Unit 6 Drinks I like 第二课时课件+教案


名称 Unit 6 Drinks I like 第二课时课件+教案
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版本资源 牛津深圳版
科目 英语
更新时间 2017-01-09 18:42:21


Unit 6 Drinks I like
1、能在语境中习得并正确运用本单元的核心词汇:cola, milk, water, juice, 初步掌握拓展词汇coffee, tea的读音和用法。
2、能用Can I help you?/ What do you like? 进行购物时的询问,并用I like…作出回答。
3、能运用相关句型来表达购物时的需要,并在情境中进行熟练运用。 4、能正确读出字母C发音,并能迁移到含有该字母的单词拼读中。
根据单元整体教学设计的要求,依托本单元主题drinks I like, 将本单元设计为三个课时,分别是Survey for drinks, drinks I like, Eddie’s birthday party.在第一课时中,孩子们通过文本的学习,初步感知了本单元的新词汇cola, milk, juice, water,并学会运用句型What do you like?来询问朋友的喜好。本课是牛津英语1B Module 2第六单元的第二课时。在本课时中,孩子们通过对文本的学习,进一步巩固对本单元词汇和句型的运用,并进行了购物相关词汇和句型的拓展。通过本课时的学习,孩子们能达到熟练用英语进行购物的能力。
词汇:cola, milk, water, juice, coffee, tea 句型:Can I help you? What do you like? I like… 了解字母C在单词中的发音。 教学难点: 熟练朗读并表演故事,同时加上适当的动作进行演绎。
1. sing a letter song: Letter C
2. Learn the sound of letter C: C /K/. /K/ for cat, cola, cow, cake.?
3. Chant for letters: Cat likes cake. Nice, nice cake Cow likes cola Yummy yummy cola
活动2【导入】Step 2:Lead-in
1. Introduce Eddie and his birthday party. He needs some food and drinks.?
2. Revision for period 1: What drinks do you know? Flash cards to show: cola, milk, juice, water.?
3. Game for the words: Word Bomb. (Follow the teacher if I read the word correctly. Keep silently if I read it incorrectly.)?
4. Lead in the topic: Eddie has no drinks for the party, so he has to go shopping for the drinks. Write down the title: Shopping for drinks.
活动3【讲授】Step 3:Presentation
1. Watch the story and answer: What drinks do they buy? They buy cola, milk…?
2. What drink does Kitty buy? →Dialogue 1: Can I help you? Milk, please. Here you are. Thank you.
① follow the teacher with right actions.?
② sing out the dialogue with the tongue of “two tigers”.?
③ group work: act out dialogue1.?
3. What does Eddie like? →Dialogue 2: What do you like? I like coffee. How many? Six.?
① learn the word: coffee, a cup of coffee.?
② Listen and order the sentences of dialogue 2.
③ Read the dialogue with actions.?
④ group work: act out dialogue2.
4. Listen and circle: What does Danny like? Cola, water or tea?
① learn the word: tea?
② Let’s chant?
③ Show the sentence: I like cola and tea.
④ Complete the dialogue.?
⑤ Let’s act.?
5. Show a picture of orange juice. Do you like orange juice? Does Alice like orange juice??
① read dialogue 4 by boys and girls.?
6. Repeat the whole story according to the key words on the board. 7. Group work: act out the story in groups and show it.
活动4【作业】Step 4:Homework
1. Listen and read the story?
2. Go shopping with your family and prepare a present for Eddie.
课件30张PPT。10 Period 2Unit 6 Drinks I like10Shopping for drinks Period 2Unit 6 Drinks I likeSing a song:Letters:CccatcolacowcakeCat likes cake
Nice, nice cake.
Cow likes cola
Yummy, yummy cola.Chant for letters:No drinks!Word Bomb 炸弹游戏游戏规则:
Follow me if I read the word correctly. Keep silent if I read the word incorrectly.
What drinks do they buy? (他们都买了哪些饮料?)Watch and answer:Watch and answer:Shopping for drinksCan I help you?Milk, please.Here you are.Thank you!What do you like?I like coffee.How many?Six, please.What do you like?I like cola and tea.OK!Wow! How nice!Do you like juice?Yes, I like
apple juice.Let’s go to the party!What drink does Kitty buy? (Kitty买了什么饮料?)?Watch and answer:Can I help you?Milk, please.Here you are.Thank you! Two in a group to act out dialogue1.
两人一组表演对话1 (注意语气、动作和表情)Can I help you?Here you are.Milk, please.Thank you!Read and act:What do you like?I like coffee.How many?Six, please.coffeea cup of coffee一杯咖啡Listen and order: 听录音,给句子排序………… Two in a group to act out dialogue2.
两人一组表演对话2 (注意语气、动作和表情)What do you like?I like coffee.How many?Six, please.Read and act:Let’s chant.Smell the cola.
Smell the tea.
Cola and tea,
Nice, nice, nice.
Taste the cola.
Taste the tea.
Cola and tea,
Yummy, yummy, yummy.I like cola and tea.Complete the dialogue: ______________? I like _________.OK!Wow! _________!How nicecola and teaWhat do you likeLet’s act:Does Alice like orange juice? ?Question:Do you like juice?Yes, I like
apple juice.Group work演一演:五人一组表演故事!Group workLet’s go to the party!Homework Listen and read the story. 听读故事。
2. Go shopping with your family and prepare a present for Eddie. 和家人一起为Eddie准备一份生日礼物。