Unit 6 No school today
2.通过学习Sports Club,培养小学生的动手能力。
1.认识Wonderland中一周七天的表达法Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,Saturday。
2.能理解和使用句型:What day is today 并用“It is/Today is…”做出正确回答。
3.掌握Grand Theatre中的句型Where are you going To…和 … have no …。能理解他们之间的对话,并要求学生分角色表演对话。
4.能理解“Fold the paper.”和 “Tear the paper.”的含义,并根据指令做相应的动作。
6.通过学唱歌曲Days of the Week记住一周中七天的不同说法。
1. 由Wonderland中的词拓展学习部分月份、节日、日期的表达法,并能正确认读。
2.能替换Grand Theatre中的语句,根据不同场景自编对话。
1.看图或日历,能熟练说出:Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,Saturday。同时培养学生根据发音规律记忆单词的能力。
2.培养学生看图说话的能力,能对照提供的日历用What day is today It is/Today is…”与自己的伙伴对话。
Student’s book 2B P37~P42
Cassette 2B Unit 6
Student’s workbook 2B P42~P50
Word and picture cards 2B Unit 6
Teaching Transparencies 2B Unit 6
Procedures Contents Methods Purpose
Pre-task preparation Warming-upGreetingGood morning.Good afternoon. Nice to see you.Sports Club:Fold the paper.Tear the paper. 1. The teacher and the students greet one another.2. The teacher shows a piece of paper to the students and does the corresponding actions. Then the teacher speaks English and the students perform the actions. 1. 师生问好,为学习英语创设良好的学习氛围。2. 让学生根据老师的示范动作理解口令的含义,并能做出与口令相适应的动作。
While task presentation Task 1. Lead in:Show a big calendar of the year 2006.Task 2. Teach the new words: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,Saturday。Task 3. Group work:Listen and number the days of the week… 1. Teacher asks: How many days are there in a week What day is the first day of a week (Sunday)Students say together: Sunday, Sunday, It’s Sunday.2. Show the calendar to the students and say: We have lessons from Monday to Friday.What day is the last day of the week (Saturday)3. Teacher says a day of the week at random and the students write the number in the book. 引入:通过看日历和教师的手势,让学生明白星期日是一周中的第一天。2. 引导学生看日历来记忆单词,提醒学生这七个单词有一个共性,结尾都是-day,发音为/di/.同时引导学生按音节拼读,记忆词形。
Post-task activities Team work:1. Fill in the missing letters.Play a game: Lucky turning- plate 1. Read new words:S nday,M nday,T esday, W dn sday,Th sday, Fr day,S turday.2. Teacher wants to get a day of the week. If the student gets the day after his turning the plate. It means that the student is lucky. The teacher will congratulate him/her. 让学生通过填写所缺字母,记忆词形,了解单词主要音素。在游戏中复习单词,有趣且有效。
Procedures Contents Methods Purpose
Pre-task preparation Warming-up 1. Song: Days of the Week2. Fold the paper.Tear the paper. 1. Listen to the English song. Then sing it after the tape.2. Teacher speaks English and the students do the actions. 1. 学唱歌曲活跃课堂气氛,也复习巩固了上节课的内容。 2. 整合Sports club中的语言材料,训练学生的反应能力。
While task presentation Task 1. Lead in:Show a weekly calendar. Task 2. Teacher shows several pictures of some important festivals. Task 3. Group work: Say something about these festivals. 1. The teacher asks:What day is today To elicit: It’s/Today is…2. Today is New Year’s Day. It’s on Jan. 1st. What day is today What can you do 3. Invite the students to talk about the pictures. 引入:通过看日历提问,学习新授句型,掌握两种应答方式。2. 教师描述节日的图片, 引导学生做出应答。3. 进一步训练学生运用语言的能力,强化记忆,同时可以新授一些简单的日期和节日的表达法。
Post-task activities Team work:1. Guess what day today is.2.Game: Who is the winner Show the class curriculum to the students and describe as ‘We have Chinese, English, Maths, music and P.E. What day is today ’Describe the date (or festival) of some day. Let them find out what day it is. The quickest one is the winner. 让学生看着自己的课程表判断今天是星期几。让学生每人带一本当年的日历。这个游戏可以两人一组做,也可以在多人小组中做。
Procedures Contents Methods Purpose
Pre-task preparation Warming-up1. Song: Days of the Week2. Quick response: Fold the paper.Tear the paper.3.Learn the new letters: Mm, Nn4.Revision:Complete the table according to the language materials. 1. Sing the song after the tape.2. Teacher does the actions and the students speak English. 3.(1)Read a rhyme:M, m, m, m for mouth.N, n, n, n for nose.(2) Compare the letter “m” with “n” about their writing and pronunciation.4.For instance:Today is Children’s Day. It’s on June 1st, It’s Sunday. We are going to the park. We are happy. 1.跟着录音唱这首歌曲, 通过多媒体的生动演示,增强孩子学习语言的兴趣。 2. 整合Sports club中的语言材料,换一种方式训练学生的反应能力。3.(1)在朗读儿歌的基础上,引导学生用以m,n开头的单词自编儿歌。(2)区分这两个字母在书写和发音上的不同。4.引导学生根据语言材料完成表格,培养学生英语读写能力。
While task presentation Task 1. Lead in:Show some pictures of the students and different places.Task 2. Teach the sentence: We have no school today.Task 3. Listen to the tape.Task 4. Read the dialogue. 1. Teacher asks: Where are you going, Alice To elicit: To the zoo.2. Show a timetable, and teacher says :We have lessons from Monday to Friday. We have no school on Saturday and Sunday.3. Look at the pictures and read after the tape, then try to understand the meaning of the dialogue.4. Practice in pairs. 1.通过提问,教师可把人物放在相应的地点旁边。按照这种模式,让学生理解,练习句型。2. 通过看课程表、教师讲解和手势理解We have no school today.句子的含义。3. 让学生听录音理解Alice和Norman的对话,进一步训练学生理解并运用语言的能力。
Post-task activities Team work:1. Act out the Grand Theatre.2. Make a new dialogue. The students can perform the dialogue with their partners.Discuss in small groups and prepare it. 培养学生表演对话的能力。学生可以模仿课文中的情景,自编小对话。
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