一年级英语下册教案 unit 1(1)(新世纪版)


名称 一年级英语下册教案 unit 1(1)(新世纪版)
格式 rar
文件大小 12.8KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 新世纪版
科目 英语
更新时间 2010-01-26 13:29:00



Unit 1 School Again
帮助小学生学会在适当的场合说“Sorry”和“Thank you.”
1. 认识Wonderland中的形容词new, old和名词pencil, knife
2. 学会用“I’m not…”说话。
3. 能听懂和理解Grand Theatre 中的对话内容,并模仿正确的语音语调在课内表演。
能听懂和理解课堂用语:Look at the board. Listen to the tape. 并能做出正确的动作反应。
学唱英语歌曲:Happy New Year to You!
1.结合课文内容拓展一些学习用品名称:pen, ruler, eraser, pencil box, pencil case。
2.能用 new, old 来描述物品.
3.能用学过的学习用品名词与Grand Theatre的语言内容整合,拓展学生的语言量,让学生进行表演。
能根据生活中的实际情景用英语说: Sorry. 或Thank you.
1. 情感态度:学会同学之间相互关爱, 并能爱护自己的学习用品。
2. 学习策略:在开展小组活动,编排小对话的时候要善于学习
3. 文化目标: 对别人的赞美要表示感谢。
Student’s book 1B page 1~5
Cassette 1B Unit 1
Student’s workbook 1B page 1~P5
Words and picture cards 1B Unit 1
Teaching Transparencies 1B Unit 1
教学时间:3课时 (每课时35~40分钟)
Procedures Contents Methods Purpose
Pre-task Preparation 1.Song:Happy New Year to You!Happy New Year to you.Happy New Year to you.Happy New Year to youAll.Happy New Year to you.What have you goton New Year’s Eve 1.Play the cassette: Unit 1Disneyland, SongHave the students sing “Happy New Year to You!”2. Encourage the students to say something they have got on New Year’s Eve 1.新学年的第一堂英语课,学生和老师用上英语课 的形式互祝新年好,创造和谐的师生关系。2. 提问后让学生自然应答,为引入新单词做铺垫。
Taskprocedure Task1: Lead inShow something to the students.(pencil, pen, eraser, ruler, pencil-boxknife, pencil case etc.) Question: Which one is new Which one is old Task 2: Show some stationary to the students and ask two questions: What’s this Is it new or old Task 3: Group workThe students show their own stationary in the group and say: This is my… It’s not… It’s … etc. 1. The students look at these things and learn to say: It’s new/old. It’s not new/old. It’s old/new.2. The student looks and answers the questions: It’s a pencil. It’s new.3. The students show their own stationary in the group and introduce it. 1.通过观察物品特征,让学生在自然说话时学会新单词。2. 通过回答问题,学习新单词:铅笔,小刀,并根据学生实际能力拓展地教一些学习用品名词。3.开展小组活动,让学生拿着自己的学习用品作介绍,把词与句整合起来,进行说话训练。
Post-taskactivities 1.Guessing game: What’s this Is it oldor new 2.Student’s workbook:Listening: page1~2 Let the students touchthe things and guess.Play the cassette and do listening exercises in class. 通过猜一猜,做一做来巩固本课学习内容。
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