Unit 1 Look and see 教案


名称 Unit 1 Look and see 教案
格式 zip
文件大小 118.6KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津深圳版
科目 英语
更新时间 2017-01-09 18:44:32



Unit 2 Look and see
1.?? 单元目标说明:
本单元模块为Using my five senses。本课课题为look and
see,主要让学生在已具备的语言知识和语言技能上,能掌握特殊疑问句What do you see?,并运用句型I see …来回答。同时复习巩固 What colour is it?及其答句It is…。通过情景设置、游戏,绘本教学,激发学生的学习兴趣,并让学生学会在情景中理解和运用所学句型,并逐步完成由浅入深的教学任务,让孩子体会到学习成功带来的喜悦。21世纪教育网版权所有
2.?? 教材分析:
本课内容出现在牛津英语教材一年级第二册第1单元Look and
see,主要学习句型What do you see?和四个单词frog/rabbit/bee/bird.,并能用颜色谈论这些动物。第一学期已经学过一些关于农场、动物园的各种动物名称和各种颜色的表达法。本课时是第三课时,学生通过第一二课时的学习,对本课的基本句型What do you see?和What colour is it?已经能流利进行问答。本节课主要是归类复习所学过的在farm、zoo的所有动物,并拓展句型,用颜色进行描述动物。如I see a ____ monkey. 考虑到学生的接受能力强,而且绘本《Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?》里的句型正好符合本课重点,因此补充了绘本教学,最后让孩子动手一起制作绘本,在运用中说英语。www.21-cn-jy.com
?? 复习已经学过的动物名称chick、duck、cow、pig、bear、tiger、monkey、panda和颜色red、blue、yellow、green、purple、black、white、brown;拓展运用句型I see a (颜 色) duck.
用一句话描述所看见动物的颜色,如I see a yellow duck. 学生容易理解但不容易表达,所以在操练的时候主要通过游戏、绘本教学和创作绘本让学生熟练掌握。21·世纪*教育网
1. Warming up and leading in
Greetings to class and lead in a cartoon character Dora.【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】
(创设一个故事情景,引入孩子们喜欢的卡通人物Dora,带领学生们一起帮Dora找回她的宠物a green turtle。)【出处:21教育名师】
Listen and answer questions, .
Listen and guess what Dora’s pet is? What can it do? What colour is it?21·cn·jy·com
(设置任务,带领学生们一起帮Dora找回她的宠物a green turtle。学生为了帮助Dora找回丢失的宠物,积极参与到教学活动中,他们情绪高涨,始终是兴味盎然。)【版权所有:21教育】
2. Presentation:
Guess where the pet and present “farm” and “zoo” is. Free talk: What animals can you see on the farm/ in the zoo? ?What colour is it??
(结合本课的重点句型“What do you see?/ What colour is it?”,复习以前所有学过的农场动物和动物园动物的名称,进行两人小组对话练习。)21cnjy.com
3. Practice
1).Talk about the animals on PPt by using “What do you see? /What21教育名师原创作品
colour is it ? ”
T: What do you see
P: I can a bird.
T: What colour is it?
P: It is yellow.
T: Yes. We can say I see a yellow bird.
(复习所有学过的动物园的动物名称,拓展句型I see a yellow
2) Choose a group leader to ask questions to check if they can say21*cnjy*com
the sentences fluently.
3) Group Work
Practise in groups of four. Game: Talk about the pictures on PPT one by one in 30 seconds.21教育网
A: What do you see?
B: I see a gray elephant. What do you see?
C: I see a red bird. What do you see?

4. ??Present the story
< Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?>
T: Is Dora’s pet in the zoo? Is Dora’s pet on the farm?【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】
T: Dora is very sad? Where is her pet??
(引入Dora的好朋友Boots,听Boots讲故事,引入绘《Brown bear, Brown bear , what do you see?)
5. Watch the video of the story first, then read the story together.www-2-1-cnjy-com
6. Task: Draw your favourite animal and colour it.2·1·c·n·j·y
T: Is Dora’s pet in the storybook?
Ps: No.
T: Do you want to help Dora to find her pet?
Ps: Yes.
T: What can you do for her?
?Maybe we can make a book for Dora.
(设置任务,帮助Dora 找她的宠物a green turtle. 制作一本故事书,选择自己喜欢的动物,画出来并涂色。)2-1-c-n-j-y
7. Group show: The pupils read out the story they made.? Bind together in book form to share in the classroom.21*cnjy*com
8. Homework and sum up
Let’s share our own storybook.