课件15张PPT。Unit 3 Our animal friendstailwingeareyelegsbody I have one animal friend. It is
red. It has big eyes and big bodies.
It has no legs or arms but it has big
tail. It can swim. Do you know what it is? It is a goldfish.I have one animal friend. It is
white. It has four legs and a short tail.
It has big ears. It can run and jump. Do you know what it is? It is a dog. I have one animal friend. It is
yellow and green. It has two legs and
two wings. I has a big mouth and a long
tail. It can talk and fly. Do you know what it is? It is a parrot.My animal friend is white. It has red eyes
and long ears. It has four legs and a
short tail. I can run.My animal friend is white. It has red eyes
and long ears. It has four legs and a
short tail. I can run. Do you know what it is? It is a rabbit.Let’s know
more animals!giraffepenguindolphinmonkeycatpandabearlionelephantkoalaGood bye!