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Unit
when
grow
up
Lesson
15练习
一.根据Listen,
look
and
say回答问题。
_________________
_____________________
____________
___________________
二.根据Work
in
pairs回答问题。
(1)What
do
you
want
to
be
when
you
grow
up
______________________________________
(2)
What
do
doctors
or
nurses
do
____________
_______________
_______________
___________________
三.仿写句子。
Nurses
take
your
temperature.
__________________________________
________________________________
_________________________________
四.补全对话。
Nurses
___________.
Doctors
___________.
Doctors
_________.
Nurses
______________
五.翻译句子。
1.你长大了想做什么?
____________________________________
2.我想做医生或护士。
____________________________________
3.医生或护士做什么?
____________________________________
4.Nurses
take
your
temperature.
____________________________________
5.Doctors
give
your
medicine.
____________________________________
6.Doctors
listen
to
your
heart。
____________________________________
7.Nurses
give
you
a
shot.
____________________________________
答案
一.根据Listen,
look
and
say回答问题。
“temperature”,
“medicine”.
“heart”,
“shot”.
二.根据Work
in
pairs回答问题。
want
to
be
a
doctor
or
a
nurse.
Nurses
take
your
temperature.
Doctors
give
your
medicine.
Doctors
listen
to
your
heart。
Nurses
give
you
a
shot.
三.仿写句子。
Doctors
give
your
medicine.
Doctors
listen
to
your
heart。
Nurses
give
you
a
shot.
四.补全对话。
Nurses
take
your
temperature.
Doctors
give
your
medicine.
Doctors
listen
to
your
heart。
Nurses
give
you
a
shot.
五.汉译英。
1.What
do
you
want
to
be
when
you
grow
up
2.I
want
to
be
a
doctor
or
a
nurse.
3.What
do
doctors
or
nurses
do
4.护士给你量体温。
5.医生给你给药。
6.医生给你听诊。
7.护士给你打针。
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