(北师大版)英语教案五年级下册 unit8
Unit8 The concert
The first period
Unit8 The concert
教学目标 技能目标 1、基本能够用用人称代词的主格I,we,you,she,he,theyAnd it描述人物做过什么事。2、基本能用本单元主要句描述将来发生的事情
知识目标 1、基本掌握掌握字母r和l在单词中的发音;能准确朗读本单元涉及单词及句子。2、基本掌握核心词汇spacesuit,planet,air,beanstalk,the earth,fun,suit,spaceship,astronaut,afraid,yesterday及短语last night3、句型Where were you Where was WangLing We were in the spaceship.I was at home.She was at school. There was no water. There were no trees.
情感、文化、策略目标 通过人称代词的主格和一般过学习去时态的,让学生了解和体会汉、英两种语言在表达方式上的异同。
教学重点 1、人称代词主格的学习2、描述过去发生的事情
教学难点 描述过去发生的事情
教具准备 图片、录音机、实物
教 学 过 程
活动进程 学 生活 动 教 师引 导 设 计意 图 重点关注
Step1Greetings and warm-up 学生与教师问候S:Good morning I’m fine,thank youHow are you 学生间的相互问好倾听和模仿Ss try to talk :He was in Chengdu/…Then show-off 教师热情地和学生打招呼,与学生问候T:Good morning, boys and girls. How are you T:T:Ask Ss about their summer vacation.eg.I was in Beijing Then ask:Where were you Simple assessment 通过师生、生生相互问候创设英语学习气氛,活跃课堂,拉近师生间距离 在真实情景中运用一般过去时态 学生能积极参与活动 引出一般过去时态和人称代词的主格
Step2Set the scene Step3The story Ss:聚焦T积极参与活动Ss:repeatI had a dream last night.Ss talk about their mates Ss:listen and point the sentencesSs:look and listen and pointSs:listen and try to read the stor Set the scene:I had a dream last night.Do you have a dream last night T:model Tom/He/She had …) T:Tell the story for the class Tell the story again with the poster Play the record 创设情景,引入新知 培养学生的英语思维能力。 培养学生听指的好习惯 培养学生学会运用材料的能力 情景教学,让知识与生活紧密联系 学生之间的互动,师生之间的互动。学生的指听 学生的看听了解学生知识掌握情况
Ss :read it by themselvesSs:read and circle the new words Group work:discuss the main idea Then do T o rFSs:information gap firstly.Then listen to teacherSs’s show-off Ask Ss to read the following story (more difficult).And thenWrite down the new words Give some questions eg;Who had a bad day Who ate a banana … T:explain tbe new words Assessment Ss 培养学生对新知识板块的学习方法 培养学生的合作习惯和能力为学生内化知识和读懂故事扫清障碍 分组让Ss由简单的模仿到初步运用 按老师的要求在做吗中差学生弄懂故事大意没有学生的指读情况学生的参与情况,让每位学生都在原有基础上有所发展了解学生知识掌握情况
作业设计 1 Listen to the story with their parents.2 try to retell the story to their parents.3 Preview P16-P17.
板书设计 Unit8 The concert Lesson1 The story New words:visited,went,cleaned Assessment What did you do yesterday T1 T2 T3Yesterday I visited a friend. Mocky ate a banana too quickly.He couldn’t breathe.
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