Unit 9 The Tiger and Other Animals
1. 让学生知道在公共场合必须遵守社会公德,从小养成公民意识。
2. 教育学生遵守规章制度,做一个遵守公德的好公民。
1. 学习本单元8个形容词:big small thin fat hard sift smooth rough please(don’t)。
2. 掌握祈使句的肯定句与否定句(四会)。
3. 听说和阅读理解Grade Theatre中的语言材料,并能复述或分角色表演语言材料。
4. 植物辅音音标/m/ /n/。
5. 朗读小诗Rhyme 语音语调基本正确。
1. 能用不同的话语在不同的场合表达一些公共规则
2. 能根据Grade Theatre中的语言材料和所给的情景暗示,自己编一个童话故事。
1. 学生能用不同的语言形式表达不同场合的不同的规章制度(口头,笔头,阅读理解规则并在行为中做到)。
2. 能扮演不同角色,表演故事Tiger and Other Animal培养学生良好的口语能力和表演能力。
1. 情感态度:
student’s Book 4A P62—68, cassette 4A UNIT 9, student’s Work Book 4A, pictures of signs, Masks, toy animals
Wonder Land Animals
(一)Teaching aims:
Basic aims
(1)To learn how to pronounce and spell the new words properly.(big small thin fat hard soft smooth rough )
(2)To understand these words
(3)To be able to mark phrases with these words.
Developing aims
(1)To put the new words into practice .
(二)Teaching aids:
pictures, cards
(三)Teaching procedure:
Pre-task preparation:
1. Say the rhyme: Teddy Bear
2. Daily talk.
While-task procedure
1. big small
A. Present the words in the communication.
The teacher can ask the following questions
①what’s this ②Do you like it ③How do you think of the elephant ④Is it big 由学生学过的知识引出新课内容,学生容易接受
B. Imitation / do the actions.
C. Make some phrase and sentences with these words
e.g.(1)I’m an elephant. I’m big. I’m a big elephant
(2) I’m a mouse. I’m too small. I’m a small mouse.
2. thin fat
A. Present the words in the communication.
①Who is he ②How do yon think of Tom ③Is he thin
B. Imitation / do the actions.
C. Make sane phrases and sentences with them.
e.g.(1)I’m a boy. I’m thin. I’m a thin boy.
(2)I’m a lady. I’m fat. I’m a fat lady.
(3)This is a pig .It is too fat. What a fat pig! How fat the pig is! 通过造句,巩固所学知识。
3. hard soft smooth rough .
A. Present the words in the communication. Put toy animals into a bag, let students touch the toy animals. The teacher can ask the following questions: Can you feel anything How does it feel It’s hard. It’s soft. It’s smooth. It’s rough .亲自体验,加深影响。
B. Imitation / do the actions
C. Make some phrases and sentences with them.
e.g. (1)This is a tortoise. It’s hard .What a hard tortoise! How hard it is.
(2)This is a zip. It’s rough. How rough it is!
(四)Books open. Play the cassette. Pupils listen and repeat.
(五)Books open. Pupils read the words together. Pupils can do the actions.
(六)Post –task Activities:
1. The teacher gives the pictures / toy animals and pupils say sth. about it.
2. Quick responses .e.g.
(1)Is this a fat boy or a thin boy
(2)Is the tortoise soft or hard
3. Activity: Introduce your favorite animal / your favorite toy animal.这四组形容词是学生熟悉的,所以本课的重点应放在造词组、造句子上,这样可扩展学生的思维,有助于提高学生的听说能力。
Farmland: Please(don’t..)
(一)Teaching aims:
1. Basic aims:(1)Learn the new sentences:(Please)don’t…
(2)Talk about the pictures with the new sentences
2. Developing aims: Using the new sentences to make a dialogue
(二)Teaching aids:
pictures cards
(三)Teaching procedure:
1. Daily talk.
2. Choose, write and spell big, small, thin, fat, hard, soft, smooth and rough.
3. 说说划线部分字母极其字母组合的发音。
Quick response: The teacher gives the orders, and pupils do the actions. Then exchange it.
(1)T: Give me a pencil (2)Open the door.
S: Here you are. Close your book.
T: Thank you.
While –task procedure
1. Picture 1
T: The bell is ringing. What can we do
What can’t we do
S :(1)We can’t shout.
(2)We can wait for the teacher.
(3)Be quiet.
T: Good. We can’t shout. Be quiet. We also can say: Don’t make any noise.
T: Where do you think of “Don’t make any noise.”
S: Don’t make any noise in the classroom /in the library...
2. Picture 3 P4 P5
T: What sign do you see in our school garden, yet
S:(1)Don’t pick flowers .stick the sign on the blackboard .What do you think of “Don’t pick flowers.”
(2)Don’t walk on the grass.(stick it)
(3)Don’t climb trees.(stick it)
(4)Don’t smoking.(stick it)
3. Picture 2
T:(1)Can you swim
(2)Can you swim in the sea
(3)Can you swim in the pool
We can’t swim in the sea .Make a sign.
Don’t swim here.
(1)Let’s chant:
Sing a song. Don’t sing a song.
Pick up your books. Don’t pick up your books.
(2)Play a game.
If we can do, we repeat it
If we can’t do, don’t
e.g.: T: Write on the desk. S: Don’t write on the desk.
Run fast in the classroom. Don’t run fast in the classroom.
We can clean the blackboard.
I have got some hats.
You are good pupils.
在学生熟练的基础上,增加一些“can, have, be”句子的否定句练习,可巩固复习已学知识。
(四)Post-task Activity:
Using one of the sentences, make a dialogue.
e.g.: 1.Write on the wall.
2. Don’t make any noise.
3. Sing a song in the classroom.
4. Please look at the blackboard.
5. Shut your eyes.
Grand theatre: The tiger and other animals
(一)Teaching Aims:
1. Basic aims:
(1)To understand the sentences:
I’m…. I’m too…. Please(don’t)….
What’s for my breakfast
The tiger wakes up.
(2)Act out the dialogue.
2. Developing aims:
Have the students to make a new dialogue.
(二)Teaching Aid:
pictures marks
(三)Teaching procedure:
Pre-task preparation
1. Sing a song.
2. Daily Talk: e.g.:
①Do you like animals(fruits, foods drinks)
②What is your favorite animal Say something about your favorite animal.
③Spell the words.
While—task procedure
1. Present the sentences: I’m _____. I’m too ____. Please(don’t)___me.
(show the pictures )You will be a pig. Make a chant.
e.g.: ①I’m a pig. I’m too fat. Please don’t eat me.
②I’m an apple. I’m too sweet .please eat /buy me.
③I’m an orange. I’m too sour. please(don’t)eat me .
④I’m pork. I’m too fat. Please don’t eat me.
2. Present the sentences:
(1)wake up
T: It is in the morning. Rise and shine.
T: When do you wake up
S: I wake up at 6.
T: When dose he/she wake up
S: He/she wake up at 6.
(2)what’s for my breakfast
T: When you wake up Are you hungry
What’s for your breakfast
S: Bread is for my breakfast.
Noodles are for my breakfast.
3. Book open:
(1)Listen to the tape.
(2)Read after the tape .
(3)Answers. Is the tiger hungry What does it do then Who is too small Is the hedgehog delicious
(四)Post –task activities:
1.Act out the dialogue.让学生戴上头饰分角色表演,可调动学生的兴趣。
2. Imitate the dialogue to make a new dialogue by the giving words.(The monkey is thirsty. The monkey and fruits/apple/oranges)
Music Box
1. Show these words and learn the international phonetic alphabet /m/n/
2. Read after the tape.
3. Read it together.
4. Play a game. Find words which letters are pronounced/m/n/. Who is winner
Disneyland Rhyme
1. New words: goat chick goose geese
2. Act and Read: On the Farm.
3. Listen and read after the tape.
4. Act out the Rhyme.
5. Make a rhyme like this.
Story 2. The Lion and the Small Mouse.
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