Lesson 10 You must be careful.
前面我们已经学习过情态动词May和can 的意义和用法以及祈使句。本节课我们继续学习情态动词must的意义和用法,进一步学习祈使句的肯定、否定形式。在学习有关交通方面的词汇和句型的基础上,让学生了解一些简单的交通知识,并自觉遵守交通规则。
1 会说会用这些句子:
You must be careful.
The light is green and you can crass.
What does it mean
2.会说会用会写这些单词: stop, traffic lights, red, green, cross, park
3 进一步学习情态动词can ,may的基础上学习 must的意义和用法。
1 教师准备交通标识牌,红绿灯等。
2 录音机和相关部分的录音带。
3 stop, traffic lights, red, green, cross, park的单词卡片。.
4 老师以55页的图片为参考,制作一个flash课件。
5 教师准备57和58页的交通标识牌。
6 老师准备蓝色的玩具汽车,交警帽等。
1. 热身(Warming up)
P: Stop, stop! A car is coming.
G: Oh, dear! Sorry.
P: It doesn't matter. But you must be careful. Look at the traffic lights. The light is red and you must stop. The light is green and you can cross.
G: The light is yellow now, what does it mean
P: It means“ wait a moment”
G: Oh, I see. Thanks a lot.
2)Listen and do:
由老师发指令,全班学生站起来集体做,也可以请一组学生站在前面来做,指令由慢到快。做错的人罚坐下,做到最后的人获胜。指令为: Turn right. Turn left. Turn right. Turn right. Turn left. Turn back, Turn right. Turn left. Turn left. Turn right. Turn back. Turn right. Turn left. Turn right.指令中Left, right ,back无规律。
2.新课展示(New Presentation)
1) T:老师和学生一起边唱边做动作。原地踏步做动作:
Step, step, step.
Step right, step left.
Step right, step left.
Turn right, turn left.
Turn right, turn left.
Turn, turn, turn.
T: Stop, Stop.(食指指着另一掌心). Don't move. Don't turn right. Don't turn left.
2)老师拿出一辆蓝色玩具汽车:What's this
Ss: It's a car.
T: What colour is it
Ss: It's blue.
T: 老师拿出红灯问,What colour is the light
Ss:老师引导学生说: It's red .It's a red light.并在教室里找出红色并指给学生看,Red, red, It's red.
T: 老师拿出绿灯问:What colour is the light
Ss 老师引导学生说:It's green. It's a green light. 并在教室里找出绿色并指给学生看,Green, green, It's green.
T: 老师拿出黄灯问What colour is the light
Ss: 老师引导学生说:It's yellow. It's a yellow light. 并在教室里找出黄色并指给学生看,yellow, yellow, it's yellow.
T:拿出红、绿、黄灯的标识牌, How about this
Ss: They are red light, yellow light and green light.
T: 老师引导学生说:They are traffic lights. Traffic lights. Traffic lights指交通信号灯。
T: The light is red(举起红色的灯)and you must stop.
The light is green(举起绿色的灯)and you can cross.(示词卡)并边走边说:cross, cross, cross the street.
(举起黄色的灯): What does it mean 看着学生茫然的表情,老师继续问:How about yellow
Ss: Wait a moment。
T: Yes, It means “wait a moment”.
Now let's begin. (举起红色的灯)The light is red. Can you go
Ss: No, You must stop.
T:(举起绿色的灯)The light is green now.
Ss: We can cross.
T:老师拿玩具汽车开来并伴有汽笛声音: Hi, stop! A car is coming.
Ss: Oh, dear! Sorry.
T: It doesn't matter. But you must be careful. careful由名词care加后缀- ful构成,是形容词。我们不能直接跟在must的后面,因而我们在他后面加了系动词be。
T:(出示park的示词牌)What does it mean
Ss: It means “You can park here”.
T:(出示禁止停车的示词牌)How about this
Ss: Don't park here.
T:(出示禁止穿过马路的示词牌)What does it mean
Ss: It means" Don't cross the road.”
T:(出示禁止左转的示词牌)How about this
Ss: Don't turn left.
T: Stop, stop! We stop here today.
Must和我们之前学过can ,may的一样都是情态动词,后直接跟动词原形.
Must 是“一定、必须“的意思,用来表示对某人的要求。如:You must do your homework now. You must go to school today.
4 巩固活动:
遵守交通规则游戏:老师可把教室的过道当成街道,然后分别让几个学生在每个十字路口充当小交警。在让几个学生扮演行人,老师下口令turn left, turn right, turn back,go等,看他们是否遵守交通规则。
T: Let’s listen to a dialogue, then answer the questions.
(播放对话部分录音, 抢答。抢答正确者为所在的组赢得一分,看哪组是今天的获胜小分队。)
T: What is coming
Ss: A car is coming.
T: What should you look at
Ss: You must look at the traffic lights.
T: The light is red. Can you go
Ss: No, you must stop.
T: The light is green. Can you go
Ss: Yes, you can go and cross .
6. 播放Listen, look and match部分录音.
7.做Let’s Practice(I).交通标识牌知多少?
老师举起图1问: What does it mean
S1 It means “Don’t stop here. You must be careful”
图2 “Don’t park here.”
图3 “Don’t cross the road.”
图4 “Don’t turn left.”
8. 做Let's Practice(II).(做红灯停,绿灯行的游戏),
T: Look !What are they ?red light, green light and yellow light.
Ss: Oh, yes. Traffic lights, traffic lights, look at the traffic lights.
T: The light is red. Can you go
Ss: No, you must stop.
T: The light is yellow. What does it mean
Ss: It means “wait a moment”.
T: Green light now,
Ss: Let's go.
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