Unit 1 Li Ming comes to Canada
Lesson 7 Are you ready for a quize
Lesson 7-8 Teaching Design
Items Specific contents Supplement
教学设计思路Summary of Teaching Design 师生互致问候,教师播放歌曲“It’s time for breakfast”, 在轻松的氛围中展开教学。然后教师和师生一起复习本单元的重点单词和句型。复习单词时,教师借助“Who is quick”和“单词接龙”的小游戏进行;复习句型时,借助“A short melodrama”,教学过程中教师还要控制好教学的节奏,帮助学生保持学习热情。最后教师安排学生小组合作,再以小演讲的形式再现本单元的重点知识。
教学目标Teaching Aim 1.Knowledge and abilities (1) 需掌握如下词汇:bathroom, bathtub, dish, kitchen, living room, refrigerator, room, shower, sink, stove, toilet, dirty, clean, make, cook, wash, dry, mine, yours (2) 掌握句型:What time is it It is …(3) 学生能进一步掌握并把所学的单词和日常用语运到实际生活中。(4) 学生能向某人询问时间并能正确表达时间。2.Course and methods(1)教师采用听说法进行本单元单词的复习,即教师播放单词的音频,学生出示单词对应的图片,并大声重复单词。(2) 教师借助不同时间的图片以问答、抢答等形式帮助学生复习并巩固句型What time is it It is …, 教师还可以给出时间,让学生画出时间的方法来复习。(3)教师通过Pair work和Group work进行听力小测验以及对本单元知识的总结与回顾。3.Emotion and attitude(1)鼓励学生大胆开口说英语, 感受学习英语的快乐。(2)培养学生的自信心,让学生体会成功的喜悦。
教学重难点Key Points and Special Difficulties Key Points(1) 词汇:bathroom, bathtub, dish, kitchen, living room, refrigerator, room, shower, sink, stove, toilet, dirty, clean, make, cook, wash, dry, mine, yours (2) 句型:What time is it It is …
教学媒体Teaching Media radio and tape recorder, projector, pictures relating with the text, computer and disk
教学过程Teaching Course 1.Lead inStep one: Warm up(1)Greetings.(2)Duty report (3)Listen to the song “It’s time for breakfast”(4)The teacher asks the students:T: It’s time for breakfast, what would you like to eat/drink S: I’d like to…( I want to …)Step two: Revision(1)The teacher and the students review the key words with the relating pictures.(2)The teacher plays the courseware “Review” to review the key words in this unit.(3)The teacher and the students review the sentence pattern “What time is it It is …” with pictures about “time”.Step three: Practice(1) A short melodrama “What time is it It is …”The teacher asks the students to make up a short (2) The students sits in a circle, playing a game。 见“优秀课件”参考interesting game 1见“优秀课件”参考interesting game 2参考interesting game 3
2.Start new lessonStep one:The teacher asks the students to get familiar with the content.Step two:The teacher plays the tape and the students do the exercises on the text book.Step three:(1)The teacher plays the tape once again and the students check their answers.(2)The desk mates exchange their answers to check.(3)The teacher gives the answers, asking the students about their answers.Step four:The teacher asks the students to work together to summarize the key points of this unit and give a short presentation.Step five:The teacher and the students do the exercise in the activity book together.Step six:Homework. 参考interesting game 4
3.Interesting games(1)Who is quick教师播放本单元单词的音频,学生听到音频后,迅速出示相应的图片,然后学生们一起大声读单词。教师注意最先给出正确答案的学生,给于表扬。教师还可以采用,教师读单词,学生出示图片,或学生读单词学生出示图片的形式来进行单词的复习。(2) A short melodrama “What time is it It is …”教师把学生分成几个小组,让小组成员合作编写情景剧,剧情的主题是询问时间,小短剧编好后,小组成员分角色表演。教师和学生共同评出最佳编剧和最佳表演,教师给获胜的小组和个人颁发小奖品。(3) 单词接龙教师让学生围坐一圈,然后给学生2分钟的时间记忆本单元的单词,在教师宣布开始后,学生们开始说单词,前一名学生所说单词的末字母,是接下来一名学生要说单词的首字母。如果轮到的学生5秒内还不能说出新单词,这名学生就要被“罚”,唱一首英文歌或说个小笑话等等。(4)A presentation教师安排学生小组合作,总结本单元的重点知识,各小组设计各自的重点知识的呈现形式,讨论后,各小组派出代表进行小演讲。最后教师和学生共同评出形式最新颖奖,教师给获胜小组颁发小奖品以示鼓励。
课堂评价Assessment in Class 1.The teach checks the students’ usage of language by letting them play interesting little games.2.The teacher let students take part in assessment by putting their judgment into account and let them comment on each other.3.The teacher lets the students do exercise to check their mastery of language.
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