课件19张PPT。U2 She is very kind.(第1课时)Good news!!!The children look very happy. Why? A new teacher is coming to their school. Is this teacher a lady or a man?
Is this teacher ____ or ______?
…老师进行引导,Wow, a new teacher, what is this teacher like? 然后用选择疑问句进行示范,并用身体语言辅助学生回顾形容词如young/ old, strong/ thin,等。提问的学生加分鼓励。tallshortWhat is the new teacher like?
I think the new teacher is _______.(tall/ short)
I think the new teacher has _____. (big eyes/ small eyes)
I think the new teacher is in ___.( jeans/ a skirt)
I think the new teacher …延续刚才的疑问,让学生小组讨论,猜想老师的外貌,在语境和情境的帮助中,学生能较好理解该句的意思。省略号的地方是让学有生进行更多的说话操练。Is the new teacher really a lady?这里的主要目的是学习really的意思,教师可以根据实际进行调整,可以略去本页面,口头进行提问。。继续调动学生的好奇心,让他们带着问题进入课文的学习。Is the new teacher really tall?Is the new teacher really young?A: Look at these people. Who are they? Which is ______?
B: The one _____ is Jiamin.
The one _____ is Xiaoling.
The one _____ is Ben.创设情境,复习第一课用介词介绍人物衣服特征,并通过情景引入新老师,为下面了解老师和同班同学做铺垫。老师导语:Look at these people. Who are they?学生习惯性会回答人名单词例如Ben作为回答。老师继续问: What is Ben like? Which is Jiamin. 由于What is he like?是本课的学习内容,所以提到Which is Ben? 前面提问,起强调作用。在本环节,学生能听问题大致理解What is he like?的语境和意思即可。再次回顾用介词短语介绍人物特征这知识点。A: Which is the new teacher? What is she like?
B: The one ______ is Xiaoling’s new teacher.在之前的铺垫和情境中出示句子:What is she like?可以让学生在图片的帮助下简单描述新老师。但要控制时间不要过长。后面的环节会继续巩固描述人物特征。
Do you think the children like the new teacher or not? Why?
看课文并找出答案。询问学生是否喜欢新老师,并问理由,有预习或词汇量大的学生会说出She is kind,然后开始学习kind. Let’s learn.学习单词kind, shybehindkskyshShe looks ____.She looks ____.可以用TPR进行复习。chant
I am kind.
______ is shy.
Let’s be friends and
have a good time.Let’s chant.温馨提示:利用同学的名字进行替换。What’s wrong?The new teacher is in the teacher’s room.
Really? What she like?
She has green eye and small mouth.
And she is very young and shy.
She is very kind.teachers’ roomiseyesaLet’s practice.11页和12页可以根据情况进行删减This new teacher is shy. Let’s help her meet some other(其他) teachers.帮助新老师前,我们要先认识小玲的老师。让学生看第9页的老师,记住他们的特征。然后合上书本,老师展示句子,让学生说出是Miss Li 还是 Ms Wang。句子主要采用第9页词条的词汇,让学生进一步熟悉句子,也为下一环节的对话作准备。老师导语:Let’s meet Xiaoling’s teacher first. 然后手指图问Look at this man in a sweater. Do you know him? 学生能很快反应并回答。老师再说:OK, then. Let’s play a game and see if you know these teachers very well. 出示第一个句子,问Who is he/she?学生就能会意并回答并进行游戏。还可以变为男,女生各一人进行竞赛,记忆4个老师的名字,背向PPT,在座同学说句子,两名比赛的同学比赛谁最快说出该老师的名字。这样能调动所有同学开口说句子,进行配对练习。Mr ZhangMiss LiMr ChenMs WangShe has long hair. She looks thin.She is in a yellow dress. She looks kind. He is in a yellow sweater.She has short hair. She looks short.He has short hair. He looks strong.He has a round face. He looks friendly.最后一个句子包含两个单词,当部分学生不会读出单词时,教师可以进行单词教学,顺势结束游戏。playgroundrounda round faceShe has .提示:通过自然拼读学习round, 用班上的同学造句。friendly= kind_____ has a round face.
_____ looks friendly.A: ______ is our ________ teacher.
B: What is _____ like?
A: ___ has _________. ___ is ____________.
Look, here is a photo of _______.
B: _____ looks ___________.Mr ChenmathsheHe a round facehimHe happyHe in a yellow sweater进行角色扮演,根据词条进行替换练习,师生示范到生生操练。
Let’s Talk补充练习下面的练习主要复习句型What is he/she like? 还有描述人物句子的不同说法的替换练习。U1学习了介词短语做定语的用法,U2重新使用He/She has… 进行描述,本课就两个句子进行互换操练,并在新的情境和文本中进行对话练习。A:What is she like ?
B: She has two big eyes and long hair.
She looks happy.
A: Oh, she is ________.
A:What is she like ?
B: She has two big eyes and pink hair.
She looks shy.
A: Oh, she is ________.
AmyKellyRoseKikiA:What is she like ?
B: She wears glasses and she has short hair.
She looks kind.
A: Oh, she is ________.
A:What is she like ?
B: She wears glasses and a purple T-shirt.
She looks friendly.
A: Oh, she is ________.
She has short hair and she wears glasses.
She is a lady with __________________.short hair and glassesHe has big eyes and a small nose.
He is a man with __________________.big eyes and a small noseShe has a round face and long hair.
She is a lady with __________________.a round face and long hair.He wears glasses and he has big ears.
He is a man with __________________.glasses and big ears.A: Look at that lady. She is my aunt.
B: Which one?
A: She has short hair and glasses.
Can you see her?
B: Oh, yes. The one with ________________.
She looks _______.
short hair and glassesaunt, cool要求学生看文本说出谁是aunt,然后让学生进行对话练习。之后用图片和文字进行替换。sister,
friendlybrother, kindA: Look at that _____. He/ She is my_____.
B: Which one?
A: He/She has ______________.
Can you see him/her?
B: Oh, yes. The one with ________________.
He/She looks _______.
cousin, shy