二年级英语下册教案 unit 5(2)(新世纪版)


名称 二年级英语下册教案 unit 5(2)(新世纪版)
格式 rar
文件大小 14.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 新世纪版
科目 英语
更新时间 2013-09-13 15:44:40



Unit 5 A Huge Ice-cream
1.认知单词: sandwich, bread, noodles, hamburgers
2.会根据提供的图片进行句型操练 I want ---.
3.能认读和书写字母L M和N,并感知它们在单词中的发音。
2.能替换Grand Theatre中的语句,根据不同场合自编对话。
1.能根据Grand Theatre中的内容学会在特定的情景中用“May I … ”和“I want…”这样的句型来表达。
Student’s book 2B P17~P20
Cassette 2B Unit 5
Student’s workbook 2B P32~P38
Word and picture cards 2B Unit 5
Lesson Plan ( 1 )
Procedures Contents Methods Purpose
Pre-task preparation Warming-upRevision1. Review the toys: doll, car, plane, yo-yo, bear, elephant, kite. (Draw a big picture “ Toy Shop”)2. Make a short dialogue: A: What do you want B: I want … Act out Unit 5.Review the words. 通过复习toys,引入本课新句型。
While task presentation Task 1Suppose today’s Sb’s birthday. Whole class will buy a gift for him. Let’s ask together, “ What do you want ”Task 2Pair work: Suppose today’s your birthday, what do you want Task3Show another big picture: Food Shop. Review these foods together.Learn the new words: sandwich, bread, noodles, hamburgers, ice-cream Learn the word: wantLearn the new words. 通过游戏活动,操练新句型,激发学生学习兴趣。通过活动,巩固复习食物单词的同时,也增加一些新的食物类单词,拓展知识。
Post-task activities GameMatch the words with the pictures.ActivityRole-play: Shop assistant & customers. After the game, let the students read after the tape. 分角色扮演,以达到复习巩固的目的。
Lesson Plan ( 2 )
Procedures Contents Methods Purpose
Pre-task preparation RevisionReview the letters:Recite the letters in order(2)Quick response: b-c, d-e, a-b…Review the sentence:I want… Act out: Exercise Book (page 38) 进一步操练上一节课的内容,强化训练。
While task presentation Task 1Listen to the story and answer the question: Why does Tommy want that one, not this one 2. Show the third picture of a big ice-cream and learn the new word: huge.3. Act out the dialogue.Task 2Look at the pictures in Farmland. Act out one of the pictures. Read after the tape. 听一听,说一说,让学生小组合作,大胆表达自己的看法。
Post-task activities ActivityMake a new story and act out. Exercise Book (page 40) 依据课文内容,小组合作,编对话并表演。
Lesson Plan ( 3 )
Procedures Contents Methods Purpose
Pre-task preparation Revision1.Review the lettersAct out Unit 6.Act out the new dialogue. Act out: Exercise Book (page 38) 通过小组活动,进一步巩固操练句型。
While task presentation Task 1Learn the new letters: Ll Mm NnRead the letters and words. (Exercise Book page 37)KC, kh, HA, LI, lc,bread, noodles, sandwiches, hamburgers, lightMake your own rhyme: Lfor … Mfor …Task 2Show a tree and a flower. Learn the parts of a tree and a flower. Read after the tape.Learn the new words: kite, light 通过大量的朗读,使每一位学生自己找出读音规则,并能大胆发表意见。
Post-task activities Game :Who can say it correctly, clearly and fast 5GActivity 鼓励每一位学生大胆地开口说,培养英语语感。
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