Module 1 Using my five senses Unit 3 Touching and feeling
Lesson 3
教学内容 功能目标 语言目标 情感目标
M1U3Feel and guess 1.学习字母已开音节的发音规则并能读准其发音.2.能表达某样物体的冷热. Basic Aims: Words: hot, cold.Structures: How does it feel Is it hot No, it isn’t.Further Aims: 1.能用所学句型How does it feel Is it hard Yes/No. 在不同蜻蜓竟中作替换操练,语音语调流畅,语法正确.2.能概括字母e开音节的单词she, see, tree, three 培养学生对事物的感知能力.
教学过程Teaching Procedure
Step1. Pre-task Activities1. Daily Talk.2. Ask and answer. T: Close tour eyes. Touch this. How does it feel. P: It’s smooth and hard. T: What is it P: It’s a desk. T: What colour is it P: It’s yellow.
Step3. While-task ActivitiesCold T: Do you like ice-creams P: Yes, I do. T: What do you think of it P: It’s nice/delicious/sweet. I like it very much. T: Touch it. How does it feel P: It’s hard and rough. T: Yes, the ice-cream is cold. It’s cold. P: Touch this. It is cold. T: Which is cold, too P: Touch the milk, its cold(desk/pencil/bottle)Hot T: Close your eyes. Touch this, Is it cold P: No, it isn’t. T: How does it feel P: It isn’t cold. T: Yes, it’s hot. P: The water is hot. T: Make a hot face.
Step3. Post-task Activities1. Feel and guess T: Practice in pairs. T: Show the words: hot, cold. Make a dialogue. Eg: I’m thirsty. Drink some water. OK. Oh, it’s too hot. I can’t drink it. Touch this. It’s cold. I like to drink cold water. Thank you. T: Show the sentence. She can see these trees on the street.2. Read the sentence.3. Show 4. Say the word pronounced
课后作业 Assignments 板书设计
1. Read and spell the words.2. Do exercises. How does it feel Is it hot No, it isn’t. Is it hard Yes, it is.
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