Unit 6 The Noisy Band
1. 教材分析
2. 学情分析
3. 研究主题
预习: 课前要求学生听Unit 6 wonderland 的录音,初步感知语音、语调和句意。
课前准备: PPT演示文稿制作
课型: 单词教学
1. 学习八个单词, 掌握拼读规则。
2. 学习理解八句句子。
3. 训练学生朗读句子的语音语调。
活动过程 教师活动 学生活动 教案调整
Pre-taskpreparation Daily talkWhat day is today What’s the date today What can we do on the playground Complete the dialogues……. Answer.Discuss
While-taskprocedure Learn the word and sentences:Piano, guitar, violin, triangle, drum, terrible, knock, stop 谈话引出单词: 1. Musical instrument, piano: T: What are they What musical instrument can you play What musical instrument is Mingming play T shows the word.2. guitar: What musical instrument is Tom playing T shows the word.3. violin: T: Is this a piano Is it a guitar What is it T shows the word.4. triangle:T: What shape is it One kind of musical instrument is named triangle.T shows picture and the word.5. drum: Who can beat it T shows the word.6. Pay attention: Play +球类Play with +玩具Play the +乐器7. terrible: T: Give them a terrible noise. How is the noise T shows some pictures, word and sentences.8. knock:T: (knock at the desk) What am I doing T shows the word.9. stopT Show the pictures Learn the new word “piano”Read and spell the word. Make sentences with the word.Learn the new word “guitar”Read and spell the word. Make sentences with the word.Learn the new word “violin”Read and spell the word. Make sentences with the word.Learn the new word “triangle”Read and spell the word. Make sentences with the word.Learn the new word “drum”ComparerRead Learn the new word “ask”Listen to a noiseRead and spell the word. Make sentences with the word.Learn the new word “knock”Read the word. Make some short phrases with the word.Learn the new word “stop”Read and spell the word. Make sentences with the word.
Post-taskactivities 1. Read the new words2. Read the sentences.3. Talk about the pictures.
1. 听读背熟p28单词、句子。
2. 运用单词各造一个句子。
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