Unit6 Farmer and fisherman
1. 单元目的要求:
2. 课时数:5课时
The First Period
一.Teaching aims
1.Basic aims
Using imperatives to give simple instructions e.g. Say hello to Alice
2.Developing aims
Establish and maintain relationships in carrying out classroom activities
3.Education aims
How to express one’s greeting
二.Teaching importance
Using imperatives to give simple instructions
三.Teaching difficulty
Using imperatives to give simple instructions
四.Teaching aids
. Cassetle
. A toy dog
五.Teaching process
Step Ⅰ Warming up A rhyme (P26)Step Ⅱ RevisionSay and actStep Ⅲ PresentationLearn to say “Say hello to Alice”<1>T: Hello,××! (Wave the teacher’s hand) P: Hello, Miss ××! (Wave the pupil’s hand) T Greeting three pupils. T: Hello, Boys and girls! P: Hello, Miss××!Say ‘Hello’ to the class. Have the students respond to you in a loud and clear voice.<2> Ask a pair of students to come to the front. Have them face each other. Pat on the shoulder of one of the students and tell him/her ‘Say hello to┄ P2 (the other student’s name)’ P1: Hello, ××. Exchange, T: ‘Say hello to P1’ P2: Hello, ××.<3> Repeat step2 with more pairs of students. Make sure students understand the meaning of the instruction ‘Say hello to…’The other students act.Learn to say ‘Come with me.’<1> Pretend that I am going to walk out. Gesture for a student to follow me and say ‘…(the student’s name),come with me.’ Then start to walk out of the classroom with the student. Make gesture to let the class understand the meaning of the instruction.<2> Let the pupils do the same one by one.<3> Repeat several timesDiscuss with the pupils when they usually are ordered. Say when we get an order from others, we should say ‘OK’.Review Let’s act in Unit 5.Put two sentences together and express one’s ideas. Invite pairs of pupils(a boy and a girl) to come to the front. Let them act out the scence.Step Ⅳ ConsolidationPlay the cassette tape.Have pairs of pupils take turns to give and act the commands, substituting ‘hello’ with ‘goodbye’ ‘good morning’Step Ⅴ Homework Listen to the cassette tape. 通过儿歌创设良好的英语氛围,并采用教师命令,学生行动的方式来复习学过的祈使句,并为今天的新授作准备。用日常的问候语增强师生间的亲切感,并为今天所教的内容作铺垫。邀请学生到前面来,引起全体学生的注意,并通过手势要求学生互相打招呼,听懂今天所教授的内容。在听懂会做动作的基础上,要求学生会讲,会发命令,其他同学加以配合,巩固所学内容。通过老师边演示边讲来带出新授内容。让学生学会恰当及时地使用应答句。进行综合操练,逐步训练学生试着说几句话。大量的替换练习,更能让学生掌握新知识。
板书设计: 教后随笔:
The Second Period
一.Teaching aims
1.Basic aims
Using formulaic expressions to identify people e.g. You are a farmer.
2.Developing aims
Asking yes/no questions to identify people e.g. Are you a teacher
3.Education aims
Use modeled sentences to communicate with other learners
二.Teaching importance
Using formulaic expressions to identify people
三.Teaching difficulty
Using formulaic expressions to identify people
四.Teaching aids
·Cassetle Word and Picture Cards 1B
·A teacher’s pointer ·Workbook 1B page 19 ·Masks
五.Teaching process
StepⅠ Warming upA song P21StepⅡ RevisionSay and actStepⅢ PresentationLearn to say ‘You are…’Revise the expression ‘Hello, I am …’ Go to a student and greet him/her using this expression.After he/she says ‘I am…’,I repeat ‘You are…(student’s name)’ Practise in pairs. Hello ,I am …./You are ….<2>Invite pairs of students to come to the front and standfacing each other. Ask them to use their real namesand say ‘You are …’ ‘You are …’ 2.Learn to say ‘farmer’ and ‘fisherman’Hold up the picture card for ‘farmer’. Say ‘farmer’ Get the students to repeat several times and with theGesture of a farmer.<2>T say ‘I am a farmer.’ (Put on a farmer of a mask.) Let the students put on a farmer of a mask and say ‘I’m a farmer.’ T: You’re a farmer. You can answer me ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. P: Yes. (Nod your head.) Practise in pairs. You’re a farmer./ Yes.<3>With the same way teaching fisherman and the answer ‘No’<4>Have students point to the farmer and the fisherman and repeat the words and sentences after me, i.e. ‘Farmer, Farmer, Farmer. You are a farmer.’ ‘Fisherman, Fisherman, Fisherman. You are a fisherman.’ 3. Learn to say ‘Are you a teacher ’ and the answer ‘Yes ,I am.’Hold up a teacher’s pointer and say ‘I am a teacher. I am an English teacher.’ Point to a student and ask ‘Are you a teacher ’ Then answer myself ‘No, You are a student.’Give the pointer to a student and let him/her pretend to be a teacher. Ask him/her ‘Are you a teacher ’ Prompot the student to answer ‘Yes, I am.’ Repeat the process with other students. Practise in pairs.Practise with “Are you a teacher Yes, I am.” and substitut ‘a teacher’ with ‘a fisherman’ ‘a farmer’ ‘a nurse’ ‘a cook’.Step Ⅳ ConsolidationOpen the student’s Book to page 28. Play the cassette tape. Students listen and follow.Invite four students to stand in the front. Ask each of them to hold an object that represents a job. Have the rest of the class point to them one by one and say ‘You are a …’Divide the class into groups of three. Have S1 act as a farmer, S2 a fisherman and S3 a teacher. Ask them to practise a dialogue like this:S1: Are you a fisherman (talking to S2)S2: Yes, Are you a fisherman (talking to S3)S3: No, I am a teacher.Select groups to act out the dialogue.Step Ⅴ. Homework Listen to the cassette tape. 由歌引入,活跃气氛通过复习 Let’s act,使学生对刚学过的内容有进一步的掌握,让学生在多次反复中掌握知识。以旧带新。通过邀请学生到前面来表演说新句型,进一步巩固新句型。通过图片来教学新单词,并伴以手势,使学生更加容易掌握所教内容。通过 “You’re…”来带出回答Yes. or No.通过有节奏的朗读,即活跃了气氛,又复习了新单词和新句型。用所学过的职业进行替代练习。通过综合练习来巩固所学的内容。
板书设计: 教后随笔:
The Third Period
一.Teaching aims
1.Basic aims
Using nouns to identify e.g. farmer
2.Developing aims
Using adjectives to describe people e.g. thin
3.Education aims
Use modelled phrases and sentences to communicate with other learners
二.Teaching importance
Using nouns to identify people
三.Teaching difficulty
The new words e.g. farmer , fisherman
四.Teaching aids
Word and Picture Cards 1B
Pictures of objects that represent ‘farmer’, ‘fisherman’ and ‘teacher’
Two dolls of the same size and type (one stuffed with cotton balls)
Workbook 1B pages 20 and 21
五.Teaching process
StepⅠ Warming up A song P11StepⅡ RevisionSay and actPut up the picture and word cards for Units 4 and 5 on the board . Ask individual students to come up and put away the cards as you tell them.3.Ask three students to act as a teacher, a farmer and a fisherman. Have the others point to them one by one and say ‘You are a…’.Put the pictures of objects that represent the three kinds of people in a box. Have students take turns to draw out a picture. The other students can’t see it. Have him/her do the actions so that others can guess what his/her job is by asking questions, e.g. ‘Are you a fisherman ’StepⅢ PresentationLearn the new words “farmer, fisherman, teacher”Hold the picture cards for ‘farmer, fisherman, teacher’ in your hands. Ask various students to pick a card, say what it is and put it up on the board. When the task is completed, revise the words together. Say them with the representative gestures. Write the words below the corresponding picture cards. Read and repeat. Have students copy you.Have students point to the farmer, the fisherman and the teacher, and repeat the words and sentences after me. e.g. farmer↗ farmer↗ farmer↘, You are a farmer. fisherman↗ fisherman↗ fisherman↘ You are a fisherman. teacher↗ teacher↗ teacher↘ You are a teacher.2.Learn the new words “fat” and “thin”To introduce the concept of ‘fat’ and ‘thin’, use two dolls of the same size and type but stuff one of them with cotton balls. Point and say the words slowly.Say the words one by one.Put up the picture and word cards for ‘fat’ and ‘thin’. Point to the farmer, stretch my arms wide to represent ‘fat’, and say the word slowly. Narrow my arms when introducing the word ‘thin’.Have the students say ‘fat’ and ‘thin’ with the hand gestures.3. Open the Student’s Book to page 29. Play the cassette tape. Students listen and repeat.StepⅣ ConsolidationHide any of the word cards at my back and ask individual students to guess “Which word ”Workbook page 20: Listen and colour the correct part of the picture.Workbook page 21: Tick the correct box 由歌引入,活跃课堂气氛通过句型“You are a…”来复习上一教时学过的单词。通过游戏既复习了句型,又巩固了所教单词,并增加了学生学习英语的兴趣。因为这几个单词在前面一教时出现过,学生接触过,这里再加以巩固,加深印象。通过有节奏的拍手,朗读,巩固新单词用肢体语言来表示胖和瘦,使学生能更加容易记住所教的单词。通过猜的游戏,既活跃了课堂气氛,又巩固了所学单词。
板书设计: 教后随笔:
The Fourth Period
一、Teaching aims1.Basic aimsUsing formulaic expressions to identify people e.g. You are a…2.Developing aimsUsing formulaic expressions to confirm and deny things e.g. Yes./No.3.Education aimsMaintain an interaction by using formulaic expressions to acknowledge,agree or disagree.二、Teaching importanceUsing formulaic expressions to identify people三、Teaching difficultyUsing formulaic expressions to identify people四、Teaching aids.Cassette.Masks with pictures of people who help us.Word and Picture Cards 1B.Workbook 1B page 21五、Teaching process.
Step Ⅰ.Warming upA rhyme P26Step Ⅱ.RevisionReview the word of occupatione.g.farmer↗ farmer↗ You are a farmer. 通过儿歌创设良好的英语氛围采用有节奏的朗读单词句子来复习所学的内容,并为今天的游戏打下埋伏。
Step Ⅲ.Presentation.1.Put up the picture and word cards for this unit on the board in a random order.Ask individual students to come up and re-arrange them by putting the word cards below their corresponding picture cards.2.Let’s play a game.First I invite six students to come to the front.Give each of them a mask with a picture of the people who help us,e.g.a doctor.Let the rest of the dass identify who they are.Encourage students to point and say “You are a …”Invite individual students say “You are a …”,then the other students say after her/him. “You are a …”3.Use a handkerchief to cover a volunteer’s eyes.Let him/her come to the front and try to catch some one with a mask.He/She should guess“You are a…”The rest of the class should tell him “Yes”or“No”.4.Continue the game with other students.Let all the students have a chance to play.Step Ⅳ.Consolidation1.Write the six adjective words “tall”, “short”, “fat”, “thin”, “young”and “old”on the board.Have students draw a person that fits each description.2.Play hide and seek after class.3.Workbook page 21:Can you find the word in the puzzle Colour the boxes.Step Ⅴ.Homework. 邀请六个学生到前面来,每人戴上一个所学职业的头饰,其他学生指着带头饰的学生用新学的句型“you are a …”来复习职业的单词,提高学生的学习兴趣。这个游戏尽量让更多学生参与,扩大参与面。通过学生画一个人来巩固所学的形容词。
板书设计 课后总结
The Fifth Period
1、 Teaching aims
1. Bisic aims
Using adjectives to describe things.
e.g. thin pig,fat pig
2. Developing aims
Identify key words in an utterance by recognizing stress
3. Education aims
Pronounce correctly words in connected speech by linking words together and using appropriate stress
2、 Teaching importance
Using adjectives to describe things
3、 Teaching difficulty
The new words “up”, “down”, “round”
The phrases “Fat cat up”, “Fat cat down”, “Round and round”
4、 Teaching aids
Word and Picture Cards 1B
Enlarged photocopies of the two pigs from Student’s Book page 31
Cardboard and lollipop sticks
5、 Teaching process
Step I : Warming upA songStep II: RevisionSay and actStep III: PresentationPut the word cards for this unit on the board. Ask students riddles for the correct card. e.g. I’m thinking of the someone who takes care of animals. Who is it Make enlarged photocopies of the two pigs from Students Book page 31. Paste them on a cardboard, cut them out and attach lollipop sticks on the backs. Move the cut-outs in my hands while asking “Which is fat Which is thin ”Open your books at page31. Play the cassette tape. Students listen.Learn the first verse of the rhyme.<1>To make the rhyme move interesting. Use body language.Think up actions to go with the rhyme, e.g. use some hand gestures for ‘thin’ and ‘fat’, show fingers for ‘ 由歌引入,活跃气氛。通过复习引出新授内容。通过听录音,初步接触今天所学内容。用肢体语言和儿歌的每一句话配合起来,既增
‘one and two’, put hand on chest for ‘I’, point to students for ‘you’.<2>Say the first verse of the rhyme together with their body language after me.<3>Invite individual students to say it.Learn the second verse of the rhyme.<1>Explain the two words ‘up’ and ‘down’ in the second verse of the rhyme. Use hand gestures.Repeat for students to copy me.<2>To make the rhyme more interesting. Use body language. Think up actions to go with the rhyme. e.g. point to ceiling for ‘up’, point to floor for ‘down’, and draw circles in the air for ‘round and round’.<3>Say the second verse of the rhyme together with their body language after me.<4>Invite the individual students to say it.Encourage students to read the rhyme with me and the cassette.Play the cassette tape again. Let students do actions while reading out the rhyme.Invite individual students to act out the rhyme to the Class. Students vote for the best one.Step IV. ConsolidationDivide the class into groups. Have each group act out the rhyme. The best group will be the winner. I can mark the scores of each group on the board.Depending on individual students’ abilities, invite them to make new verses.Step V. Homework.Listen to the rhyme and say it. 了直观性,又使学生更易记住所学句子。邀请学生出来表演,看看他们是否已经掌握了这首儿歌。通过竞赛,暨巩固了所学儿歌又激发了他们的兴趣。
板书设计: 教后随笔:
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