课件20张PPT。 Lesson 5 Where is Danny?上面on下面under中间between旁边beside里面in哪里where他he她she他的她的hisherLi Ming is in front of the tree.Li Ming is behind the tree.Where is Danny?
He’s in the classroom.
He’s in front of Steven .
He’s reading a book.Where is Jenny ?
She is on the playground .
She is behind Danny.
They’ re playing a game. Where is Danny?He is the box. beside Where is Danny?He is the box. in front of Where is Danny?He is the box. behind Where is Danny?He is the box. under Where is Danny?He is the box. in Where is Danny?He is the box. on Where is Danny?He is the box. betweenJohn是个粗心的男孩,他经常乱放东西,结果要用的时候却找不到。你能帮他吗?Can you help me? Tips :(小提示)1.整理好自己的物品。
④Letters and sounds.Try to read. ea
meat [mi:t] 肉
read [ri:d]读
sweater[?swet?(r)] 毛衣;线衣
sea [si:]海;海洋
zoo [zu:] 动物园
book [b?k]书
School sku:l 学校
look [l?k]看
moon [mu:n]月亮
wood [w?d]树木
ea[ i:]meat read sea[ e ]bread thread sweateroo[ u:]zoo school moon[ u ]book look wood