四年级英语下册教案 unit10(5)(北师大版)


名称 四年级英语下册教案 unit10(5)(北师大版)
格式 rar
文件大小 14.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 北师大版
科目 英语
更新时间 2010-02-23 19:19:00



课题 Unit-10 let’s go! 课时 第五课时
教材分析 Key points 4-skilled words: a movie an amusement park a museum money a bus a dinosaur far away start close by busby car free enoughNew structures: Let’s …. Shall we … Do we have enough time/money Yes, we do./ No, we don’t. Pronunciation: Sounds and letters: “air”, “ear”, “are”
教学目标 1.The students can read the words and recognize the words preliminary.2. The students can describe the time and activities in English.3. The students can grasp how to pronounce “air”, “ear”, “are”4. Developing the pupil’s ability of co-operation by group work.
课前准备 Courseware, audiocassette recorder, new words cards
板书设计 Unit 10 Let’s go!Let’s …. Shall we … Do we have enough time/money Yes, we do./ No, we don’t.
教 学 活 动 设 计 设 计 意 图
Step1. Warm up:T: Class begins!Morning! Boys and girls!S: Morning ,teacher!T: What day is it today S: It’s / Today is…T: What do you do on weekend S: I do my homework.T: Do you have much homework S: Yes, we do.T: Do you have enough time to do it S: Sometimes we do, sometimes we don’t.Step 2. Review1. Review the flashcards for Units 5 and 10.2. Hold up the flashcard for school. Cover it with a piece of blank paper so that the children can not see the picture. Remove the blank paper bit by bit. Ask, “What’s this ” until the children get, “It’s a ( school ).”3. Repeat for the other flashcards.4. Take out the flashcards for Unit 5. Present each card and elicit the name from the children.5. Pin up the flashcards on the board. Tell the children they are going to these places one by one, and they need to invite more and more children to join them.6. At the beginning, point to the flashcard for post office and say to a child, “Let’s go to the post office. / Shall we go to the post office ” Have the child respond with “OK.” or “Let’s go.” Etc. then together with the child to invite other children.Step 3. Touch and say1. Draw the children’s attention to the pictures at the bottom of the page. Show your copy of the page. Point to the first picture. Ask, “What’s this ” Elicit, “It’s a movie theater.”2. Repeat the procedure for the other three pictures ( an amusement park, a swimming pool, and a park ).3. Now draw the children’s attention to the dialogue. See if they can read the sentences without your help. Then read the dialogue aloud.4. Divide the class into two groups. One group reads the sentences printed in red; the other group reads the sentences printed in blue. Have the children change roles and repeat the dialogue .5. Put the children into pairs to practice the dialogue. Encourage them to substitute the different places pictured for a movie. Also have them substitute different numbers for ( five Yuan ). The children can also replace Yes, we do. With No, we don’t.Step 4. Write and match1. Have the children open their books at page 46. Show your copy of the page. Draw the children’s attention to the first sentence in the box. It has been completed as an example of what they have to do.2. Point to the first sentence. Then see if the children can read the words without your help. Then read the words together. 3. Draw the children’s attention to the line that connects the completed sentence to its matching picture.4. Now look at the second sentence in the box. See if the children can complete the sentence without your help. Tell them to match it to the matching picture.5. Explain to the children that they can match the rest boxes with the pictures randomly. Then they need to write out sentences making suggestions according to the pictures.6. Give them enough time to write. When all children finished, have individual child to show what they write.Step 5. Let’s chantTell the children that we are going to learn a chant. Have the children open their books and look at the pictures at the top of this page. 1. Play the chant straight through. Then ask children what they heard in the tape. Elicit answers from children.2. Play the tape again. This time only play the first part. Explain the meaning for the children.3. Repeat with the second part.4. Play the tape again, stopping after each line. Have the children repeat after the tape.5. Now play the tape without stopping this time. Have the children say the chant in a class drill following the tape.Step 6. extendHave the children make a new chant like this text.Step 7. Sum up: Practise the students’ listening And speaking Ask the children to know the new languages of this unit. Elicit the new words Practice the new sentences. Raise the students using the sentences ability Consolidate the new words and the new sentences. Ask the children to know the new languages of this unit and at the same time, consolidate the key point for this unit.
作 业设 计 Must do: 1. Read the new text 5 times at home.2. Translate the text into Chinese.3. Preview page 44, 47.Choosing do: Make a new chant by yourself.
教 学反 思 本节课对两个提建议的重点句进行了替换练习,进行了一些游戏,但是发现学生动词词组说的不好,因此,在接下来,应该先复习好词组,在进行句子练习。
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