课件15张PPT。Unit 4 Seasons and months of the year Lesson 26新版四年级下册英语inTalk about the prepositiononTalk about the prepositionbetweenTalk about the prepositionTalk about itSpring is the season between winter and Summer.It is the beginning of the year.Talk about itIt is April.It is spring.I wear a shirt,trousers and spring shoes.Talk about itSummer is the season between spring and autumn.Summer days are long and hot.Talk about itIt is July.It is summer.I wear a T-shirt and shorts.Look at the picture.Finish
the sentences.There are three months in spring.They are _______________.March、April、MaySpring begins from the third month.It is__________________.MarchLook at the picture.Finish
the sentences.There are three months in summer.They are _______________.June、July、AugustSummer begins from the sixth month.It is__________________.JuneWrite a sentences to tell about each
picture.The first one is donefor you.ball、shoes、
betweenThe ball is between
the shoes.teddy、bear、
___________Write a sentences to tell about each
picture.The first one is donefor you.The teddy is in
the box.
___________Write a sentences to tell about each
picture.The first one is donefor you.The teddy is on
the box.
___________Write a sentences to tell about each
picture.The first one is donefor you.The teddy is between
the box.