(剑桥少儿)英语五年级下册教案 unit 8(3)


名称 (剑桥少儿)英语五年级下册教案 unit 8(3)
格式 rar
文件大小 12.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 其它版本
科目 英语
更新时间 2010-04-03 14:42:00



Unit 8 My room
课题:剑桥小学英语JOIN IN 第二册Unit 8第三课时 Part 4,5,12
教材分析说明:在掌握有关My room单词,以及chant的基础上,学生能够理解故事,听懂故事,标出序号,模仿故事,以及根据图意填写句子。
1. 知识与能力目标: 学生能理解故事,听懂故事,标出序号,模仿故事,并完成句子填写练习。
2. 过程与方法: 充分使用全身反应方法,发挥其优势,在趣味生动的情景中帮助学生学会去说,去做,去体会学习的乐趣。
3. 情感态度价值观: 带领学生在听、说、做的过程中养成学生良好的用英语思维的习惯。
教学环节 教学步骤 设计意图 教法与学法预设 生成与调整
Warm up The teacher leads the pupils to say an English chant: Where’s my pencil 巩固复习,承上启下,营造英语学习氛围,创设学习本课知识的情境,让学生在复习中得到更多的体会。 The teacher requires 4 represents from 4 groups. Let them have a chant match. The teacher should prize the best one and give them corresponding assessments.
Presentation 1. The teacher asks the pupils to listen and look 3 actions.2. The teacher do the above 3 actions again. Once the teacher has finished one action, the pupils should imitate the teacher’s action.3. The pupils practice the above 3 actions in their groups.4. The teacher requires the pupils to learn another series of actions.5. The pupils mime these three actions and act it in their groups.6. The teacher demands the pupils to study the below three actions.7. The pupils practice the 9 actions in their groups. 创设情境,在TPR的帮助下,让学生学习单词、句子,并且做到能听懂,能表达,能表演。同时,在听、说、做的过程中,能够让学生养成用英语去思维的习惯。 1. (1) You are reading a book.(2)You can hear a bee.(3)It lands on your book(4)You jump up. (5)Where’s the bee (6)You look under the bed. No bee.(7)You climb on the wardrobe. It’s not here.(8)You look behind the curtains. It’s not there.(9)It’s on your nose.2. The students learn to say and do the corresponding actions.3. The teacher and the pupils do the completely actions several times.4.A game: an action matchThe teacher or the pupil says one of the actions in order. Others act it out.Then say one of the actions in jumble.
Practice 听音,标号看图填写句子 以任务为导向,对新知加以练习,使学生能巩固所学知识。 完成P83标号及填空完成P90填写单词.检查答案
Homework 创编英语小品,并表演 以任务为导向,将新旧知识加以巩固和结合,让学生能学以致用。 学生创编小品,并运用已学的句子表演。
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