二年级英语下册教案 Unit 7(2)(新世纪版)


名称 二年级英语下册教案 Unit 7(2)(新世纪版)
格式 rar
文件大小 12.7KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 新世纪版
科目 英语
更新时间 2014-06-06 21:35:59



Unit 7 No Smoking
1.掌握Wonderland中动词:shout, feed, paint, touch。
3.理解Grand Theatre中的句子:Look over there. There’s a sign. No smoking. 并要求学生分角色表演对话。
4.能理解并区分“Climb the pole.”和“Climb the hill.”。
6.能用正确的音调和节奏唱出歌曲:Sit down you’re rocking the boat。
1.掌握Wonderland中动词:shout, feed, paint, touch。
4.能替换Grand Theatre中的语句,根据不同场景自编对话进行表演。
教学内容 “设计意图”或“调适说明”
Pre-task preparationWarming-upGreeting:By asking and answering, to know some information from the students.Do actionsTeacher says actions and students do them.(The last action is ‘run fast’.)While-task procedureLead in: Guessing game.Teacher does an action. Let the student guess: What do I do (paint)2.Task:To learn the new words: shout, feed, paint, touch.Show the picture cards and teach.Paint: Teacher writes the word ‘rain’, let the students read it. Then, put ‘p’ instead of ‘r’, and add ‘t’ at the end. Shout: Write the word ‘out’, make the student pronounces it. Then, add ‘sh’ to the beginning.Touch: Let the students know the sound of ‘ou’ here is different from ‘shout’.Feed: It’s not difficult to read it. Teacher can let the students read it by themselves.3. Activity:To identify the new words.Match up:Find out the correct word for each picture.4. Task:To learn the new sentence pattern.Ask and answer: T: Can you shout in the library (The student should say, ‘No, I can’t.’) The teacher, at that time, can show the sentence pattern ‘Don’t …’ and say, ‘Remember, don’t shout in the library.’5. Activity: (Pair work)Practice the sentence pattern.Show some signs on the board: Don’t feed the animals. Don’t touch. Don’t paint…Post-task activitiesActivity:Find out who is wrong, and tell him/her.Show a picture. In it, there are some kids doing some wrong things, such as ‘shout in the library’, ‘feed the animals in the zoo’, ‘paint the picture on the wall’, ‘walk on the grass’, etc. Make the students find out who is wrong. And tell them by using ‘Don’t…’ 1. 通过问候,了解学生情况,创设一种轻松的学习环境。2. 老师让学生根据老师的口令做出与之相适应的动作,复习学过的动词,为学习新动词作铺垫。引入:让学生猜动作,引出要学的单词,激发学习兴趣。利用已知单词的读音,学习新单词,帮助学生正确把握单词发音。让学生把单词与图片配对,巩固对单词的字型与字意的理解。教师自然的提问,引导学生理解句型。“趁热打铁”,把句型操练熟。教师展示的图片创设了模拟的生活场境,让学生判断谁做错了,并运用所学句型。
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