Unit 8 The tub needs a bath too
听说 These are…的句型。
学会字母 Ss、Tt,能正确书写。
拓展 Those are…的句型,能根据情景进行有意义的交流。
Step 1.Pre-task procedure, Review
1. Do some actions
look at …
clean the …
take a bath
2. Talk about the picture
These\Those are…
Step 2. While-task procedure
(一) learn: go to school、I’m home、clothes(以Norman 的一天生活为线索)
(1) T: ( Show a picture ) It’s seven o’clock. But Norman is having breakfast. Mother says: Norman, hurry up! It’s seven. It’s too late. You must go to school. Take your bag and go to school quickly.
(2) learn: go to school
(3) It’s Sunday. It’s a fine day. Where do you want to go
S: go to …
(4) (show a clock) What time is it It’s…
What is Norman doing He’s playing football (basketball…)
(5) It’s four. Norman is very tired. He’s home. He says to his mother: I’m home, Mum.
Learn: I’m home.
T: What does Norman say to his mother What does Norman do
S: I’m home. I’m hungry (thirsty, hot…)
(6) T: Norman is very hot. He takes off his clothes.
Learn: clothes
Say something about the clothes.
( These are my clothes. They are new\ dirty\ red…)
(二) teach: The tub needs a bath, too.
(1) (设计情景)Mother: Norman, you are too dirty. Come here, you need take a bath.
Norman: All right. Oh, the tub is dirty. The tub needs a bath, too.
(2) …dirty. …needs a bath, too.
(三). teach: What are you doing
(配不同的动作) What are you doing I’m…
(四). Listen and read after the tape.
Step 3. Post-task activities
Ask and answer the questions.
Act out the dialogue.
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