课件19张PPT。Good morning to you.Good morning to you. Good morning to you.
Good morning Good morning !
Good morning to you. Good afternoon to you. Good afternoon to you.
Good afternoon Good afternoon!
Good afternoon to you. Good evening to you. Good evening to you.
Good evening Good evening!
Good evening to you. Good night to you. Good night to you.
Good night Good night!
Good night to you. panda['p?nd?]pandaKung Fu pandamonkey['m??k?]monkeythe monkey kingkite[ka?t]kiteship[??p]shipboatplay a game The first pass:
speak in English. The first pass:
speak in English . The second pass:read the wordsmonkeypandakiteship The second pass:read the wordsmonkeypandakiteshipThe third pass:Scroll lucky Hi,Fei Yangyang!Hello,Lan Yangyang!I have a new toy!
What's this?
It's a ship!Good morning!
Xi Yangyang!Good morning!
Mei Yangyang!I have a new toy!
What's that?
It's a kite!DialogueA: Hi/Good morning...
B: Hello/Good morning ...
A: I have a new toy!
B: What's this/that?
A: It's a ...Thank you!