Unit 7 Waiting for Another Weekend
New Century Primary English 5B Unit 7
● 学生以前学过一般将来时和现在进行时,本课再次学习这两个时态,学生应该对它们的结构、功能和用法能很熟练的掌握。本单元是在前面学习的基础上,结合各种情境继续学习和运用这两个时态。这也是学生日常生活中能经常接触到并使用的,应给学生创设更多会话的机会;同时,应进一步作两者间的比较,使学生真正能结合实际正确运用不同的时态。
● 本单元的另一个重点是对天气的描述和谈论,并根据天气情况制订自己的出游计划。如:表示天气情况的词组更为丰富了,天气在不同时态下的问答方式,和听取天气预报后决定周末计划。
● Wonderland中的七个单词在意义上比较散,但大多数单词与句子学生基本已掌握。重点让学生学习并掌握:terrible形容天气很糟糕,spend …in sp.,listen to the weather report = listen to the weather forecast,wait for …,cut … into …pieces。
● Farmland中的句型和词组都比较熟悉,是进一步熟练运用现在进行时态和一般将来时态的两种表达方法。重点能在所提供的语言环境中灵活运用以上词组与句型进行交际,并能运用本课句型谈论本周的周末计划。
● Grand Theatre的教学内容是Wonderland和Farmland内容的整合和运用。重点让学生学习并掌握:the Wangs的含义,听天气预报的方式,一些表示天气的词组,天气在不同时态下的问答方式,听取天气预报后制订周末计划。
● Disneyland , Kid’s Palace培养学生良好的语音、语调和语感,使他们掌握一些字母组合的发音,并结合阅读短文的意思教育学生要做一个诚实的人。
能根据音标正确朗读单词:terrible, spend, bright, forecast, wait, most, piece;熟练掌握Wonderland中的单词和句子;能对所学相关内容进行问答;能选用所学的词汇和句子自编成有意义的对话或小短文。
学习并运用词组:go somewhere far去遥远的地方,和对话下方的词组;进一步熟练运用现在进行时态和将来时态的两种表达方法;能在所提供的语言环境中灵活运用以上词组与句型进行交际;能运用本课句型,谈论本周的周末计划。
学习并掌握以下几个固定搭配:go to the hills 去爬山,on the radio 通过收音机,most parts of China 中国大部分地方,early spring 早春,cloudy with a little rain 阴有雨,most of the time 大部分时间,colder than before 比之前冷,another weekend 另一个周末。理解并掌握:can 过去式could 和can’t 过去式couldn’t ;the Wings 王先生一家 , 姓后加s , 表示一家人。能熟练掌握天气在不同时态下的问答方式;能熟练运用将来时态的两种表达方法:will+动词原形,be going to +动词原形;能根据天气制定计划。
能认读国际音标[u] , [u:];能根据字母组合的发音给单词归类并读出单词。
序号 类型 内容 课时
1 单词教学 Wonderland 1课时
2 词组和句型教学 Farmland 1课时
3 语篇阅读教学 Grand Theatre 2课时
4 儿歌、音标和阅读小短文教学 Disneyland , Kid’s Palace 1课时
预习:要求学生听Wonderland部分的录音,回答问题:How do you often know the weather report What’s the weather like in different season 回忆有关描述天气情况的词汇。
能根据音标正确朗读单词:terrible, spend, bright, forecast, wait, most, piece。
活动过程 教师活动 学生活动 教案调整
Pre-task preparation Sing a song: How is the weather Daily talk: What’s the weather like in spring/ summer / autumn / winter 1. Sing together.2. Answer the questions.
While-task procedure forecast, terrible, brightT: How is the weather today T: How do you often know the weather report T: Weather report, we can also say: weather forecast (Show a weather forecast) T: What’s the weather like today Oh! It’s terrible. T: How about tomorrow It’s going to be sunny and bright tomorrow.most, wait, spendT: Tomorrow is a fine day.Shall we go to Hangzhou T: OK. Most of you want to go there.T: I’ll wait for you at the school gate at 7:00 am.T: We’ll spend three days in Hangzhou.3. piece
Cut the cake into six pieces. Cut the apple into two pieces.Show students the phoneticsymbols of the new words S: It’s …S: Listen to the radio. Watch TV. (…)Talk in pairs:A: How do you often know the weather forecast B: S: It’s rainy and windy today.Learn: terribleS: …Learn: bright bright eyes (…)Put up pare: one / some /most / all of youMake sentences: is waiting for .Talk in pairs:A: How long will you spend in B: I will spend .Cut the into pieces.Read the words.
Post-task activities Play the tape.Show the cards of phonetics and words.Listen and fill in the blanks.Make a dialogue:A: Do you know the weather B: Yes, I often listen to the .A: How’s the weather today B: It’s .A: Shall we go to B: Great. How long will we spend A: We will spend .B: Where shall we meet A: I’ll wait for you at .B: OK. See you later.A: See you. 1. Read after the tape.2. Have a match.3. Fill and check.4. Talk in pairs and act.
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