Unit
My
father
goes
to
work
at
o'clock
every
morning
教案
1教学目标
1、语言知识目标:全体学生能理解:evening
actor
busy
2、全体学生能运用My
father
goes
to
work
at
o’clock
every
morning.
He’s
a
policeman.
3、语言节能目标:能听懂会说My
father
goes
to
work
at
o’clock
every
morning.能朗读课文,能运用已学语言说明作息时间。能写出2-3个语句,说明作息时间。
4、情感态度目标:理解父母工作时的辛苦,孝顺父母。
5、学习策略:对所学内容能主动复习和归纳。
6、文化意识:在学习和日常交际中,能初步注意到中外文化异同。
2学情分析
五年级学生经过近五年的英语学习,已经具备了听过读写的能力。在一年级和三年级和本册书第一模块都讨论过职业的话题。同时在二年级、四年级和五年级上学期都接触过一般现在时单词的用法。所以学生能熟练讨论职业,但是学生对一般现在时的用法还是有所欠缺,这些都需要老师课堂上耐心细致的引导。
3重点难点
1.听说认读理解单词和重点语句:My
father
goes
to
work
at
o’clock
every
morning.
He/She
is
a+职业
2.能正确运用一般现在时谈论家人的作息时间。
2.
运用can和could谈论动物的能力
4教学过程
活动1【导入】I.
Warm
up
and
Lead
in
A.
Greeting
B.
Say
a
chant
T:
What
time
does
Dad
go
to
work
S:
Dad
goes
to
work
at
o’clock.
T:
What
time
does
your
father
go
to
work
S:
My
father
goes
to
work
at
o’clock
every
morning.
T:
What
time
does
Mum
go
to
work
S:
Mum
goes
to
work
at
half
past
six.
T:
What
time
does
the
boy
go
to
school
S:
go
to
school
at
o’clock.
T:
What
time
does
Daming
go
to
school
and
go
home
Let’s
listen
and
say.
C.
Listen,
point
and
say
S:
Daming
goes
to
school
at…
Daming
goes
home
at
…
teaches
am
pm
T:
What
time
does
Daming’s
cousin
go
to
work
and
go
home.
Let’s
read
together.
read
after
S:
Daming’s
cousin
goes
to
work
at
…
He
goes
home
at…
T:
What
is
Daming’s
cousin
S:
He
is
a
taxi
driver.
T:
What
is
Daming’s
father
and
mother
Let’s
learn
Module7
Unit1
T板书
设计意图:通过chant导入,创设愉悦的学习氛围,同时利用What
time
does
the
boy’s
father
go
to
work
引出标题My
father
goes
to
work
at
o’clock
every
morning.
再利用chant引出大明和他的堂兄上学工作的时间,从而进入课文第一部分的学习。教师再提出问题What
is
Daming’s
father
and
mother
and
work
time
引出任务呈现环节。
活动2【活动】II.
Task
presentation
T:
利用一般现在时谈论家人的职业和作息时间。
设计意图:教师明确本课的教学任务,通过任务呈现,引导学生进入本课学习
活动3【活动】III.
Text
learning
Listen
and
say
T:
Look,
who
are
they
S:
They
are
Daming
and
Fangfang.
板书Daming
Fangfang
T:
What
are
they
talking
about
Let’s
listen
and
say.
S:
Jobs
and
work
time.
Read
and
answer
T:
What
are
their
father
and
mother’s
jobs
and
work
time
Let’s
read
and
answer,
Ok
T:
First,
read
the
text
by
yourselves.
Then
read
the
questions.
The
third
one
is
underline
the
answers.
Then
talk
in
four.
S:
Fangfang’s
father
is
an
actor.
He
is
busy.
T:
They
are
father’s
jobs
and
work
time.
What
about
their
mother’s
job
and
work
time
Let’s
look.
Can
you
ask
some
questions
for
me
C.
Ask
and
answer
S:
What
time
does
Daming’s
mother
go
to
work
What
does
Daming’s
mother
do
What
time
does
Fangfang’s
mother
go
to
work
What
does
Fangfang’s
mother
do
T:
One
ask
one
answer
practice
in
pairs.
D.
Reading
read
after
E.
Sum
up
shows
the
sentences
sum
up
一般现在时
设计意图:首先通过Look,
listen
and
say.理解整篇课文的大意。接着通过学生自学,小组讨论,学习actor,
evening,
busy以及语句My
father
goes
to
work
at
o’clock
every
morning.再接着,通过引导,让学生自主提出问题,并通过两两互助解决问题。然后听音跟读课文,训练学生的语音和语调。最后再通过观察句子,总结规律,总结本节课的语法知识。
活动4【练习】IV.
Practice
Practice
Retell
the
stories
T:
Children
let’s
do
a
summary.
What
are
their
jobs
and
work
time.
Let’s
say.
Look
and
say
T:
What’s
their
jobs
and
work
time
S:
My
brother
is
a
teacher.
He
goes
to
work
at…
T:
What’s
your
father
and
mother’s
job
and
work
time
Let’s
talk.
S1:
My
father
is
a…
He
goes
to
work
at…
He
goes
home
at…
Sall
practice
in
pairs.
设计意图:本环节通过机械操练与情景创设的方法来进行本课重点语句的操练,通过复述课文巩固对课文的理解和掌握,利用看图片说一说的练习巩固语法和本课重点语句的变式练习,同时为接下来写的语段输出做好铺垫。
活动5【活动】V.
Task
completion
A.
Talk
about
the
pictures
T:
Taking
out
your
pictures.
Let’s
talk
what
are
they
and
their
schedule
time.
S:
She
is
a
doctor.
She
gets
up
at
o’clock.
S:
He
is
a
writer.
He
has
lunch
at
o’clock.
T:
Share
your
pictures
in
your
groups.
B.
Talking
T:
This
is
…’s
mother.
What’s
her
schedule
time
Let...introduce.
S:
My
mother
gets
up
at…
My
mother
has
breakfast
at…
T:
What’s
your
father
or
mother
schedule
time
Let’s
introduce.
have
a
show
设计意图:本环节通过学生谈论教师给与的评价卡片,先进行单个语句的输出练习,接着通过观看班级同学妈妈一天的作息时间,谈论自己家人的作息时间,进行语段的输出,用所学到的语音与同学进行交流,鼓励学生进行创造性的思考,培养学生的英语思维能力,同时让学生体会英语在生活中的真实存在。
活动6【活动】VI.
Summary
&Homework
A.
Summary
B.
Homework
T:
Read
or
recite
the
text
and
talk
about
your
father
or
mother’s
schedule
time.
设计意图:引导学生回忆本课知识,布置作业,延伸学生学习的任务。