. Make sure they stand close together.
2. Show your family picture and talk about it.
3. Learn to say
As you play the tape, have the children point to the correct picture as Ann talks about the members of her family.
Play the tape again while displaying your copy of the page.
Without the tape, read the words together. Have the children touch each word as they say it.
4. Listen to this.
Play the first statement on the tape and touch the picture of Ann’s sister.
Stop the tape. Have the children open their books. Tell them that you want them to touch the correct picture each time Ann speaks as you continue to play the tape.
Now play the tape again. This time ask the children the word they hear. For example, brother, mother etc.
5. The family game.
Put the children into pairs.
Use the children’s family drawings from Lesson 1. Have one child hold up his or her family picture. The other children touch the picture of one member of the family and ask, “Who’s that ”
Have each pair choose a family drawing. Then have one child point to one person in the picture and ask, “Who’s that ” The other child should then give answer, “That’s my ….” The children in each pair should alternate asking and answering the questions.
6. 教学反思:
Lesson 3
①知识目标:Who’s that That’s my ….
②能力目标:Listen, say and talk.
⑵教学重难点:sounds and letters
1. Talk together
Divide the class into two groups.
Hold up one character mask. Have the children in one group ask, “Who’s that ” Encourage the other group to answer, “That’s (Tommy).”
Repeat with the other five masks.
Now have the children turn to the top of page 42. say, “Now we can read what we said.” Display your page and model the dialog, pointing to the words in the speech bubbles as you speak.
Have the girls say the words spoken by Ann.
Then have the boys say Ken’s words.
2. Listen and number
Have the children open their books. Explain that you will play a tape, and they will hear something about Ann’s family.
Play the tape and have the children number the pictures in the correct order.
Play the tape again and check the answer.
3. Learn the new letters
Recall the letters they have learnt and write Aa-Nn on one corner of the board.
Now ask the children to look at Uncle Booky’s ABC. Say, “Find the letters you know. Now look at the next letter. This is letter O.
Write the letter Oo on the board and ask the children to find the word that begins with the letter o. Check that the children have found it.
“orange”, have the children repeat it. Point the writing word. Encourage the children to say the word aloud as they touch it in their books.
Play the tape, pointing to the matching picture of each word.
Now replay the tape, and have the children point to the matching pictures in their books.
Replay the tape and have the children say the words aloud.
Introduce the letters Pp, Qq, Rr.
Repeat the procedure that was used to introduce the letter Oo.
4. Set homework.
Color the letter in different colors.
5. 教学反思
Lesson 4
①知识目标:Who’s that That’s my …. That is my ….
②能力目标:Listen, say and write.
⑵教学重难点:The correct writing of the letters
1. Write the letters
Say, “Watch me write the letter O.” Stand with your back to the class. Write O in the air, using large arm movements. Tell the children to write the letter in the air with you.
Repeat for the small letter o.
Have the children turn to the “Trace and copy” activity in their books.
Follow the same procedure for the letters Pp, Qq, Rr.
Tell the children that they will finish tracing over the letters for homework.
2. Listen for the letters
Display your page. Point to each picture in turn, for example, octopus, o, octopus.
Now play the tape. As the children listen to each word, they should point to its beginning letter.
Without the tape, have the children point to each picture in turn and say the beginning sound.
Have he children trace the letters beside each pictures.
3. Uncle Booky’s blackboard.
Hold up the Who’s that Drill card and have the children read the words as you point to them.
Repeat the procedure with Who is that Drill card.
Remind the class that both structures mean the same thing.
In the same way review That’s and That is.
Have the child holding the That’s or the That is drill card stand next to the child holding a my(mother) drill card. Read the words on the drill cards to form a sentence, That’s/ That is my (mother). Point to each word as you read it. Have the children read the words as you point to them.
Model the structures on Uncle Booky’s blackboard by reading them to the children.
Have the children repeat the questions and answers in a class drill.
4. Touch and say
Display page 45 of your book and read the words in the speech bubble, pointing to each word.
Have the children repeat the words as you point to each one.
Tell the children that you will point to the character in the picture, and they will say the words for that character.
The children could also repeat the activity in pairs or small groups.
5. Homework
Finish the tracing and copying task on page 44.
6. 教学反思
Lesson 5
①知识目标:Who’s that That’s my …. That is my ….
②能力目标:Read, match and chant.
⑵教学重难点:Chant fluently along with the music.
1. Match Ann’s family
Point to the picture of Ann at the top of the page. Ask, “Who’s that ” Elicit the answer, “That’s Ann.”
Hold up your Ann mask. Point to the picture of Ann’s father. Say, “That’s my father.”
Have the children touch the picture in their books and repeat the words.
Now point to the matching speech bubble. Read the words as you point to each one.
Have the children repeat the words as they point to each one in their books.
Repeat the procedure for the other characters.
Explain that you want the children to draw a line from each character to the matching speech bubble.
2. Sing a song. “Happy Birthday.”
Play it whenever it is a student’s birthday.
3. Let’s chant
Use picture real objects to review the following words: rat, rabbit, panda. Make sure the children can say these things when given a picture or a real object.
Use flashcards and have children practice reading these words.
Read the rhyme to the children, pointing to each word.
Play the tape for the whole rhyme and have children listen and point to the words and the matching pictures on the page.
Play the tape again and have children join in, encouraging them to hum or clap with the rhythm.
Have children point to the pictures in their books as they listen to the tape again. They can also ass actions and act the rhyme out.
4. Set homework
Tell the children they can color the pictures for “Match Ann’s family”.
5. 教学反思
Lesson 6
①知识目标:the vocabulary and the structures in this unit.
②能力目标:Read and write.
⑵教学重难点:Try to read out the story.
1. Uncle Booky’s story time
Have the children look at the picture and listen to the tape first.
Try to guess the meaning of the new words in this story.
Have the children know the main idea of the story.
Read the story after the tape.
2. Family Activity
Divide the class into small groups. Have the children take out their family drawings from Lesson 1.
Have each child in turn show their drawings and name each family member, “That’s my aunt.” etc.
3. Snap Game
Ask the children to take out their small flashcards for Unit1,2,3 and 4 (yellow, red, green, blue cards).
Put the children in pairs. Have each pair mix their cards together and then spread them face down on a table.
The children in each pair take turns to flip over the cards, one by one, so that they are facing up. As soon as they see two cards with the same picture on them, they must call out “Snap!” and say the correct English word for the picture.
The first child who calls out “Snap!” and the correct word or letter, keeps the two matching cards. The children continue playing until there are no cards left on the table. The winner is the child with the most cards at the end of the game.
4. Self-assessment
In the first activity, ask the children to paste their family photo on the page and then have them work in pairs and introduce their family members to each other.
In the second activity, have the children work in groups. Tell them to group all the words with the same beginning letter together. Alternatively you can assign group with different letters, and see which group can find all the words in the shortest time. Have each group read out the words they grouped together.
5. 教学反思
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