Unit 5 Doctor and nurse
Dimension targets:
Establish and maintain relationships in carrying out classroom activities.
Interpret and use information to follow simple instructions.
Teaching times: Five Periods
The First Period
Let’s act
Teaching aims:
Basic aims: Using imperatives to give simple instructions.
Developing aims: Locate specific information in response to simple instructions
Use modeled phrases to communicate with other learners.
Emotion education: Obey the doctor’s work
Teaching important : Using imperatives to give simple instructions.
Teaching difficult: How to say these imperative sentences.
Teaching aids: cassette.
Teaching Process:
一 Pre-task preparation.ReviewPlay a quick game of “Simon Says”eg: Stand up, Sit down, Raise your hand, Wave your hand, Wave your hand Clap your hands, Follow me, Turn left, Turn right.Ask some mort able pupils to give the command. And the rest of the class do the actions.While –task procedure.Say ‘Listen to me’ followed by a ‘Shhh’ sound and point to your ear.Repeat several times.Ask the pupils to follow.Have the pupils perform the action several times. Encourage them to repeat the command after I as they perform the action.Point to my mouth.Say ‘open your mouth’ with the action.Make gesture to let the class do the save.Motion for them to open their mouth.Repeat several times. Repeat the pross with ‘Say “Ah”’. Open the student’s Book to page 22.Play the cassette tape.Let the pupils perform the actions after hearing the commands.Post-task activities.Play a matchWho is the quickest pupil to respond Ask every pupil to out according to your commands.The quickest pupil to out will be the winner.Divide the class into two teams.Have a more able pupil give commands and the rest perform the actions in each team. 做“Simon says”游戏是一个热身运动,一方面复习以前学过的句子,另一方面为今天所学的act作准备做动作过渡到让好学生命令,全班作动作,难易程度上增加了一层从热闹的场景中引到“Listen to me.”过渡很自然培养学生的听力竞赛型的游戏能有效地提高学生的竞争意识和思维能力终合性的能力测试
板书设计: 课后小结:
The Second Period
Let’s talk
Teaching aims:
1. Basic aims:
To learn the sentences:
① She is a …
② Is she a …
2. Developing aims:
·Locate specific information in respons to simple instructions.
·Use modelled phrases to communicate with other learners.
3. Education aims: To be carefully with your body.
Teaching Important:
·Using formulaic expressions to identify people.
·Asking yes/no questions to identify people.
Teaching difficult:
Asking yes/no questions to identify people.
Teaching aids:
cassette. A doctor and nurse toy set.
Teaching Process:
Pre-task preparation:
A song “Occupation”Dress two girl pupils up as a doctor and a nurse. Ask the ‘nurse’ to hold up a classmate’s jacket so that the ‘doctor’ could listen to his/her chest.Point to the ‘doctor’ and say ‘She is a nurse.’ Repeat several times for pupils to copy.Use a doctor and nurse toy set to teach pupils representative gestures for a doctor and a nurse.Repeat ‘doctor’ and ‘nurse’.Ask the pupils to follow.Have another girl dress up as a cook.Ask the ‘cook’ Can you cook a meal for us Then ask the class ‘Is she a doctor ’ to elicit the answer ‘No’.Continue by asking the students ‘Is she a nurse Finally, tell them ‘She is a cook’.Let the pupils repeat after me.Teach the class the representative gesture for a cook and say cook’.Have the pupils follow me.While-task procedure.Put up the wallchart.Tell a story something like this:Sam had a high fever. He had stayed in hospital for three days. He was still lying in bed, but he was feeling much better now. The doctor was asking Sam ‘How are you The nurse, who was standing next to the doctor was ready to give Sam an injection. Sam didn’t want any more injections or medicines. He was thinking about delicious food already.Discuss with the pupils what kinds of people you can see Ask with “Is she … ”eg: Is she a doctor No. She is a cook.Play the cassette tape.Pupils listen and repeat.Post-task activity.Allow pupils to act out the story by taking different roles.Let them use the doctor and nurse toy set to enhance the dramatization. The rest of the class should use the structures ‘She is a … ’ and ‘Is she a …’ to talk about them. 儿歌形式的歌曲既能复习旧单词,又活跃课堂气氛,为新课作准备模拟的情景引人入胜字不离词,词不离句从肯定句的学习过渡到一般疑问句的学习,cook的出现非常及时,自然引入一般疑问句的学习基本的语言学习完成后,以故事形式把句型串在一起很完整的故事情节,在听力的培养上增加了一层难度,让好学生能“吃得饱些。”开放式的说话练习,是课堂教学的延伸和升华各显自己的能力
板书设计: 课后小结;
The Third Period
Let’s Learn
一 Teaching aims:
1 Basic aims:
To learn the words: doctor cook nurse old young
2 Developing aims: Pronounce words properly
3 Education aims: What will you be you grow up
二 Teaching important:
Using nouns to identify people
Using adjectives to describe people
三 Teaching difficults:
Using adjectives to describe people
四 Teaching aids:
Cassette word and Picture Cards
五 Teaching process:
Pre-task preparation1 A song “Occupation”2 Ask three girl pupils to pretend that they are either the doctor、nurse、or cook.Have each of them do the appropriate gestures and let the rest of the class guess who they are.3 Stack up together all the picture cards for the kinds of people who help us.Say ‘She is a doctor/nurse/cook.’Ask individual pupils to pick out the correct picture card from the stack and put it on the board.Get the class repeat the sentences and the words.While-task procedure1 Hold up the picture card for ‘doctor.’Say ‘doctor.’Repeat for pupils to copy.Stick the word card and picture card next to each on the board.Encourage pupils to read the word.2 Repeat step1 using the picture and word cards for ‘nurse’ and ‘cook.’3 Put up the wallchart for page3.Point to Sam’s father and say ‘This is Sam’s father.’He is young.Then point to Sam’s grandfather and say `‘This is Sam’s grandfather. He is old.’Repeat for pupils to copy.4 Hold up the picture cards for ‘old’ and ‘young.’Say the words slowly and clearly for pupils to follow.Stick the word cards and picture cards next to each other on the board.Make sure they understand the meaning of the two new words and encourage them to read after me.5 Point to Sam’s mother on the wallchart and ask ‘Is she young ’to elicit ‘Yes.’Then point to Sam’s grandmother and ask ‘Is she young ’ to elicit ‘No, she is old.’6 Listen to the cassette tape and repeat.Post-task activityHave a competition.Divide the board into five sections and stick the picture cards for the five vocabulary items at the top of each section.Write three words taught in this unit and the previous unit in each section.Get a student from each team to come out and circle the correct word.Pupils take turns to do the task.ConsolidationWorkbook page17Trace the lines to find who they are.Listen and tick the correct box.Workbook page18: Match each person’s key to the door. 歌曲引入英语学习游戏的运用能马上吸引学生猜的游戏更能吸引学生这3个单词已学过,为了加深印象或照顾到大部分同学,再次以配对形式巩固一下放在家庭图片中教学old和young,让学生更能形象记忆培养学生良好的语感和听力
板书设计: 课后小结:
The Fourth Period
Let’s play
一 Teaching aims:
1 Basic aims:
To learn a story
2 Developing aims:
Provide and present simple imformation on familiartopics.
Respond to characters in simple narrative textsthrough participating in the telling of stories.
3 Emotion education:
To be polite
Using formulaic expressions to express thanks.
二 Teaching important:
Asking yes/no questions to identify people.
Using adjectives to describe people.
Using imperatives to give instructions.
三 Teaching difficult
Asking yes/no questions to identify people
Teaching aids
Cassette、word and Picture Cards、wallcharts、a doctor and nurse toy set
Teaching process:
Pre-task preparation1 Put up the wallchart for page23.Point and ask pupils to identify the vocabulary items.2 Stick on the board all the picture cards for the kinds of people who help us.Ask pupils to identify the people and their jobs.Stick the corresponding word cards next to the pictures and ask pupils to read the words.3 Repeat step2 to revise all the adjective words to describe people.While-task procedure1 Put up the wallchart for page25.Point to May in first picture and ask “Who is this ”Say Hello, May.Tell the class something.2 Use May’s voice to say ‘Hello, I am May.’Still pretending to be May, say in a bad voice I am not feeling well.I am going to see a doctor.3 Discuss with pupils what they can see in each picture.Tell the story in English.4 Play the cassette tape.Listen and follow the story.5 Dress up as a doctor and act out the story.Use the doctor and nurse toy set to enhance dramatization.6 Divide the class into pairs.7 Invite some pairs of pupils to act out the story to the class.Post-task activityAsk what might you go and see the doctor for Elicit suggestions such as a fall which has hurt a leg or an arm, or a fever which makes them feel very hot.Put the pupils into groups and allow them to develop their own story about going to the doctor.Get selected groups to act out their stories in front of the class./ConsolidationWorkbook page18:Write the correct number in the box a ccording to the pair of words. 用图片直接进入角色复习所学内容复习所学内容,培养学生说的能力从图片进入学习很形象情景的设置淋漓尽致放磁带,培养听力听说能增加学生的语感故事的表演是一种综合能力的体现,可以看出学生的掌握程度
板书设计: 课后小结:
The Fifth Period
Let’s enjoy
Teaching aims:
1. Basic aims:
To learn the rhyme
2Developing aims:
.Develop an awareness and an enjoyment of the basic sound patterns of English through reading a rhyme.
3.Education aims:
To learn better
Teaching important:
Using imperatives to give simple instructions.
Using adjectives to describe people.
Teaching difficult:
Pronounce correctly words in connected speech.
Identify key words in an utterance by recognizing stress.
Teaching aids: cassette paper cut-outs of the old doctor the old nurse the old cook and the old book
Pre-task preparationStick the cut -outs of the old doctor, the old cook and the old book on the board.Point to each picture and say ‘She is a doctor. She is a cook. This is a book.’ Discuss with pupils how these pictures are related to each other.Then say Look at the doctor. She is old. What is she doing She is reading a book. The book is about a nurse and a book. Today we will learn a rhyme about the old doctor. 复习学过句型,为学习小诗打下埋伏现在进行时第一次出现,让学生稍有感悟,难点分散
While-task procedureOpen the books.Discuss each picture on the corners of the mirror.E .g .She is a doctor . She is old.Play the cassette tape. Listen.Follow and say.To make the rhyme more interesting ,use body language or music to emphasize the beats. 让学生把学生的句型说一说,也是一种自主学习的体现培养听力培养语感
To make the rhyme more interesting ,use body language or music to emphasize the beats.Encourage the pupils to act out the rhyme.Post-task activitiesDivide the class into groups.Have each group act out the rhyme to the class. The best group will be the winner.Help the less able pupils while you walk around the classroom. 为了让学生学得更加有趣,配以身体语言,节奏等,加强记忆
板书设计: 课后小结;
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