课件22张PPT。 PEP Grade 4
Unit 5 Dinner’s ready
Part C Story time
B: I’d like some rice and fish .A: What would you like?A: Anything else? B: I’d like some_________.Anything else?/e//θ//el/还要其它的吗?B: I’d like some__________.A: Anything else? A: What would you like?B: I’d like some__________. ( ) 1. What does Zip want to eat first (首先想吃)?
A. She wants to eat some rice and fish.
B. She wants to eat some noodles and beef.
( ) 2. What does Zip want to eat then (然后)?
A. She wants to eat some noodles and beef.
B. She wants to eat some soup and vegetables.
( ) 3. What does Zip want to eat at last(最后)?
A. She wants to eat some rice and fish.
B. She wants to eat some soup and vegetables.
think about the three questions. Bill [b?l] 账单
rice ¥2
noodles and beef ¥6
fish ¥5
juice ¥2
vegetables ¥3
bread ¥3
milk ¥2
chicken ¥10
soup ¥2
Total: ¥30Here’s your bill.Does Zip pay for(付款) the bill? Bill [b?l] 账单
rice ¥2
noodles and beef ¥6
fish ¥5
juice ¥2
vegetables ¥3
bread ¥3
milk ¥2
chicken ¥10
soup ¥2
Total: ¥30Here’s your bill.Tip: Try to imitate the pronunciation and intonation.
温馨提示:试着模仿语音语调。Listen and follow the tape.Show TimeStory time温馨提示:请注意人物的语音语调,动作和表情。Choose the right answers to rewrite the story.
选择正确的答案来编写故事。 Zip goes to the restaurant(餐馆). First, she wants to eat some rice and fish ,then(然后)she wants to
eat some ____________________, at last she wants
to eat some____________________________.
?noodles and beefsoup and vegetablessoup and vegetables
noodles and beef
rice and fish
Cherish the food.珍惜食物HomeworkTell the story to your parents or your friends.
Use your imagination and make up the story.