Unit
It’s
time
for
class
Lesson
教案
1教学目标
1、能够运用
“half
past.....”描述时间。
2、能在图片和动作提示下听懂本课内容并模仿。
3、能做简单的角色表演。
2学情分析
四年级学生有一定的英语基础知识,喜欢通过动作辅助记住单词,
能借助图片看懂简单的文本信息。
3重点难点
教学重点:
(1)句型“It’s
......It’s
time
to…”的口语交流。
(2)学生在课文中勾画出的不认识的单词或句子。
教学难点:
(1)“It’s
half
past
four.”句型的理解及运用。
(2)back的发音。
(3)如何结合实际生活,创设大量真实、生动的语言情境。
4教学过程
Warm-up
1.
Revision.
(1)Let’s
read
the
phrases.
Have
breakfast,
have
lunch,
have
dinner,
go
home,
get
up,
go
to
bed,
go
to
school
(2)Pair
work:
What
time
is
it
It’s....
It’s
time
to.....
2.
Free
talk.
(1)
Hello,
everyone.
I’m
your
new
teacher.
My
name
is
Yang
Mei.
I’m
an
English
teacher.
As
a
teacher,
should
do
things
regularly.
So
this
is
my
day.
It’s
six
o’clock.
It’s
time
to
get
up.
It’s
half
past
seven.
It’s
time
to
go
to
work.
Do
you
know
the
two
words’
meaning---half
past
Now,
please
look
at
the
clocks,
try
to
complete
the
sentences.
(2)
Good
jobs!
You
know
my
day,
what
about
you
When
do
you
go
to
school
When
do
you
have
lunch
When
do
you
go
home
(3)OK!
Today
we’ll
learn
a
passage.
Look,
who
are
they
Why
do
they
say
bye-bye
Presentation
1.
Study
independently
(1).Listen,
number
and
try
to
find
the
answer:
When
does
Lu
Hua
go
home
(2).
Read
the
passage
by
yourself.
And
circle
the
unknown
words.
(3).
Work
in
groups
and
help
each
other
to
read
the
unknown
words.
2.
Learn
each
other
(1)
全班互助解决文中勾出的不会的单词或句子,小老师教读。
(2)
教师预设孩子可能提出的问题,并引导孩子们理解并学习。
(3)
back---black
Practice
1.
Do
you
find
the
answer
now
When
does
Lu
Hua
go
home
2.
Read
and
imitate.(让学生跟读课文,并模仿语音语调。)
3.
Try
to
finish
Activity
on
page
64.
Then
check
answers.
4.
Team
work.
Order
the
sentences.
Then
Check
answers.
Extension—Show
Time
Task1(任务一):
Act
out
this
text
with
your
group
members.
(小组合作表演课文)
Task2(任务二):
Act
out
a
new
story
with
your
group
members.
(小组合作,创编对话,并表演)
Homework
完成导学精要64页的活动二。
和自己的小伙伴们创设一个新的情景表演。