Unit 3 May I speak to your mother
1.学生会看图说出: class teacher, headmaster, monitor, friend。
2.会根据提供的图片进行句型操练 Is that your ---
3.能正确读写字母Gg Hh Ii,并了解它们在单词中的发音。
2.能替换Grand Theatre中的语句,根据不同场合进行提问并回答。
3.文化目标: 了解西方国家打电话时的常用说法。
Student’s book 2B P9~P12
Cassette 2B Unit 3
Student’s workbook 2B P13~P18
Word and picture cards 2B Unit 3
Procedures Contents Methods Purpose
Pre-task preparation Say the missing numbers. 13_ __ 15 16 21____ 23 24 33___ 35 3646 ____ 48 49Say the numbers in English.20 30 40 50 21 32 Game: Who’s that Write a number on a piece of paper. Then turn it over. Invite the students to guess what the number is by asking “Is that … ”. Review the numbersShow some figures’ pictures of the book, and let the students guess, “Is that Alice ” 通过填写缺失数字的活动复习上节课的内容。Guessing game是一种既简单又有效的游戏, 操作起来也很方便。这个游戏也为新课的引入做好铺垫。
While task procedures Task 1Show the picture of their class teacher and ask, “Is that your class teacher, Miss … ” Learn the new word: class teacher.Show the picture of Tommy. Ask, “ Is that your friend, Tommy ” Explain the Chinese meaning of the word: friend.Task 2Point to a student in the class and ask, “ Is that a girl/boy Is that your classmate Is that your friend Is that your monitor ” Invite monitor come to the front and introduce: “This is your monitor, …”Show a picture of my family members. Students guess, “ Is that your … ” Then show the picture of our headmaster. Invite them to guess. Learn the new word: headmaster. Explain the difference between ‘class teacher’ and ‘teacherActivity: Draw and guess. 通过看一看、猜一猜等活动学习新单词,营造良好的氛围。在小组合作中,学会发表自己的想法。
Post-task activities Activity:Draw a person. Let the others guess who that is. “Is that your … ” Read after the tape. 通过画一画、说一说这样的活动能够有效地激发学生的学习兴趣。
Procedures Contents Methods Purpose
Pre-task preparation RevisionInvite the others to guess, “Is that your father/mother/ aunt… ” Show the picture of your family members and introduce them, “ This is my ...” 把所学的语句灵活运用到实际生活中去,介绍自己的家庭成员。.
While task procedures Task 1Listen to the story in Unit 3 and answer the questions:Who’s Sandy’s class teacher Who does she want to speak to, Sandy’s father or Sandy’s mother GameActivity: May I speak to … Pass the word on. “Dinglingling, May I speak to …” “Yes, this is …” Listen and answer the questions.To practise the way of giving/receiving a telephone. 让学生分工扮演成角色表演课本内容,模拟实际生活运用所学内容,这对培养学生大胆仿说和拓展表演起到积极的作用。
Post-task activities Activity:Repeat the dialogue and try to imitate the intonation. Act out the short play after learning. Make a new dialogue. 在小组中分配学习任务,以好带差,互帮互学;教师在巡视学生学习时,对完成学习任务有困难的学生进行个别点拨和辅导。对于学习有潜力的学生,可为他们提出更高一层次的学习要求。
Procedures Contents Methods Purpose
Pre-task preparation Revision:Recite and act out the story in Unit 3. Speak out the story. 在表演的过程中复习课文,营造了良好的学习氛围。
While task procedures Task 1Do the exercises on the exercise-book (page 13).Make your own rhymes. G for … H for…. I for…Task 2Learn the song: The wheels of the bus go round and round. Show the letters: Hold a competition:Who sings well 通过大量的单词朗读不仅使学生牢固认知字母,而且让学生自然而然地总结出字母在这些单词中的发音规则。在优美的背景音乐里,让学生操练语言,给学生带来愉悦的感受,有效地为今后的学习积累句型。
Post-task activities Task 1Do the exercises on the exercise-book. Review Unit 3 每节课都为学生提供说话的机会,在说的过程中锻炼他们的语言表达能力和思维能力。
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