六年级英语下册教案 unit 7(3)(北师大版)


名称 六年级英语下册教案 unit 7(3)(北师大版)
格式 rar
文件大小 15.4KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 北师大版
科目 英语
更新时间 2010-01-26 13:29:00



Unit 7 The mountain bike race
课  题: Unit 7 The mountain bike race (I)
教学目标 知识、技能:能初步理解和掌握本单元的课文和故事;在感知了解故事的同时,学习祈使句的用法,复习副词的用法、一般现在时、现在进行时等语法知识。过程、方法:故事大致有三个场景,第一部分讲的是Charlie邀请Matt参加社区自行车越野赛比国内说明一些注意事项,出现了祈使句的用法;第二部分讲的是Charlie和Matt到了比赛场地赛前的一些情况,继续对祈使句的用法进行介绍;第三部分讲的是自行车越野赛的赛况,不仅有祈使句,还出现了复习的用法,并复现了现在进行时等语言现象。情感、态度:通过本单元的故事内容,了解自行车越野赛这项运动及注意事项,培养学生参与体育运动、锻炼身体的习惯,培养学生安全意识,学会在运动中保护自己。
重难点 重点: 能初步了解课文意思,能对故事进行简单复述。难点: 本课生词较多,entry form, mail, helmet, pad, cycling, tire, flat tire, sign, track, skid, puddles, crash, ankle.
教学步骤及目的 教师活动 学生活动 复备
I. Review.II. Set the scene Divide the class into two teams and play a game. Write /a/ and /an/ on the board as heading for two large columns. T: You need to take turns to come up and write a word either using /a/ or /an/ from the list of things I their bedroom. Once a student has written a word, it cannot be used again.Give points for a word with the correct in definite article and spelling.T: Have you ever entered a competition Do you know the rules of the competition (Present the word rules)T: Do you have a bike Have you ridden a bike Can you tell me the different parts of the bicycle 游戏:全班分成2组。在老师写好的两栏中,选一个卧室里的物品的名词,写在相应的栏中。位置对且没有拼写错误的为本队的一分。游戏直到学生写不出根多的单词为止。学生认识生词,并理解它的意思、学会朗读。
教学步骤及目的 教师活动 学生活动 复备
III. Present the new language Model the words: Wheels, handlebar, chain, brake, pedal, pump, tire.T: What do you need to wear on your head when riding a bike (helmet)T: Have you ever entered a bike race Today’s story is about a mountain bike race.What do you think the rules will be Charlie is going to enter and he wants Matt to enter too.1. T: I’m going to talk about the rules of the mountain bike race.You must have a good mountain bike.Q: Is tit necessary to have bike to enter the race Can you enter with a bike that is old and broken 2. Listening drill: Indicate that the Ss are only to listen and repeat the first model 2 or 3 times.Choral repletion: Ss listen and repeat 2 or 3 times.Individual check: Choose Ss to produce the first model.3. T: You must be more than 10 years old.Q: Can you enter if you are 9 years old Can you enter if you are 12 Repeat step 2.4. Practice the first and second models.5. Other five models:You must mail the entry form before Wednesday.You have to wear a helmet.You must check your bike.Always check the tires before you ride.Never ride with a flat tire. 学生认识生词,并理解它的意思、学会朗读。了解故事背景。了解山地自行车比赛的规则。理解must的意思。Yes.理解规则。No.操练第一句。学习第二条规则。No.Yes.
教学步骤及目的 教师活动 学生活动 复备
IV. Talk about the storyV. Story VI. Homework Q: P1: Who can you see in the picture Where are they What do you think Charlie is holding in his hand P2: What do you think Charlie is doing P3: What must you wear to enter the race Do you think Matt is going to enter P4: What day is it What number is Charlie What number is Matt P5: What does the sign tell the competitors P6: What is going to happen What can you see on the track P7: Who is there to cheer for Charlie and Matt (Explain to cheer for)What do you think they are cheering for P8: Who is winning Can you see number 24 P9: What happened for Matt Is he hurt Where do you think he has to go Play the tape and have the Ss look at the pictures.Play the tape again and have Ss read the words.Play the tape again, pausing after each picture. Have Ss repeat the words before you move on to the next picture.Ask questions about the story to check comprehension.Have Ss take roles and act out the story.Read the story again. Try to retell the story by following the Narration at the bottom of Student Book page 2 and 3. Charlie and Matt.At the clubhouse.An entry form for the mountain bike race.He is telling Matt the rules of the race.Helmet, knee and elbow pads, cycling shoes.The day of the race.2324The rules.The race is going to start.Puddles.Ken, Daniel, Sue and Lisa.Charlie.He skidded and crashed into a post.Yes.To the hospital.跟录音朗读对话。回答老师的问题,反馈是否真正理解。
板书设计: 课后小结:
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