冀教版(一起)五年级英语下册教案 unit 2 lesson 9(1)


名称 冀教版(一起)五年级英语下册教案 unit 2 lesson 9(1)
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文件大小 14.2KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 其它版本
科目 英语
更新时间 2010-04-06 19:21:00



Unit 2 School in Canada
Lesson 9 On the school bus
Lesson 9 Teaching Design
Items Specific contents Supplement
教学设计思路Summary of Teaching Design 教师播放歌曲“rain”为学生创设情景,同时为接下来的提问做铺垫,通过提问,自然把学生引入本课内容的学习。教学过程中,词汇“boots”和“umbrella”的学习,教师通过图片演示、高低声读单词以及扩充句子等方式,帮助学生对单词由认识到熟悉并能熟练运用。教授词汇“always, usually, sometimes和never”时,教师先让学生通过阅读课文,观察插图等猜这些词的意思,之后教师通过角色表演、a little reporter及一周食谱等方式,让学生怀着兴趣进行主动地学习。最后,师生共同总结本课的重点知识。
教学目标Teaching Aim 1.Knowledge and abilities (1) 词汇:boots, umbrella, dry(四会)(2) 能够熟练运用always, usually, sometimes和never。2.Course and methods(1)教师通过创设情境让学生更好的融入英语课堂,如开始时教师播放歌曲 “rain”, 帮助学生创设出下雨天的情境,为接下来向学生提问“How to go to school ”进行铺垫。(2)教师借助图片帮助学生建立直观的印象,同时进行小游戏时还可用到。(3)教师让学生通过情景剧表演、自制一周食谱等形式,加强对知识的运用和巩固。3.Emotion and attitude帮助学生在快乐中学习运用,体会英语语言的魅力。
教学重难点Key Points and Special Difficulties Special Difficulties使学生能够运用几个重要的时间副词always, sometimes, usually, never.
教学媒体Teaching Media radio and tape recorder, projector, pictures relating with the text, computer and disk
教学过程Teaching Course 1.Lead inStep one: Warm up(1)Greetings(2)Duty report.(3)The teacher plays the song “Rain”.(4)The teacher asks the students the following questions:·How do you go to school on rainy days ·What do you need on rainy days The students answer.Step two: T: It’s time for school, but it’s a rainy day. How do Jenny and Li Ming go to school Ss:… 教师首先设置问题, 让学生带着问题有目的地熟悉课文。
2.Start new lessonStep one: The students read the text by themselves.Step two: Learning words boots and umbrella(1)The teacher shows the pictures of “boots” and “umbrella”.(2)The teacher gives the standard pronunciation of the two words. The students follow the teacher.(3)The teacher asks the students to read the two words in high/low voice.Step three: Listen to the tape(1)The teacher plays the tape and the students follow the tape.(2)The teacher asks the students to play a game concerning “boots” and “umbrella”.Step four: Learning always, usually, some times and never(1)The teacher plays the tape and the students look at the book, listening to the tape.(2)The teacher writes the four words on the blackboard, asking the students to guess the meanings.(3)The teacher asks the students to give the similar sentences.(4)The students plays the game “A little reporter”Step five: Listen to the tape(1)The teacher plays the tape of part 3 and the students follow.(2)The teacher asks the students to do role play.(3)The teacher asks the students to make similar dialogue.Step six: PracticeThe students write their menu of the week(usually/often/sometimes/never eat/drink),then read for others.Step seven: SummaryThe teacher and the students recall the key points of the text together.Step eight:Home work 参考 interesting game 1教师播放两遍录音,第一遍让学生看着课本,播放第二遍时,让学生合上课本。参考 interesting game 2参考 interesting game 3
3.Interesting games(1)High/low voice教师选定一排学生,让学生通过高低声的方式来练习单词的读音。教师可以安排排首的学生读高声或低声,接下来的同学则需要读低声或高声。教师通过这种方式,帮助学生集中注意力,同时避免枯燥。(2) The longest sentence教师让学生以“boots”和“umbrella”做扩充句子的练习。如:第一个学生说:I like my boots. 第二个学生接着说: I like my purple boots. 依次类推,最后把句子扩展得最长的学生获胜,教师给学生颁发小奖品。 (3)A little reporter教师把学生分成几个小组,每个小组选一名学生作为小记者。小记者需要采访其他几名学生,了解他们饮食习惯。小记者提问时可用到的句子:What do you usually/often/sometimes/never eat/drink Do you usually/often/sometimes/never eat/drink… 然后教师向“小记者”了解情况Does …usually/often/sometimes/never eat/drink… “小记者”根据了解到的情况进行回答。教师再向被访问的学生核实情况;Do you usually/often/sometimes/never eat/drink… 最后,教师和学生共同评出最佳小记者,教师颁发小奖品。
课堂评价Assessment in Class 1.The teach checks the students’ usage of language by letting them play interesting little games.2.The teacher let students take part in assessment by putting their judgment into account and let them comment on each other.3.The teacher lets the students do exercise to check their mastery of language.
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