课件13张PPT。闽教版六年级英语下册课件?Unit 1 Talking about the Winter Vacation Lesson 1 Harbin Ice carvingFlower show The winter vacation is a good time.The time is not pnly leisureful and relaxed,but it also is an extensibility after studying.Let’s enrich our holiday life by planing properly. English is more and more important
For us,so we should study English well
In order to meet need.学好英语,走向世界!A:Hi,how did you spend your winter vacation?
B:I went to Harbin.
A:How is the whether in Harbin?
B:It was cold and snowy.
But I liked there ,because I wantched ice carving .
It’s very beautiful.PracticeA:How did you spend your winter vacation?
B:I went to guangzhou.
A:Why did you go to guangzhou?
B:I wanted to see flower show.
It was so nice.
A:How was the whether in the guangzhou?
B:It’s sunny,warm.大家要多做运动哦!这样才能很健康! We should do enough sports in the winter vacation.The life aims to sports. Every house hangs the red lantern
When the spring festival comes .
It is traditional custom in china.
Chinese TraditionLantern很久以前,有只神鸟迷路降落人间猎人射死。天帝知道十分震怒。就下道死令,把人类烧死。天帝的女儿很善良,不忍心看到百姓受难,把消息告诉了人间。众人听说了这个消息后,吓得不知如何是好。有个老者说:“大家要想避开这场灾难,咱们在正月十四、十五、十六日每户人家都挂起红灯笼、点上爆竹、再大放烟火迷惑天帝。这样,天帝就以为咱们都被烧死了,咱们也能躲过”大家听了都点头称是。到了这天晚上,天兵发觉人间一片红光,还加杂着劈里啪啦的响声,以为是大火燃烧的火焰,就禀告天帝不用下凡放火了。人们保住生命及财产。为了纪念这次成功,从此每到正月十五,家家户户都悬挂灯笼,放烟火来纪念这个日子。
灯笼的传说 In vacation,we get much
happiness and knowledge.
Let ‘s try our best to do
everything well. Thank you