课件16张PPT。We love nature Unit 1 Lesson 1
Planting trees 大自然table tennisplayplaying table tennis
What is he doing ?
He is playing table tennis. play basketballplaying basketball
What is he doing ?He is playing basketball.What doing ?aretheyThey are playing basketball .play volleyballplaying volleyball
What is she dong ? She is playing volleyball.
What doing?aretheyplaying volleyball .
They areflowerswaterwatering flowersWhat is she doing ?She is watering flowers.playfootballplaying footballWhat is he doing ?He is playing football.
aretheyThey are
playing football.planttreesplanting treesWhat is he doing ?
He is planting trees .
holedig aWhat is he doing ?digging a holeHe is digging a hole .周末干什么呢?amisare打算去。。。play basketball
play football
plant trees
dig a hole
water flowers
play volleyballI am going toHe is going to She is going to You are going toThey are going toWe are going tobegoing to句 子 练 习My family's planMy father is going to read. My mother is going to run. …………