Unit
教案
Park
(
Task
1-2
)
教学目标
知识目标:本单元是最后一个综合复习单元,使学生通过这个单元的学习,能听懂课堂教学中所接触的简短的指令,做出相应的反应。
能力目标:展示学生对所学话题的目标语言的运用能力。
3、情感目标:让学生体验运用英语的快乐,树立能学会好英语的自信心,提高在真实情境中进行语言交际的能力。
教学重难点
重点;
掌握Task
1:
Listen,
read
and
talk.
My
travel
plan
难点:
在Task
1:
Listen,
read
and
talk.
My
travel
plan的基础上,教师引导学生对语言进行复习、模/学习和体验,最终使学生能后运用目标语言进行交际或书面表达。
课前准备
教师准备好多媒体,任务1的音频文件。在课上相应环节给学生播放音频材料。
准备世界知名景点的图片,在课堂上进行评价时作为奖励物品使用。
教学过程
Step
1.Warming
up/Revision
1.引出话题,激活背景知识
师生互相问好,然后教师自然地询问学生家庭的暑期旅行计划,激发学生关于旅游这一话题的已有英文知识。
语言支持如下:
T:
Good
morning,
boys
and
girls.
Class:
Good
morning
teacher.
T:
Nice
to
see
you
again!
Class:
Nice
to
see
you,
too!
T:
As
you
know,
the
summer
holiday
is
coming.
Where
are
you
going
/
What
is
your
travel
plan
Class:
I’m
going
to
…
with
my
family.
2.复现知识
教师通过PPT展示出一些已学的知名景点,让学生说出这些已学单词。教师要适时给予评价。
Sept2
Presentation
1)Task
1:
Listen,
read
and
talk.
教师在播放录音之前,通过预热活动已经激发了学生已有知识和已有经验,此时可以自然引入本课主题:Do
you
want
to
know
Yang
Ming’s
travel
plan
学生学习的过程是一个不断提出问题、解决问题的过程,英语阅读也是这样。学生要通过带着问题到文中检索答案的方式学习课文。
因此,提出细节性问题,让学生带着问题阅读课文。1.Where
is
Yang
Ming
going
to
travel
2.How
many
days
is
he
going
to
stay
there
3.Where
are
they
going
to
visit
in
the
first
two
days
4.Where
are
they
going
to
visit
for
the
last
day
要做到让学生带着问题有针对性地阅读。
通过小组讨论后。学生不难做出回答:Yang
Ming
is
going
to
Singapore.
They
are
going
to
stay
in
Singapore
for
three
days.In
the
first
two
days,
they
are
going
to
visit
Sentosa,
the
Singapore
Zoo
and
the
Singapore
Flyer.
For
the
last
day,
they
are
going
to
visit
Chinatown.
回答完问题后,教师把课前准备好的表格发给学生,组织学生默读课文后完成表格:
places
Things
people
can
do
Sentosa
The
Singapore
Zoo
The
Singapore
Flyer
Chinatown
在学生已经进行两次阅读任务后,教师调整教学方式,通过默读,可以维持学生的阅读兴趣。
Sept3
Practise
1)Fill
in
the
blanks.
2)Task
2:
Write
your
travel
plan.
在任务1中,学生在拓展环节已经谈论了自己的旅行计划,
在任务2中要求学生能够把自己的旅行计划落实在笔头,从口头表达到书面表达,对学生用词的确切性、语法的准确性及语句的逻辑性有更高的要求。因此教师应适当地给学生提供语言支持,协助学生完成写作任务。
Sept4
Summary
Our
motherland
is
so
beautiful.There
are
many
interesting
places
to
visit.So
hope
our
students
Study
harder,travel
around
China,travel
around
the
world.Do
it
now.
Sept5
Homework
1.Make
a
list
of
family
travel
plan.
制定一份家庭旅游计划。
2.
Try
to
retell
the
text.
尝试复述课文。(共27张PPT)
Where
is
Yang
Ming’s
family
going
to
travel
in
their
summer
holidays
1.How
many
days
is
he
going
to
stay
there
2.Where
are
they
going
to
visit
in
the
first
two
days
3.Where
are
they
going
to
visit
for
the
last
day
For
three
days.
Sentosa
Singapore
zoo
Singapore
Flyer
Chinatown
Sentosa
It
is
a
beautiful
island
and
there
are
many
interesting
places
there.
Singapore
zoo
The
Singapore
zoo
is
in
the
open
air.
People
can
see
animals
in
daytime
and
at
night.
People
can
take
the
train
around
the
zoo
and
see
animals
from
the
train.
Singapore
flyer
Singapore
Flyer
is
the
world’s
largest
flyer.
People
can
see
all
of
Singapore
from
inside
the
flyer.
places
Things
people
can
do
Sentosa
The
Singapore
Zoo
The
Singapore
Flyer
Chinatown
There
are
many
interesting
places
there.
People
can
see
animals
in
daytime
and
at
night.People
can
take
the
train
around
the
zoo
and
see
animals
from
the
train.
People
can
see
all
of
Singapore
From
inside
the
flyer.
We
can
enjoy
the
food
there
and
learn
more
about
the
history
of
Singapore.
1.In
the
first
two
days,they
are
going
to
visit________,____________,
_____________
(
)2.People
can
take
the______around
the
zoo.
A.foot
B.plane
C.train
(
)3.Is
Singapore
Flyer
the
world's
largest
flyer
A.Yes,it
is.
B.No,it
isn't.
don't
know.
(
)4.For
the
last
day,we're
going
to
visit____.
A.Chinatown
B.Sentosa
C.Singapore
Flyer
Sentosa
Singapore
zoo
Singapore
Flyer
What
do
you
think
of
Yang
Ming’s
travel
Do
you
want
to
go
to
Singapore
Where
are
you
going
for
your
summer
holidays
Talk
about
your
travel
plan.
This
is
my
travel
plan
on
my
summer
holidays.
Hello.My
name
is…
In
this
summer
holiday.I’m
going
to
Travel/visit…
I’m
going
to
stay
there
for…
hear
that…
Study
harder.
Travel
around
China.
Travel
around
the
world.
Do
it
now
2.
Try
to
retell
the
text.
尝试复述课文。
Homework
Make
a
list
of
family
travel
plan.
制定一份家庭旅游计划。