Unit 7 Waiting for Another Weekend (Wonderland)
(一) 基础目标
1.学习本单元单词terrible spend bright forecast wait most piece
3.听说和阅读理解 Grand Theatre中的语言材料,并能根据主话题写6-8句话
4.掌握元音音标/ /, / /
(二) 发展目标
1. 能用英语来表达天气情况,不同气候的天气情况。
2. 能灵活运用现在进行时与一般将来时。
1. 情感态度:培养学生了解大自然,热爱大自然,热爱生活的情操。
2. 学习策略:培养学生注意观察天气变化,了解大自然对我们的学习、生活、工作密切相关。
3. 文化目标:培养学生收听英语气象预报的习惯,并能用英语描述不同的天气情况。
Lesson Plan (1) Wonderland
I. Pre-task preparation
1. Daily Talk (Weather, school life and so on)
2. Talk about their holidays in Shanghai or other places.
II. While-task procedure
1. Learn the new words (terrible spend bright forecast wait most piece)
T: We’ll go to Hangzhou tomorrow. We’ll stay in Hangzhou for two days.
Do you know what the weather is like tomorrow
Now let’s listen to the weather report.
T: Ask: What are you doing S: We are listening to the weather report.
T: Weather report, we can also say: Weather forecast
Elcit: forecast
T: Is the weather fine tomorrow S: No, it’s too bad.
T: Yes, it’s not bright and sunny. It’s terrible
Elicit: birght, terrible
T: Tomorrow the weather is terrible. But the day after tomorrow the weather is bright and sunny. And the day after tomorrow is the weekend. Oh, we can go to Hangzhou this weekend.
Would you like to go to Hangzhou If you want to go, please put up your hands. Oh, most of you would like to go. Well, let’s go there this weekend. We will spend three days in Hangzhou.
Now let’s wait at the school gate at 7:30 on Saturday morning.
Elicit: most,wait,spend(从谈论周末计划引入单词教学,使单词完整不分散,提高学生的语用能力)
T: I am hungry. I want a cake. But this cake is too big. Let me cut it. Look. There are four pieces of cake on the desk. It’s nice .Would you like to eat one
l. Elicit: cut, piece. ( 通过演示更加直观)
2. Write the phonetic symbols of the new words on the board. Ask the students to read them out.
3. Play the cassette: Wonderland. Students listen and follow with their books open.
4. Play the cassette again. Students listen and repeat.
5. Let the students ask questions about the new words.
6. Read the new words and sentences in groups of four. Pay attention to the pronunciation. Try to remember the meanings of the new words and sentences.
III. Post-task activities
1. Ask the students to remember the new words as soon as possible.
2. Divide the students into groups of four. Ask them to make sentences with the new words.
3. Invite individuals to talk the sentences they have made.
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