外研版(一起)五年级英语上册教案 module 5 unit 2(2)


名称 外研版(一起)五年级英语上册教案 module 5 unit 2(2)
格式 rar
文件大小 13.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 外研版(一年级起点)
科目 英语
更新时间 2009-12-24 13:14:00



Module 5 Unit 2 Amy’s blue dress is wet.
语言功能: 学生能询问或回答某物是谁的。
教师活动 学生活动
WarmerTell the students that I’m going to read out sentences abort things I do. If the students do the same things they stand up and repeat the sentence.e.g. T: I play tennis every Saturday.Continue like this, saying different sentences and getting the students to stand up and repeat them if they do exactly the same thing.PresentationWhat do you do at the weekend Maybe you will go here What did you buy Today, let’s go to see what’s the matter with our friends’ clothes Listen again. Ask them to read by themselves.Repeat the last sentence:Xiaxin’s toy plane is nice. What about you Well, dear students ,what do you want (Show a shelf)What do you want I want a/an…Here you are.Thank you!ActionPut the cards at the different places, and make a simple supermarket.Show a process of how to go shopping in the supermarket.Check in pairs, and get the simple supermarket ready.Ask students to come to the front and go shopping with me.Ask groups to come to the front, one are the shop assistant, one is the casher, and others are the customers.Show the shopping list .I’ve prepared, and encourage them to make their own shopping lists.Ask the students who wrote the fastest come to the front .Read ort his /her shopping list loudly.Conclusion Read the introduction of the English supermarket.Recite the chant.HomeworkRecite the chant.Finish the shopping list. Ss: (Stand up if they do the same and repeat the sentence.)I go shopping at the weekend.Hualian SupermarketFruits, balls , clothesListen and answer:Repeat after the teacher.Listen and answer questions:She wants…I want a/an…Listen and get a general idea of a supermarket.Students practice in pairs with the things in their pencil-boxes.Give each group a plate of thing s to practice.What do you want I want…Write a shopping list for their mother or father, write down what do they want to buy for their parents.I want to buy…for my mother.
为完成本课的教学任务,我采用的是以任务型教、学法为纲,“TPR”教学法与学习法贯穿全课程。根据《英语课程标准》中提出的“采用活动途径,倡导体验参与”的要求,结合儿童好玩,好动,好表演等特点,我把全班分成四个人一组的小组。每组同学的知识水平和性别各有参差。这样有助于学优生帮助学困生和男女同学平等相待增进友谊。在任务驱动型学习法过程中保证每位同学都参与进来,培养学生的团队精神和竞争意识。我设置了给单词找亲戚、画出听到的单词帮李燕认动物等活动旨在让他们在轻松愉快的行动中输入语言,让他们在做中学,在表演中学(Learning by doing/acting…),从而激发他们的学习兴趣,培养他们运用英语进行交际的能力。
Step1 Revision 热身互动,自然导入。
在教学活动开始我设计了唱他们最爱唱的The more we get together活跃课堂气氛,学生在手舞足蹈的过程中不知不觉走入新课。
Step2 Presentation 引入新知,层层突破.
在教授单词的时候我设置给单词找亲戚、画出听到的单词等活动包括了师生互动,生生互动,小组互动。我还将单词的学习与句子有机的结合起来。比如学习了horse之后,我说We call it a horse. What do you call it in English 在不断的重复与演示下让学生明白句子的含义,为下一步句子的学习打下伏笔。这样由单词逐步扩展到句子。在由句子扩展到其他的单词,培养学生的思考能力和运用英语的能力。
Step3 Practice 趣味操练,巩固新知
Step4 Assessment 合理评价,培养兴趣。
Step5 Additional activities 培养兴趣,发展个性。
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